A is for..
I giggled when I read Karen Watermelon thought to add 'Auburn Apron', who else!?
The thing is some words you can't really see like 'acrylic' nails. Awesome, adventurous, Amanda the Aardvark!! Amore, Antonio the armadillo!
Have fun try to guess them All...
I did learn about Ardvarks! A.K.A. 'Earth Pigs'. Made me smile.
B will will have to wait. Because I need a boredom BREAK. lol
I'm playing with watercolor the next few days.
To print this as a colouring page - Go to>>>> ABC <<< in the tags on the side >>>>>>
F for Fox is also there! I am still coloring Fox... Im not sure I will color them.
I had enough fun drawing them.
for click on the image below!
IF you print it out & color it - take a photo and send it to me in an e mail!
I'll send you a postcard!
You should be able to click on the image below or on the Downloadable file!
Have fun!
xox <><

a.pdf |