The Wizard of OZ always makes me feel better, I watched the special with extras and it's 'comfort food' for my brain. Overtime I see it I see something new.
It has many lines that you miss if your not paying attention like the above. ;)
How about when Lion says 'who put the hot in hottentot' That one caught me of guard!
A little bit of racism Lion?
I know what a Hottentot is because I watched a really good, sad movie about this woman:
I'm still painting today, I'm about to upload stuff to my etsy page. All for under $25.00
I'm starting a trip fund, I'd like to see some of Canada this summer.
I can travel by train or bus. I've spoke with friends and have places to stay and things to see, hopefully I WILL make it happen this summer. I keep thinking NovaScotia, I want to paint the ocean. ;) PEI perhaps.
* about yesterday. I do feel this way at times :(
If I always shared sunshine & rosie - I'd be LYING.
It's still quiet around here and thats is how it will stay for a bit.. I read this article recently how a woman was leaving her husband for not putting the glass in the sink. The glass is just the constant disrespectful, reminder of all the little things. The glass was the straw that broke the camels back. For example, I can no longer count the number of times I ask my husband to 'remove his dirty work cloths and shoes when he comes home.. unless I yell. What does this tell me, the wife:
I don't care how you feel, too bad- you clean up after me and I will do it again tomorrow.
NOW - he might not think this way - I doubt he intentionally does! BUT it is how he makes me feel and even thought I have expressed it every way I know humanly possible- when he still does it - my brain comprehends my version. Actions speak louder than words.
THAT is what the f*cking glass on the sink was about!
I am sick of yelling - believe it or not.
When a wife stops yelling - she stops caring.
We also have several things going on... this will be a summer of change I feel.
One way or another.
* Yesterday I could have easily went to bed, bummed... I refused and I DREW, painted and drew some more. The mermaid in the teacup had me smiling as I was painting. ;) Amen.
Believve <><
* advice to young wives- DO not tolerate today what will drive you mad in 5, 10, 15, 20 years. It's a long time to be arguing over glasses on counters and dirty shoes.