Old saw - new life! I saw a bear. acrylic on metal 60 inches
This saw was sketched a while back and then I just stared at it, a glance as I walked past... it just wasn't right so I change it completely. When I finally sat to paint it, it was dark - 4pm (sigh) but the mind was strong - the body (hands ) not so much. I decided to roll a joint for my joints and paint it through! 5 hours later, I called it quits for the night. Thankful for Cannabis and being able to paint. When I continued in the a.m. I repeated the process and was able to finish, I needed that. Painting on metal is 'slippery' & takes a while to get use to, it also requires more drying time, which is good - a reminder to throw a log on the fire, Poppy reminds me too when she gets chilly. I am pleased with the results. It's challenging painting with a limited pallet but I love the look and 'fee' of these paintings! This saw is already sold - and they didn't even see it finished until today! Yay. Because of Canada Post I won't be shipping it out until the new year, even IF the strike ends -I imagine there will be quite a backlog. I also sent out a text to a few friends and have had a great response of donations - even a 8foot, 2 handled saw! Oh I'm excited for it and have not even seen it. I might try all shaded of green on a different saw - currently on my desk. This sweet bear pondering life as so many of us are.. looks like a place many would enjoy being, a forest. I walk in the forest now and see trees that were sawed down decades ago, Storm showed me a mushroom and said it was about 60years old! The 'saw is perfect canvas for this painting of the woods... a city scene would not be as fitting- don't you agree? Hidden in the hills are reminders and blessings. Trust God. Love your neighbours. I actually painted this to discover what 'Blue combinations I like best. I mentioned cannabis because I forget- I forget how much it helps and want to remind others, maybe not aware. I've been helping friend wanting to introduce her parent to cannabis for sleep -and not add another deadly narcotic to her medication regime. I bet it's frightening giving an elder cannabis, just like it was for me to give it to my child but I reminded her our life altering experience because of it. I researched a few options for her of Ontario Cannabis and then, I went and bought some to try so I could share my opinion with her. For sleep I found 'Pearls' to work fantastic, I took 1 at 8pm and slept right through, normally I don't. Woke great - feeling refreshed, no 'sleep aid hangover'. (image below) If I didn't have cannabis , especially in winter I don't think Id be able to paint somedays. If you are older please consider the safer alternative. Time to paint! Created to create... Enjoy this day the lord has made! Do Not Poke. Gouache on wood with protective spray. 8 x 8
The idea of a Yield sign was appealing, a twirling art with a reminder : Do Not Poke... the Bear. Such an inviting likeable cute bear.. but don't be fooled. Still a wild beast at heart. I'd say a recent example of Do Not Poke The Bear was with Korea! Holy cow that was a wild 48 - 24 hours!! I was reading the news and South Korea had just passed martial law! WTF!? What is happening in Korea to warrant martial law? So I went about the morning and was pondering martial law... I mean, that's extreme kinda like 'someone' evoking The Emergency Act! Hmmmmm... ring a bell? Anyway, later I went to see what was happening and it wasn't long after that the South Korean People ROSE UP & said (with a massive protest): 씨발 안돼! (That's Korean for: Fuck No!). Hell Ya! Any you wonder why the Government doesn't want people protesting... martial law would prevent protests and people would be punished, even shot at for simply protesting (even peaceful). Well the next thing I know the president came back "Opppps..." clearly that didn't go as anticipated and "I take it back.." hahaha It's funny, NOT funny. Not funny for all who were terrified. That was terrific news. South Korea has set an example for the rest of the world! One we should be paying attention to, That's what should have happened when Trudeau pulled his stunt with the Trucker protest... NOW we know, he abused his power. How many suffered for it? I guess The South Korean president is unemployed now, or soon will be. I saw one woman went up to a solider & grabbed his machine gun out of his hand, people acted quickly as soon as martial law was declared and the results were/are powerful. I think if the powers that be in Canada tried again, we might have the same results. Martial law is one thing for 'protecting the people' - it's another when used to 'control the people.' South Korea is all about control.. no kidding. The world is awakening, a friend remarked "it's not getting worse, it's only that the light is shining brighter and we can all see the filth in the kitchen now.. " what was lurking in the corners is exposed so it can be cleaned and disposed of. Exciting times. Guess what I'm painting today!? lol ... another bear! I started last night and painted until my hands hurt- loving every second.. another day will probably be spent on this next creation - lots of tiny details! Check out the canvas.. For anyone reading - I'll trade art (on paper- our mutual 'chioce') for anyone who barters an old hand saw! :) Have a creative day - I'm about to. Yay South Korea! A couple of small gifts, created with love are usually loved.
