What would Jesus do?
He'd stay the fuck home!
Perhaps not, but he'd wear a mask and wash his hands because he would not want to spread the virus - killing many. Unlike the "faithful' that attended mass services in the USA.. wow. It should be interesting to 'see' how many who attended the service, infect others or die, according to police - we will. I was not in a good mood for Easter, I'm sure I was not alone.
We did nothing special.. we'll wait until we can celebrate with Storm again. Norm did cook a chicken & I understand NOW I must write on the bird "this side up" as he seems to think it should be cooked breast side down. lol Not the first time.
We're baking bread, today were making Pizza from scratch of course. Scratch with clean hands. ;) I DO have much to celebrate- I offered to sell some art & was able to make a donation to the local food bank for $1000! Thank you to my friends who showed interest in my work.. in particular my friend Ezra, who purchased several. ;) I'm grateful & yes it felt wonderful' to make a donation at this time when so many are struggling.
I'll admit, I just wanted to stay in bed the other day and did nap extra long. I think it's important to acknowledge feeling sad (understandably) and cutting ourselves some slack.
If staying in bed made me 'feel better' than being grumpy & taking it out on others- (dogs, woodpeckers..) so be it. Time out.
Then I eventually get up and say to myself:
You have time, paint and passion... and portraits to catch up on!
I decided to paint a baby - a new addition to humanity. The moment I saw the photo I was taken with the little being, I have called the painting: A little Ray of Sunshine. Below is it in progress. I hope to finish it today & start another portrait & paint my bedroom doors .. Pandemic painting turns out to be good for me.. how about you?
The planet is healthier during this pandemic... animals are exploring, mountains can be seen, air is cleaner, water clearer. I painted Jesus to go with Mary.
We watched on YOUTUBE: Out of shadows
documentary. I am disgusted yet hopeful that these sick FUCKS will be exposed as they are.. grateful to those who finally, are showing courage to expose them. It's only a matter of time before they will all be CAUGHT, exposed & shamed. GOOD. Who's next?
Norm & I have been fighting for years about MOVIES that he watches & the trash that we have been exposed to - violence, guns, murder, torture.. abuse against women in particular is rampant in movies, all making us desensitized. I was told about 'Pizza gate' a couple of years ago and was in shock thinking it must be a lie. Pizza gate is real & NOT acknowledging it will allow it to continue. It touches on several topics, I strongly recommend you watch it & re think what you are watching. WHO you are SUPPORTING. Who's music are you buying? Encouraging? Who's evil habits are you paying for?
We no longer watch any CRAP coming out- it's all bullshit- brainwashing.
BE in control on your own mind- or someone else will.
Back to painting.
With TLC & THC
He'd stay the fuck home!
Perhaps not, but he'd wear a mask and wash his hands because he would not want to spread the virus - killing many. Unlike the "faithful' that attended mass services in the USA.. wow. It should be interesting to 'see' how many who attended the service, infect others or die, according to police - we will. I was not in a good mood for Easter, I'm sure I was not alone.
We did nothing special.. we'll wait until we can celebrate with Storm again. Norm did cook a chicken & I understand NOW I must write on the bird "this side up" as he seems to think it should be cooked breast side down. lol Not the first time.
We're baking bread, today were making Pizza from scratch of course. Scratch with clean hands. ;) I DO have much to celebrate- I offered to sell some art & was able to make a donation to the local food bank for $1000! Thank you to my friends who showed interest in my work.. in particular my friend Ezra, who purchased several. ;) I'm grateful & yes it felt wonderful' to make a donation at this time when so many are struggling.
I'll admit, I just wanted to stay in bed the other day and did nap extra long. I think it's important to acknowledge feeling sad (understandably) and cutting ourselves some slack.
If staying in bed made me 'feel better' than being grumpy & taking it out on others- (dogs, woodpeckers..) so be it. Time out.
Then I eventually get up and say to myself:
You have time, paint and passion... and portraits to catch up on!
I decided to paint a baby - a new addition to humanity. The moment I saw the photo I was taken with the little being, I have called the painting: A little Ray of Sunshine. Below is it in progress. I hope to finish it today & start another portrait & paint my bedroom doors .. Pandemic painting turns out to be good for me.. how about you?
The planet is healthier during this pandemic... animals are exploring, mountains can be seen, air is cleaner, water clearer. I painted Jesus to go with Mary.
We watched on YOUTUBE: Out of shadows
documentary. I am disgusted yet hopeful that these sick FUCKS will be exposed as they are.. grateful to those who finally, are showing courage to expose them. It's only a matter of time before they will all be CAUGHT, exposed & shamed. GOOD. Who's next?
Norm & I have been fighting for years about MOVIES that he watches & the trash that we have been exposed to - violence, guns, murder, torture.. abuse against women in particular is rampant in movies, all making us desensitized. I was told about 'Pizza gate' a couple of years ago and was in shock thinking it must be a lie. Pizza gate is real & NOT acknowledging it will allow it to continue. It touches on several topics, I strongly recommend you watch it & re think what you are watching. WHO you are SUPPORTING. Who's music are you buying? Encouraging? Who's evil habits are you paying for?
We no longer watch any CRAP coming out- it's all bullshit- brainwashing.
BE in control on your own mind- or someone else will.
Back to painting.
With TLC & THC