So I was ready!
Alas... (I love that word and have no idea why) the computer has won. I am off to have a cup of tea and a joint my son rolled for me. Although fun, my day was exhausting, I'm off to bed after my tea and toke.
It will have me off to sleep in minutes.
Rather than lie there and think or worry,
Cannabis helps me focus on the positive and I drift off nicely, with an almost calming BUZZ - must be how they got the word.
My twitch calming I can think of drawing ideas for tomorrow.
I will try again with youtube - but I'm stuck so unless it finally does load up .. not much choice and I was so excited - It would be much easier..
That photo ^ me right now - off tea ;-)
For this ^^^ if I did not have my license - I can go to jail? For what? How is it any different from going to have a drink? Smoke??
The difference - mine will help me sleep without pills.
It will allow my son to SLEEP.
Over a Plant.
I think I need some time out...
xox <><