Some days I create to give away because I know everyone likes a little gift from time to time, what's better in the mail than bills - a tiny original. It also makes me feel good to intentionally try to make someone smile, make their day a tiny bit brighter. It also makes me feel good to think about certain people when creating their gifts, my way of thanking them, for being them. My way of thanking God for placing specific individuals on my path... and for paint. I have a friend who is really struggling and I completely understand why, on social media she's given no hints as to what she is dealing with in reality, so many are like that. We really have no clue of what some are going through some days so just be KIND. Be kind and above all GIVE thanks for everything, because everything can be gone in a minute, 24 hours can completely change everything you have ever known & are comfortable with. I don't even have words to comfort my friend so I'll pray... I don't feel I'm doing enough then remember the power of God & realize it is ALL I can do, the best I can do.. God will do the rest. Today, I'm painting some Christmas gifts & praying & playing with dogs, grateful for every second. Created to create Bear & Bunny.. a gift for a new tiny human.
I love painting for new humans, babies. I've been so distracted I had misplaced this painting.. I took a while but it's in the mail, now. It's easy painting for babies - thinking of the tiny new life, innocent with so much ahead of them - a whole world to explore! It's easier when a parent provides a theme but then I'm usually (sometimes) representing someone else's creations. I don't mind because I love to represent or 'pay tribute to' Dr. Suess, Disney and The Wild Things (a requested theme the past few years) but creating my own from scratch is just as enjoyable. Nature themes are easy, sport themes are NOT. Luckily that seems to be a thing of the past - now parents give time for babies to grow and explore & decide what theme' if any at a later date. I also didn't like painting Barney or Teletubies as these trends fade but I guess it could be a good representation of the epoch the child is born. I've been painting a few gifts the past few days - several in the mail now! I've also been taking a break from social media so I can focus on experimenting. I'm also American politics drained Trudeau trashing tired & 'Diddy did it' out. I feel bad for all hit by the recent storms (again) I was watching a report on insurance scams, one adjuster in Florida reported to the insurance company the damage was over $400,000. and insurance company wrote the home owners a check for $13,000. Hit by devastation only to be lied to by companies they have paid full premiums for protection - for years. I think it will result in many thinking 'why bother', the amount they pay to insurance companies can be saved and used 'IF' ever repairs are needed. A man from B.C. is suing RBC for terrible financial advice - he lost millions, not after they convinced him to donate millions to charities for the RBC, it sounds like they should be held accountable - after all, they claim to be experts and he paid them for their services/advice, I'm curious as to which direction it goes. The leaves are almost gone. Today I'm painting bookmarks to send as Christmas gifts - cold weather will do that to you - have you thinking about Winter & Christmas. Who has several unfinished sketchbooks? Me! Many artists do.. so that's my current goal, fill & finish, the above bears were yesterdays creations. A perfect place to play with paint - exploring colour and they don't take as long as most paintings. I think I have to take a short break, as I broke -2 fingers yesterday, easy to do with arthritic hands and fingers that don't bend. My own fault for veering off the path and climbing over a fallen tree, lesson learned -ouch.
