Some serious talks, problems, past history, Hitler and people suffering. Todays problems. The environment... and to be around all those amazing PLANTS - reading what each one ‘does’. It's amazing. Educating. I came home with a few new babies.
I LOVED Richters. It’s worth the drive!
I hope one day to go and buy a strain of cannabis from such a place. How cool would that be? Pick a Clone? HERBS R US!? I’m going to go to the ‘FREE BEE’ seminar in August for sure. ;-) hee hee hee- want to build an army for Norms nose LOL!!!
Marie was introduced to me by God at his house one weekend ;-) And I am forever grateful for that. What a wonderful person, she is a gift to me and to many, especially all her volunteer work, not to mention the food bank! Her and Alf ;-) I did have many laughs today.
Then my day only got better! I went to lunch with Cathy! ALWAYS guaranteed a laugh!!
Cartoon ideas- but so many we forget what they were.. One of us will remember. Her and her itchy nose! She can’t resist patting the girls but is allergic. We also seem to cover every topic. The sadness in Norway, the boys- I love hearing about them all, one time it will be about Corey, next Travis, an other times Kyle. WE LOVE our boys ;-) and thank God for them daily. Mike, cookies, camping, Life. I also was introduced to Cathy at Gods House ;-) It has been a while and Cathy has been with me most of the way. Through thick and thin. How Blessed to have her as a friend. We also talk a lot about Cannabis.
IT is my life. It is my son’s life. Literally.
The added pressure that is put on people by the government is criminal. Medical and recreational users alike. OUR kids are getting records for smoking a joint! Our friends are going to jail from growing a HERB!!!! Our parents, brothers, sisters, children suffering - being made to feel like criminals because they are ILL?
I AM Canadian this is not what I imagined. I have learned so much in just 4 years and it just does not make sense. It is sad. AMERICA..GROW HEMP! You are struggling, people are worried ;-( It would help your economy.
Obama - you know the truth! You SMOKED Cannabis - a few times I bet ;-) WHO CARES!?
In the great words of the best all time cartoonist ever...
Today, I spent a while in a HERB garden where some of the plants clearly tell you they will kill you! They are legal. They should be!!
IT is about educating ourselves!!
IT’S A F*&^%$#!!! PLANT. Put here by GOD. WHO is anyone to tell me(US) what I(WE) can and can not grow on this GOD given earth? Especially if it easing our pain? It should be that simple. LEGALIZE IT!! RESEARCH IT!
FOCUS on real crimes like Murder, People trafficking -WORLD HUNGER!
THERE are so many things to focus on ;-((
The facts are there. Learn them.
I need to go draw... get it out of my head onto paper.
What a terrific Tuesday I had. Loved and Inspired.
xox <><