One person I met was 'Rosebud'. She is a medicinal user. She also grows her own medicine and said most people know it. How can anyone be ashamed of a plant that is helping them to ease their suffering. As I said,
I believe we meet everyone for a reason. At her home we sat, ate, talked, laughed and she showed us a couple of her plants.
People have no idea (I HAD no idea) what is involved with growing. THE WORK. ALSO realize that these people who can grow their own medicine not only have a lot of work but also have serious disabilities! What angers me is that these people who are licensed to grow and use cannabis are treated in many cases like criminals. The REAL criminals are the ones that prey upon Medicinal users. Who take their medicine, break into their homes. My neighbor put it frankly a while back... they did not have cannabis and someone broke into their home - while they were sleeping and stole their big screen TV. So scum will be scum regardless of what you have if they want it. I pray these people figure out the concept of KARMA sooner than later.
I KNOW there are some people growing that do it for other reasons. I will be no ones judge. Hopefully focus will be directed at the true illegal criminals. BUT again. ARE there not much more serious criminals that those who GROW? Murder, Human trafficking, Child abuse.
If Cannabis were to become legalized. I do believe the crime regarding it would be less. IF Cannabis were legalized, we would educate our children properly on the subject. If Cannabis became legalized I would not have to worry about my son's medicine and how we can access it. I am grateful for Compassion clubs. CLEARLY there is a need. Anyhow I hope to meet many more people like Rosebud. Thank you for sharing your experience and you company. We had a great day. HEMP HEMP HORAY! For all designated growers who are providing a quality medicine to ease suffering
If everyone who used it admitted it... there would be nothing to talk about.
I'd have to think of something else to draw!