I took Arrow on a lovely walk off the property with just her collar as her harness is too difficult to snap on, more so with sore hands... and I was amazed as always with her behaviour, she never pulled as to cause me pain, we crossed paths with a big black dog and she looked but didn't bark or lunge at it- which was good because I have little strength in my hands to hold her back. What is with people? Why do strangers think it's o.k. to approach someone and pat their dog, it happened twice. No wonder people get bit.. we were just trying to have a nice walk, minding our own business. My dog is not here for your amusement. A couple saw us walking and commented 'what a beautiful dog' and walking so well on her leash I guess they were impressed and asked to pat her, I just said 'no, sorry' and kept going. Arrow followed my lead and kept going, not even glancing at them, it was in a busy parking lot too, so not the wisest place to stop & chat or pat. Not long after I was resting on a bench and again a woman approached and said "what a beautiful dog, can I pat her?" and started to do so before I could even reply. I replied: Sorry NO, she's very protective and she reacts differently to different people, she pulled her hand back and as if on cue, Arrow sat beside me and growled at her. She looked perturbed. Too bad. My dog is doing her job, protecting me and her property, just like I protect her. She's also ver protective over the little dogs, especially Poppy. It was a beautiful day for a walk, we might try again today if it doesn't rain & will also pick up some garbage. Again - what is with people?! Everyone comments 'how beautiful it is here' yet, some throw trash out the window with out any consideration at all, specifically 3 empty containers from a cannabis shop', maybe they were getting pulled over. Lot's of cigarette butts too... our next walk we'll collect some trash to keep the beautiful, beautiful. I can sketch so at least I'll fill them and hold off on the painting. It's another lovely day for anyone thinking about checking out the studio tour. Enjoy this day The Lord has made! I'm thankful for only broken fingers - lol, for a second I thought I broke my wrist- whew! Thank you Jesus for catching me as I fell. :) I shall paint you to say 'Thank you!' Yay. Tiny sketchbooks.. I have several sketchbooks but I love these tiny ones. They are just under 4 x 4 , I have gotten in the habit before creating a big painting to create a smaller version first to establish colours & settings which helps when creating a larger version.. sometimes the smaller is the only one I create. They are also a terrific way to 'warm up' the brain & paints before a day of painting. I found these new ones on Amazon, I've purchased them a couple of times now an will be ordering more. This one will be filled mostly with bears. In the photo with two images - you can see how one idea turned into a larger and then I can decide what I like about both to paint the final on larger paper -possibly even acrylic. I believe I learned this habit from learning about animation & story boards. A great habit to start in not already doing so. Once done, they go on a shelf and I have sweet tiny books full of art - about 40 images or less when I do a double spread. I plan of doing a few with the same theme - Jesus, bears, dogs & forest. I was bit by a tick and - it hurt! I've once asked Storm: How do people not know they have been bit by a tick or that they have a tick on them? Now, I'm even more amazed when they don't feel it. IT hurt, and I could NOT get it off - on my left boob! It was in there, not that I can grab much properly with fingers that don't bend, I had to ask Storm to get it off and he had a bit of a hard time, it is super tiny and I don't think it was on long. I felt it, looked down and could see the tiny legs and tried to scratch it off - no way, it was not budging. I cleaned the area with alcohol & cream and there's still a tiny ache. How do people not see or feel them, especially when they get BIG? The dogs have all been bit (not Poppy -as far as I know) I removed one off Arrow that had swelled to the size of a pea, and one of Ginger that too was swollen, that's how I find them patting the dogs usually, you can feel them. That is a disadvantage of having dogs with long hair, they are harder to find until they feel bigger, short hair - easier to feel & see. In hindsight, I'm happy it hurt and removed it right away, a little 'grossed out' - I would have been very grossed out if it has gotten the size of a pea - on me.
