Pick your Poison.
Yzma from the Emperors New Groove… Perhaps not a witch but a favourite Disney villain of mine, creator of poisons turning one into a llama or whale, cat, turtle.. etc. Pick your poison!
Definition of poison
: a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism
: something destructive or harmful
: an object of aversion or abhorrence
Something destructive or harmful.. Alcohol comes to mind, so do cigarettes, medicine, opiates, plants, mushrooms, pufferfish, raw kidney beans, cherry pits, daffodils, pesticides, plastic, antidepressants… the list is endless.
Recreational Drugs in particular, if one doesn’t practice moderation can be deadly in more ways than one - if they don’t kill you they can kill your relationships, ambition, goals & dreams. Too much of almost anything - including water & sugar can seriously harm & even kill you.
Governments have experimented with drugs with hopes to control the masses, to ‘subdue’ minds & bodies.
Well proven with the LSD experiments and known for providing ‘Crack into poor black communities in the United States.
I wonder sometimes if this is why alcohol is so prevalent and on almost every street corner in some communities, easily available by means of the LCBO or a bar or restaurant.
So, next time you pour yourself a cocktail, smoke another joint, pop another pill - at least consider if it is harming your own ‘motivation’ & possibly even killing you. Are you responsible for keeping yourself stuck?
Just think about it, before it becomes something that controls you (an addiction) instead of you controlling it.
I’ll be the first to admit, in the past I have over indulged - a.k.a: a hangover or two… too many to mention.
Was I responsible for ruining a few relationships - probably, as were others I dated and consumed too much alcohol to the point of physical abuse. People who once promised to ‘love & cherish’ - got drunk and tried to 'control & strangle'.
Why, I no longer tolerate excessive alcohol consumption from anyone - including myself.
What impairs your judgement - what’s your poison?
Will it be a Trick or Treat?
With Love,
Yzma from the Emperors New Groove… Perhaps not a witch but a favourite Disney villain of mine, creator of poisons turning one into a llama or whale, cat, turtle.. etc. Pick your poison!
Definition of poison
: a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism
: something destructive or harmful
: an object of aversion or abhorrence
Something destructive or harmful.. Alcohol comes to mind, so do cigarettes, medicine, opiates, plants, mushrooms, pufferfish, raw kidney beans, cherry pits, daffodils, pesticides, plastic, antidepressants… the list is endless.
Recreational Drugs in particular, if one doesn’t practice moderation can be deadly in more ways than one - if they don’t kill you they can kill your relationships, ambition, goals & dreams. Too much of almost anything - including water & sugar can seriously harm & even kill you.
Governments have experimented with drugs with hopes to control the masses, to ‘subdue’ minds & bodies.
Well proven with the LSD experiments and known for providing ‘Crack into poor black communities in the United States.
I wonder sometimes if this is why alcohol is so prevalent and on almost every street corner in some communities, easily available by means of the LCBO or a bar or restaurant.
So, next time you pour yourself a cocktail, smoke another joint, pop another pill - at least consider if it is harming your own ‘motivation’ & possibly even killing you. Are you responsible for keeping yourself stuck?
Just think about it, before it becomes something that controls you (an addiction) instead of you controlling it.
I’ll be the first to admit, in the past I have over indulged - a.k.a: a hangover or two… too many to mention.
Was I responsible for ruining a few relationships - probably, as were others I dated and consumed too much alcohol to the point of physical abuse. People who once promised to ‘love & cherish’ - got drunk and tried to 'control & strangle'.
Why, I no longer tolerate excessive alcohol consumption from anyone - including myself.
What impairs your judgement - what’s your poison?
Will it be a Trick or Treat?
With Love,