A Magic Apple?! - Yes, A Magic Apple! Well- who doesn't want a magic apple!?
Before you judge Snow White for being naive - think of all our 'magic apples.
'Magic' is an illusion & it is used to promote product, for example... take this pill & just like Magic, you'll loose weight! This magic pill will help you feel better... perhaps for a while but they usually come with, not so magical side effects that can cause more harm than the initial reason you started to take them.
Or how about... the magical vaccine that will stop/prevent further transmission, and keep all who take it from getting sick... How about that magic trick? With side effects that don't quite seem magical, in some case people appear to be dropping from heart attacks, so much so the CDC has now suggested there is a link between the vaccine & heart issues. Apparently' It's not a topic we should speak about - but more and more ARE, sooner or later the topic will be addressed by many as anger grows & awareness increases. 'It's not polite' to ask (when someone has a heart attack) if they were vaccinated - but not too long ago it was o.k. to ask (& demand) if someone was vaccinated - just to enter a frigging restaurant. Not polite No, just a very uncomfortable topic at the moment. As soon as the magic wears off... how will this illusion unfold?
With much anger & suffering, understandably.
If it sounds too good to be true - it is. Sure, it's easier to pop a magic apple/pill and think all your worries are over, if you want to live an illusion, in reality most things - don't work that way - it's not magic.
It's research, thought, knowledge, time and often hard work that makes things happen - not some magic pill.
After decades of taking antidepressants, since I was 15 - I NOW know, there is NO magic pill. Life can be difficult, stressful & not fair' but we must learn to accept these things & strive t be better - it's all part of the lesson. Everyone will experience bad times - it's about growing with each lesson & learning how to cope - not dope'.
Cannabis (not opiates) helped me with pain, physical - it helps quite a bit with arthritis pain. Psilocybin (mushrooms) have helped me with 'issues' that have plagued me from my past (forever) - they were not a Magic pill but rather produced new train of thoughts- allowing me to see things from other perspectives - helping - me understand. My mom & I have had a complicated relationship, we have gone years without communication - psilocybin have helped me understand - nothing else worked like they have. & I have a relationship with my mom (now) which I am grateful for. I love my mom. We have been through more than most & both come out the other side stronger & wiser.
No magic... & Mushrooms help because I've never taken them as an escape or to get high', but have only ever used with them intention to help me heal, resolve, love & forgive. Yes, it does feel 'magical' when I have love for others - who aren't always so lovable. Including myself.
Wishing for love - don't try magic - try something that works - Prayer.
I don't blame Snow White for being naive, we would all like a wishing apple - but remember her lesson!
There is NO magic apple or pill or vaccine - we have to serve & help each other by judging each other less
It has never been more important for the vaccinated & unvaccinated to stick together and rise up to prevent lessons like this one from happening again. - Now that would be absolutely magical!
These vaccines were not tested long enough to understand the consequences.
;). One more Snow White on my desk - twirling art.