Anyhow, a reminder to watch for ticks! Soon I won't be able to venture into the forest, the leaves make it slippery as well as hide obstacles I can easily otherwise step over. Just like arriving winter, I don't mind.. I'm ready for winter, painting and snuggling (tic free) dogs, no more mosquitos or wasps either - if only for a few months. The many joys & seasons of living in Canada. I took the photo below yesterday, the forest is so much brighter with the leaves falling, it's like walking an entirely new path & adventure. All 4 dogs are in the photo... Ginger being a ginger -is hard to find and she is not permitted to wander. Created to create. 2nd image in the sketch book. Simple, trying to decide on elements I might like in a more involved painting.
Tonight I'm excited for the moon - already impressive last night, It's the Harvest moon & it has me wondering what I might paint. There have been a few nights where the milky way was spectacular! It seems as if overnight some trees turned from green to orange & the driveway is covered in leaves. Today is actually HOT, it's the time where I think, o.k.... I'm ready for summer to be over. As awesome as it is, I find the heat (as do many) draining.. I get more accomplished in the winter, and more painting. Still, snow will be here soon enough so get out and explore while the weather is still comfortable to do so & the mosquitos have also appeared to fly south -yay, so walking in the woods is pretty much bug free. Enjoy this day the Lord has made. I Am the Light. New Sketch book for gouache 5.5 x 5.5
A new sketch book.. 48 pages so I guessed 48 days but if I continue with double spreads it will take 1/2 the time. It's such a relaxing way to spend a morning, today was perfect as I was painting this when the sun came out & danced across my desk.. Painting something I don't have to 'think' about is even better... since I've painted this idea before in an even smaller book and a few times with just painting it flows easily and I get to watch paint mingle. I'm going to play with bold colours and backgrounds, united by the theme ' all things I love. God, Jesus, dogs, trees, mushrooms... painting. Today as I drew, I had a dragonfly land on the corner of my sketchbook and sit and watch me sketch. In the afternoon, this creature crawled up beside me (took me by surprise, below) and I decide to place it in the garden. Created to create All paths lead to him. 8 x 11. gouache on watercolour.
Just a bear & Jesus in the forest. Peace be with you & my Peace I give you... ` Jesus. I can't force or even convince anyone about Jesus, I've learned its a journey & lesson we must learn on our own, at our own pace - when the time is right'. According to the bible we all do, eventually. Some know of him, say they believe in Him but never mention Him, they never research Him & they don't read the bible. It's pretty clear God wants us to Love His only son and Seek him. He is the way, the light & the truth & I know, he brings peace, calm and love when it seems impossible to achieve any of these feelings, any other way. Don't believe me - try it. Created to create - Enjoy this day the Lord has made. what's on your mind bear. 8 x 11 watercolour & gouache on water colour paper.
What's on a bears mind? Admiring the Glory of God, of course... and wondering how to catch a salmon, possibly. I don't know what is on the bears mind but it was a pleasure to ponder. Fall was in the air this morning, it's a reminder to get out and enjoy this beautiful day before were surrounded with snow. A wonderful day to take it outside, my pallet and sketch book ready. I was thinking about alcohol prices being high(ish) in Canada, that's a good thing. I guess, perhaps it will discourage some. Did you know NO AMOUNT of alcohol is safe for pregnant mothers. A new MRI study revealed that consumption of alcohol even in low to moderate amounts during pregnancy can change the baby's brain structure and delay brain development. NONE. No alcohol while pregnant. When I was pregnant it was suggested' a glass of wine a day was o.k., and NO wine is not better - any amount of alcohol is bad for baby - & you too. I know in the 60's it was thought to have little to no effect on a babies brain... time will tell and the time is NOW to stop drinking if you are pregnant, or might become pregnant. Enjoy this day the Lord has made, seek JOY! 2 Poohs n the forest. 8 x8 gouache on black
