Who's ready for summer?? Me! 21 days till spring...
This owl peeking around the corner flys off the page, I love this feathered friend if I do say so! What a pleasure to paint such delicate plumage - Canadian barn owls this summer flying over cannabis field in the cool summer evenings - can't wait!
Norm came home and showed me the paper right away (held it up to my nose- yes, he rubbed my nose in it you could say) - "Trudeau's time is up.." he says and looks at me for a reaction - which made me think two things: ...Norms got a death wish (lol) &
Are we encouraging Fake news now, nasty news? Phhhhbt.... Man oh man- talk about ship jumpers - JUMP- cause there's just as many sharks in that icy cold water wussy! 'Trudeaus day are numbered' & my pal Crusty Rusty had to get a jab in too today - called me first thing to ask if I was paying attention to 'my heros happenings' - or something smart ass like that I don't remember his exact words. My response to them and anyone else... with 'Canadians' like you waiting for him fail - almost encouraging - wow. Are you paying attention to whats happening down south? Speaking of The USA - Take a look at who' is still calling the shots as of today - wtf? & is still making deals with others. YIKES....
and hang on - What about those planes NOT flying over India this morning? WTF?
I'm not blind or ignorant - I have developed a heavenly habit of reading during the day yes, I do read, it is a luxury many do not realize you have. Yes, I know it's far from perfect but Please, do not tell me Justin Trudeau does not care about Canada! ARE you kidding me - Look at his family & look back at your own - I know because of his love for his family he cares for Canada.
Is that not what does drive us ALL?
Canada is HIS family & his home - LOOK at this beautiful Country - Canadians are not leaving, tourism was the best last year it has ever been, do you understand the amount of money that brings. So - No, I'm not happy about any pipelines or political private parties at our expense but I'm not jumping fucking ship. Ever. & Change happens.
I believe in those I believe in & thank God, there are still many I do believe in.
You know who you are. I believe in my son & it's funny to me even - but as much as Norm and I "Arrrrrgh!!!!" we still have each others back, I have many Americans I feel a bond with & I KNOW you know.. (strange stuff happens) - I had a slight exchange of words with an American pal ;) who said "he'd rather his kid be in a room of people with guns than a room full of fat people" I grabbed my head and sighed in frustration but I get it - I DON'T live there - I don't see it... one month (almost) in California was a different perspective I can assure you. A reminder of the rest of the world is not doing so great in some places. If I lived there with obesity getting out of hand and guns - you make choices based on your surroundings I'm not going to judge anyone for their choices - I don't care. AS long as WE don't KILL each other
*My condition has been so aggressive a few days this week - I cannot even pick up a phone, Nothing touches my face, no make up, no toothbrush - even the pillow - I'm done explaining - if YOU lived this- your opinion on a few things might change too.
WHO are you? WHO do you believe in? WHOooo do you love?
I believe in me. I believe Justin is doing what he believes is the best he can do for Canadians.
I believe in many of you.
Thank you for that. xox
With TLC & THC
This owl peeking around the corner flys off the page, I love this feathered friend if I do say so! What a pleasure to paint such delicate plumage - Canadian barn owls this summer flying over cannabis field in the cool summer evenings - can't wait!
Norm came home and showed me the paper right away (held it up to my nose- yes, he rubbed my nose in it you could say) - "Trudeau's time is up.." he says and looks at me for a reaction - which made me think two things: ...Norms got a death wish (lol) &
Are we encouraging Fake news now, nasty news? Phhhhbt.... Man oh man- talk about ship jumpers - JUMP- cause there's just as many sharks in that icy cold water wussy! 'Trudeaus day are numbered' & my pal Crusty Rusty had to get a jab in too today - called me first thing to ask if I was paying attention to 'my heros happenings' - or something smart ass like that I don't remember his exact words. My response to them and anyone else... with 'Canadians' like you waiting for him fail - almost encouraging - wow. Are you paying attention to whats happening down south? Speaking of The USA - Take a look at who' is still calling the shots as of today - wtf? & is still making deals with others. YIKES....
and hang on - What about those planes NOT flying over India this morning? WTF?
I'm not blind or ignorant - I have developed a heavenly habit of reading during the day yes, I do read, it is a luxury many do not realize you have. Yes, I know it's far from perfect but Please, do not tell me Justin Trudeau does not care about Canada! ARE you kidding me - Look at his family & look back at your own - I know because of his love for his family he cares for Canada.
Is that not what does drive us ALL?
Canada is HIS family & his home - LOOK at this beautiful Country - Canadians are not leaving, tourism was the best last year it has ever been, do you understand the amount of money that brings. So - No, I'm not happy about any pipelines or political private parties at our expense but I'm not jumping fucking ship. Ever. & Change happens.
I believe in those I believe in & thank God, there are still many I do believe in.
You know who you are. I believe in my son & it's funny to me even - but as much as Norm and I "Arrrrrgh!!!!" we still have each others back, I have many Americans I feel a bond with & I KNOW you know.. (strange stuff happens) - I had a slight exchange of words with an American pal ;) who said "he'd rather his kid be in a room of people with guns than a room full of fat people" I grabbed my head and sighed in frustration but I get it - I DON'T live there - I don't see it... one month (almost) in California was a different perspective I can assure you. A reminder of the rest of the world is not doing so great in some places. If I lived there with obesity getting out of hand and guns - you make choices based on your surroundings I'm not going to judge anyone for their choices - I don't care. AS long as WE don't KILL each other
*My condition has been so aggressive a few days this week - I cannot even pick up a phone, Nothing touches my face, no make up, no toothbrush - even the pillow - I'm done explaining - if YOU lived this- your opinion on a few things might change too.
WHO are you? WHO do you believe in? WHOooo do you love?
I believe in me. I believe Justin is doing what he believes is the best he can do for Canadians.
I believe in many of you.
Thank you for that. xox
With TLC & THC