-One of those mornings.. singing along and *SMACK!
Sucker punched to the face and then a kick to the gut! I'm buckled over in tears. FUCK! FUCK!!! FUCK!!
It's hard to see the keyboard. I don't fucking care. ;(
I posted my spaceman on isntagram - just now and got a 'like' from a friend... Jamies mom. Remember Jamie? I replied right away! BECAUSE - the last time I painted an astronaut it was for Jamie:
So, right away! I'm excited and ask:
How' s my little astronaut? *spell check made it something else.
Jamies mom messaged me, Jamie died right before Christmas.
Jamie was helped by cannabis!!! For eating pain and more. I will never forget our day
He was one of my cannabis kids I drew for - FUCK!!! ;(
To the moon and back little man.
You made my life richer for knowing you and I am truly blessed because of it.
My heart feels a little broken right now- big time. ;(
FUCK is right!
ANYONE who says Cannabis does not help kids - Get the FUCK out of my way!!
I will continue to educate draw and help end the lies and bullshit.
So what's a smack to the gut will turn into a cartoon in memory of Jamie to promote Cannabis for Children. When I stop crying. ;(
Rest in peace my little pal... all my love Georgia
xox <><
It is a DO NOT DISTURB day.
My blog is at 10,000 + reads so far this week.
Please help me continue to share and help educate - sooner than later!
So little ones don't have to suffer one minute more.