2 Poohs are better than one. One real and one imagined, sharing a honeypot -thats what friends are for. Bears & honey, two of my favourite things. I have a jar of honey I dip into daily, it contains chopped garlic and limes - it's tasty and healthy. Candied' garlic - garlic that's soaked and sits in honey for a few months is a treat - try it! I am really enjoying this new set of gouache made in Japan, Turner Design , this image you can see the brushstrokes but that's because I intentionally have been re hydrating the initial amount to see how it works after a while and several sessions, yes a bit 'see through as it's quite watered down at this point, but still vibrant. Soon I'll be painting fall! The loveliest season of all when it comes to colour and trees! It sure feels like fall this morning. This was another summer where I did not water the garden once, nature watered it for me... it's been wet and slightly cool & my tomatoes albeit abundant are still very much green, I'll be leaving them as long as I can. In all honesty the garden struggled a bit this year - possibly too wet? Yesterday, I used the first cucumber to make tzatziki for marinated chicken kabobs - delicious & refreshing! Im looking for more cucumber recipes. We also had our first zucchini marinated and BBQ'd -fresh zucchini can't be beat, especially compared to the tiny tasteless ones we usually are offered from the grocery stores. I heard a loon this morning, I love loons... I think I'll paint one since he said 'hello'.. Currently on the desk a bear with a lot on his mind & today I decide my next WB twirling art - what will it be, Daffy? Porky? The Roadrunner... either way I will be concentrating on a specific artist/director & I think it will be Bob Clampett first as he is one of my favourites - they all are, each unique with their style and approach - all successful in making millions giggle/laugh - still. Created to create - what are you creating today? Watching the universe unfold. gouache on white. 8 x 8
Last week I was reading about the brutal protests in Bangladesh and how the PM was refusing to budge, 24hours later, that same PM was escaping via a helicopter & resigns. What a difference a day makes and people - people can make a difference. No wonder our own PM 'tried to brutally stop Canadians from protesting. He did it by sending people to jail and freezing their bank accounts. Canadians have not forgot and must be watching very closely as we've all seen other protests go unchallenged. I wonder why that is? I read there was a huge protest happening during the Calgary stampede.. no freezing those accounts. Canadians are definitely watching & learning. The UK is having protests all over -so much so we have been advised NOT to travel there right now. Clearly the people are getting Fed Up. America is talking recession & stocks are dumping and from what I was reading Canada is already in a recession -it only doesn't 'seem' that way because of all the new immigrants spending and getting hired for new jobs that makes it seem we are doing o.k. but in reality we are not... what do you think? I read Jordan Petersons letter regarding his forced' social media training' or a.k.a the attempt to shut him up, for sharing some things he's passionate about. Can't even share your opinions on social media... wether you agree or disagree with his opinions' - you should be concerned. Look at China and their social credit system that will punish, freeze your accounts & make life unbearable for sharing your opinions. God gave us Choice - that includes choice in our opinions & the freedom to express them, since forever. It's what allows us to progress and THINK, share and change... not once we are threatened to 'not do so', then it will be only the opinions of those in power who's opinions matter. First they take away your right to express an opinion - you think they will stop there? Say goodbye to your guns, vehicles, travel plans, money and homes... no matter who you think you are, if you are seen as a threat in anyway - they will try to shut you up. I read Jordan Petersons letter, it was one of the most powerful statements I've read in a long time. I'm grateful he is speaking up and actually going through (rather than go to jail) with his 'punishment' so that we will all clearly see the direction this is going. He has promised to share & educate us all, should be interesting. If they are so fearful of the power of social media comments, perhaps they can start punishing those who intentionally hurt kids online, like sexual predators, cyber bullies & the multitude of scammers. Let's start with Facebook. Let's start with social media companies who have lied, misused information and have allowed hatred and violence to be encouraged, thrive even under their watchful eyes, intentionally harming with no concerns of the ramifications on todays most impressionable minds, children. It's an interesting time to watch the Universe unfold. I watch but then I think to myself, go and watch what's important NOW, bees, birds, trees... Rest In Peace a while & see the joy God provides daily, SEEK it. The Universe will still be unfolding, protests still happening - change still coming. Give thanks for another day & the fact you can still have an opinion of anything & remember what Bangladesh taught us this past week, after forced internet blackouts (kinda like Trudeau has already done to us, with controlling what Canadians see, hear & read online), people will only take so much before they demand to be heard. Father, we have no words except Your Name upon our lips and in our minds, as we come quietly into Your Presence now, and ask to rest with You in peace a while. (ACIM, W-222.2:1) Created to create. Forest stroll. 