Cock a Doodle Doobie Dooooooo! Acrylic on Canvas.
Cocks in the cannabis field and POLITICAL BULLSHIT.
This painting represents a part of the current cannabis industry.
Run by a bunch of cocks all trying to be the head rooster in the cannabis farm - have you seen cock fights? My painting speaks for me.
Fuck I'm pissed off today - after reading about this bullshit in our community & I'm clearly NOT alone, I have lived here over 25 years and in the restaurant business socially witnessing much over the years... all these politicians who didn't have any issues drinking at lunch meetings - FUCKING hypocrites!
I also know a few who have toked a time or FEW- SHAME ON YOU!
I read one councillor said "we already have a problem with drugs in the community" - this is fucking priceless coming from someone who sells ALCOHOL - YOU know what's a bigger problem in Georgina >>> ALCOHOL ABUSE! FACT.
The Mayor remarked -"legalization won't take away the drug dealer on the corner" - No it won't Margaret- YOU deciding NOT to allow a dispensary - will for SURE KEEP THE 'ILLEGAL DRUG DEALERS ON THE FUCKING CORNER. DO you realize the revenue we just GAVE AWAY? To AURORA I GUESS. I wonder if that has anything to do with this bullshit decision, so much for 'legalization' when people - who really should not even have any say in what WE do in our own homes as ADULTS - with a 'now LEGAL substance' - not allowing us to even buy it locally - SPEAKS volumes.
ALL the business lost. Do you seriously think people will drive elsewhere to buy their cannabis but come back home for Lunch, Dinner, a movie or to even shop? If you do believe it your a dope. Nope - it won't happen - Georgina you can kiss those dollars GOODBYE.
Reality/statistics/facts show us (if you don't want to think it or admit it fine..) BUT people (minors included) WILL drive ELSEwhere to purchase cannabis & party it up elsewhere (it's what we do - it's called human nature) and sadly some returning home will possible get into an accident - REMEMBER this COUNCIL MEMBERS - remember this with your decision to make people drive ELSEWHERE for a legal substance. One proven far less harmful than alcohol.
I'll fucking remind you with an email every time I read about another impaired death on Woodbine.
I've got to admit I e mailed Rob Grossi this a.m., (our former mayor) so upset.. (at least he TRIED) & it hit me.. this battle we have fought for so many years - for our sons medicine - to educate... to try to show how many children it helps... why do I bother?!
I feel today I've lost this battle... I feel defeated.
In my own fucking home town.
Taking a break.
Cocks in the cannabis field and POLITICAL BULLSHIT.
This painting represents a part of the current cannabis industry.
Run by a bunch of cocks all trying to be the head rooster in the cannabis farm - have you seen cock fights? My painting speaks for me.
Fuck I'm pissed off today - after reading about this bullshit in our community & I'm clearly NOT alone, I have lived here over 25 years and in the restaurant business socially witnessing much over the years... all these politicians who didn't have any issues drinking at lunch meetings - FUCKING hypocrites!
I also know a few who have toked a time or FEW- SHAME ON YOU!
I read one councillor said "we already have a problem with drugs in the community" - this is fucking priceless coming from someone who sells ALCOHOL - YOU know what's a bigger problem in Georgina >>> ALCOHOL ABUSE! FACT.
The Mayor remarked -"legalization won't take away the drug dealer on the corner" - No it won't Margaret- YOU deciding NOT to allow a dispensary - will for SURE KEEP THE 'ILLEGAL DRUG DEALERS ON THE FUCKING CORNER. DO you realize the revenue we just GAVE AWAY? To AURORA I GUESS. I wonder if that has anything to do with this bullshit decision, so much for 'legalization' when people - who really should not even have any say in what WE do in our own homes as ADULTS - with a 'now LEGAL substance' - not allowing us to even buy it locally - SPEAKS volumes.
ALL the business lost. Do you seriously think people will drive elsewhere to buy their cannabis but come back home for Lunch, Dinner, a movie or to even shop? If you do believe it your a dope. Nope - it won't happen - Georgina you can kiss those dollars GOODBYE.
Reality/statistics/facts show us (if you don't want to think it or admit it fine..) BUT people (minors included) WILL drive ELSEwhere to purchase cannabis & party it up elsewhere (it's what we do - it's called human nature) and sadly some returning home will possible get into an accident - REMEMBER this COUNCIL MEMBERS - remember this with your decision to make people drive ELSEWHERE for a legal substance. One proven far less harmful than alcohol.
I'll fucking remind you with an email every time I read about another impaired death on Woodbine.
I've got to admit I e mailed Rob Grossi this a.m., (our former mayor) so upset.. (at least he TRIED) & it hit me.. this battle we have fought for so many years - for our sons medicine - to educate... to try to show how many children it helps... why do I bother?!
I feel today I've lost this battle... I feel defeated.
In my own fucking home town.
Taking a break.