8 x 8 gouache on black An imagined stroll painted on paper - the advantage to being an artist - paint where you want to go & you will go there, if only in your mind but the journey is still lovely. I thought of the forest the entire time painting this and it took me a while. It's been too wet to walk & the mosquitos - brutal, so yesterday I imagined the forest and mushrooms we have found. This blue mushroom bleeds blue. Fascinating! Every blade of grass was a pleasure to paint & I found some new music to listen to as well: Xuefei Yang one of the world’s most inventive guitarists, 'Summertime' the name of the album. Minutes turned into hours. This painting is a gift... I love painting for specific people as I think of them also while painting and this person is a pleasure to know. Holy RAIN in Toronto -I can't believe some of the videos I'm seeing surface about the storm and the flooding! I can't ever remember it flooding like that in my lifetime. Yikes, I can imagine all the calls to insurance companies today, good luck! I was aware of previous flooding in Minden when looking for a home, this house is built on a hill so impossible to flood the basement as it also has a slope that runs downhill. I've seen many homes where flooding damage was done and was amazed to learn, it can take one piece of paper to block a drain and flood the entire place. I hope all I know (& don't know) are safe & dry. Seeing all the abandoned vehicles, holy cow... it's probably going to send some over the edge financially & many need their vehicles to work... would insurance cover it? I hope so. Mushrooms on the other hand are loving it! I might suit up and spray all over and take the girls into the woods- them sprayed too, today we will try the viral all natural 'water & vanilla spray' - said to leave you smelling like a cinnamon bun and keep mosquitos away- hmmmm, I hope bears don't like cinnamon buns. I'll let you know if it works. A new sketch waiting on my deskill be equally detailed, I'm excited to start... first bake banana bread! Did you know peking ducks have teeth? A photo below -I'm amazed by this, I had no clue.. now you know! Created to create! Do you know who's the most adorable chihuahua in Canada? Poppy.
Pining for you. Acrylic on canvas board 12 x 24in.
I love Pine trees! Tall, majestic, fragrant, healing -what's not to love. What's my favourite tree - All of them, but Pine trees hold a special fascination. Pinecones, pine pollen, pine needles -make a great tea which is said to be responsible for Canadians NOT getting scurvy during our long winter months, since -forever, taught to us by the Indigenous people no doubts. The Indigenous people used pine for many things including weaving into beautiful baskets. There are many pine in this forest and several I watch from my deck swaying in the wind, sometimes they appear to bend so far I'm amazed they don't all snap - the things we can learn from trees. I wonder sometimes a trees history - some trees are over 80 years here on the property! Imagine the things it's seen, the creatures it's known -the birds it's homed. Magnificent! 'Pining for you, obviously a play on words. A glorious tall Pine tree, full of love, fun and adventure & my continued pining for love' (who doesn't) in this case The Love of God & his son Jesus who I continue to pine for - forever, until my last breath is taken. Who/what do you pine for? This painting took a while, mostly because my studio was a little crowded while my book case renovation was happening. I was happily excited to get back at it and finish it, leaving the tiny creatures for last and a few leafy details. There is special paint reflecting on one side, only visible when standing in a specific light. I'm not sure where it will hang, it needs a big chunky wooden frame, for now it rests on a dresser and it makes me happy to look at it, I guess thats why I painted it! Do what you love - created for the creator to say Thank you for another day - here to create!. I read something that struck a cord with me, still contemplating it on this lovely Sunday morning: We should Thank our Father for one thing; that we are separate from no living thing, and therefore one with HIM. One with every living thing, no exceptions. Creatures, plants, fungi... every living thing placed on this earth by God for us to be thankful & rejoice. There need be no explanation for the many examples where we don't do this as we glance at on going war, struggles, famine - attempted assassination attempt on Trump (which I do not agree with) & chaos in general al over.. and I understand why it must be difficult for so many as they see family members blown up, babies.. innocent victims - hard to be thankful under such circumstances. I have given up wrestling with it all - I remind myself: God knows exactly where I am to be - God knows exactly where everyone is meant to be. It's all part of the lesson & perhaps the lesson is for some us to simply to be grateful. There are many who have much and are never grateful, some rejoice in others misery when they actually have no clue what life is like for others. I heard someone remark: Let them starve, about the hungry at the start of covid using food banks I pondered for a while and thought - that's coming from an SPOILED ASS who has never been hungry a day in his life. Fact. I was never starving but my mom raised me on her own from most of my childhood and there was a lot of peanut butter sandwiches & spaghetti dinners, for which we were thankful. Today I don't feel blessed for 'what I have' -I feel blessed for my Faith in God. All the rest, is a bonus of which I am immensely grateful & God knows it, it radiates from my core every time I walk in the woods, take in the fresh air, look into one of my dogs loving eyes & sit down to paint (which I'm about to do)... thankful for a new day & the realization that we are one. I would never wish for a part of me to be hurt - would you? Understanding we are one, brings a new clarity. Love makes no comparisons. Enjoy this day The lord has made... remember to say: Thank you. below - me trying to take a photo without my shadow in it lol.... Jeremiah 3:33. gouache on black 8 x 8 #1
Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. The forest has been covered in pine pollen the past couple of weeks, the powerful rain that arrived in strange bursts has it all looking sparkly clean, the lilac trees (leaves) in particular appear as tho dotted in light, when we do get a break of sunshine. Perfect timing as I was just thinking: it's time to water the garden. Thanks Lord. Call. Trust. Created to create. Shimmering in moonlight love.. 8 x 12 gouache on watercolour paper
Peace Be with You. This is the best greeting (prayer/wish) we could offer anyone. Peace be with you... all day every day. It's sometimes difficult to feel at peace all the time. Life, opportunities, communications with others.. occasionally add stress - sometimes joy. My goal is contribute by sharing art and joy whenever possible.. how I serve my Creator, by creating. This bear took a few days, you MUST let gouache dry in between layers or it gets muddy. That's what I love about it most- you can rework areas the next day, get it wet & workable again... provided it's good gouache. Windsor & Newton is by far the best for rehydrating and staying true to pigment colour. HIMI works well also when re hydrated as well... I won't even try acrylic gouache as apparently is doesn't re work well - what's the point then? Just use gouache. What you can't see' is all the shimmering 'moon dust' bathing the bear in light & love. I'm also inspired by mushrooms at the moment as they are abundant! We found morel & the dryads saddle is practically everywhere - we can't possibly eat it all. I imagine bear, deer and other creatures nibbling on the forest feast after a long winter fast, just like this bear napping with a full belly - content and at peace. This bear was inspired by something Storm said as he loves to sleep outside - he always has and has always enjoyed camping. He was saying the moon was shining on him directly as to reenergize him! He loves it, an added bonus is he was surrounded by lilacs in full bloom so the scent too was incredible in the moonlight. There are PROVEN health benefits to sleeping outside, especially for children. It's shown to reduce stress, increase creativity, improve overall health, mood booting & you get to enjoy nature! The skies alone have been magnificent this year! My prayer is: Peace Be with You. Choose to focus on the good and the bad will focus on itself... I lost no peace when I read the headline (no point reading the story) of the Canadian serial killer who fed his victims to pigs, who was brutally attacked in prison & might not make it. Oh well. Some will celebrate - I choose to not give him attention & why I don't even bother mentioning his name, he received enough negative fame' hurting others.. you reap what you sow. No doubts -his current condition might even bring a sense of peace over many. Good. I choose Peace by gardening and not watching what the world is doing, the world that I have no control over. War, I've made myself clear countless times - it's a money making power hungry, cold, PTSD inducing, destroying & murdering machine. Not for those pushing the buttons', they remain 'safe'... for the rest that don't get to choose & are forced to fight. Give yourself some PEACE today , choose to spend time with God, talk to Jesus & take time to listen. Rainy days painting, painting cards - any/every occasion cards for anyone... just to let them know, I'm thinking of them. This is what I paint when I don't feel like painting. I keep them simple and all the same pallet, usually 4 colours for ease and simplicity. Bears are always enjoyable & keeps me reminded: Love Bears All! I'll probably send out two and add the rest to the collection -to mail on another rainy day. I've watched a few lessons on painting on YouTube -search Gouache tutorials. The ones using HIMI are cool as I have a box set (the same as the artist is using) and I love Studio Ghibli -here is a list of films (some on Netflix) the colours are incredible as is the style, they are usually the lessons I enjoy most. How wonderful people load them up there to help others become better artists, thank you Universe & Yourtube. Below is a lesson I took and tried to keep up with the video, really tho - it turned out quite well as I din't have time for paint to dry in-between.. I was live painting and the lesson was time lapse. lol. Made for some rushing. I'm not taking lessons to paint it 'exactly' anyway, I'm painting it to learn different techniques & tricks, which I do every lesson. It helps my art become better'. What a difference a day makes I the forest! Yesterday the girls and I ventured out and found an early bright red mushroom the fun name is 'scarlet elf ears' I forget the technical name Storm told me & am amazed he knows them all. Trout Lillies are starting to bloom all over the forest! Yellow and blue, they are easy to distinguish. Apparently, they are edible & known to prevent conception & emetic (make you vomit)... so beware if you dare, I don't think I'll bother nibbling on them any time soon. Same with mushrooms - DO not eat unless you know.
Ontario schools have banned cellphones in the classroom - yay! I think kids will have a better chance now that they are not as distracted. I do think it's a move in the right direction & vaping - good on that too. Anyhow -it's a lovely day to finish my card creations & think of something for May the 4th. & Global Marijuana March in Toronto - we sure had some fun when we went. Enjoy your day - perfect if you're a duck! It's raining.. April Showers are much needed. There's already talk of anticipated forest fires this year so the rain is needed and appreciated! My bear above is soaking up the sun - imagining the desert can be as good as a quick visit. Imagination is powerful and plentiful, it just needs some encouragement some days. The pinecone above has inspired a few sketches and plans for further creature creation - I've been looking at it on my desk for at least a week... wait & see what they will soon BE. They are abundant in the forest, I bring back a basket with every walk, if not used for crafts they make terrific fire starters.
Nature is the ultimate inspiration generator, and now in early wet spring is the most stimulating... I can smell new growth! New mushrooms about to appear, tiny plants and flowers - the first of spring alluding to what may come. We've started seeds - I hope the squash turn out terrific - they were tasty and I'm looking forward to them again! Mostly vegetables but a few flowers and I'm planning on more native plants to encourage bugs and butterflies, there are many native plants in the forest to learn about. I'm on creative overload.. & love it when it happens, I'm painting one thing -looking at a sketch of my next painting and planning the pinecones in my mind, no room or excuse for boredom. What are you creating today!? I made another 'shelf -remember my Mary rosary holder? I had a second so decided to make the King himself- a matching Jesus shelf (below), so far I'm pleased with how He is turning out.. He is currently 'purple Jesus - just like Mary started all blue.. I might leave him purple as I like it! It is for my own personal pleasure so why not. I've also started to crochet again - just to warm up my hands in the morning, therapy. Noting special, a blanket for Poppy, she's gonna love it - missed stitches and all. Here is a video I enjoyed - a lesson in gouache (it says water colour but it's gouache) an easy lovely landscape to [paint: Watercolor Tutorial with Yoichi Nishikawa. I hope you enjoy this day the Lord has made & find the time to create! |