If you follow this blog you read of one time in particular I had a huge 'blow out' with a long time pal over cannabis.. it was Kat. We did not speak for over a year afterwards- maybe two.. lol
I said to her way back when.. about 8 years ago: Cannabis will be legal, everyone will grow it and we will see it in our lifetime!!" to which she replied" Yeah, when Pigs fly!!" I remember because I came home and drew a pig tied to a string with wings.
Kat and I are still friends, (30 years+ later) better friends. Kats been educated on cannabis the past few years and is singing a new tune as are thousands and thousands more will follow as Cannabis is legalized in Canada. Thank God.
Did you read about the new map - with overdoes deaths?
Celebrating Lost Loved ones. Or 'Overdose Canada' on FB
I went and looked and start to cry, all the beautiful lives- the stories mainly the same: died from a drug overdose after she was addicted to pain killers from a soccer accident.
SIMPLE every day people, hurting themselves playing games, working around the home - NOT drug users- become hooked on PAIN pills. FEATHERS!!!
Kat recently framed my favourite BEARS for me, now hanging above my desk so I can look and dream as often as possible. Kat has sold her gallery and is moving to Montreal - so, I guess I'll be visiting Montreal! hee hee.. She will continue to frame my work as she will still keep it as a 'side hobby' - I'm thrilled because she does splendid work! I'm sure we will still have our differences - it's what good friends do. EVEN if you need a couple of years break in between.. so here is it..
Look up! What do you see? Any Pigs yet?
They swim!!
When Pigs fly.. o.k. - we might not see pigs for a while but next summer I anticipate a lot more gardens with cannabis in them- what will happen??!!! - Will Crime will increase? Hardly. It will become normal, a nice 'safer high' from a plant and you won't end up on the overdoes map. Guaranteed. THANK GOD.
Tomorrow a little '4/20 art circle' that I really like & hope you will too.
I'll post it at midnight! Happy pre eve 4/20.. today I'm drawing bear..
I need some TLC, badly... currently have THC, I love the smell of this Humber valley Kush.
'Spring in a jar with healing properties!'
With Love
P.S. this pig was a gift for 'Olive' - a FB fan who knitted & sent me 'TWO pink pussy hats', so I will be ready with a friend- or Storm (LOL!!) in our Pink Pussy hats - on the next MARCH! MEOW!! - lol
I said to her way back when.. about 8 years ago: Cannabis will be legal, everyone will grow it and we will see it in our lifetime!!" to which she replied" Yeah, when Pigs fly!!" I remember because I came home and drew a pig tied to a string with wings.
Kat and I are still friends, (30 years+ later) better friends. Kats been educated on cannabis the past few years and is singing a new tune as are thousands and thousands more will follow as Cannabis is legalized in Canada. Thank God.
Did you read about the new map - with overdoes deaths?
Celebrating Lost Loved ones. Or 'Overdose Canada' on FB
I went and looked and start to cry, all the beautiful lives- the stories mainly the same: died from a drug overdose after she was addicted to pain killers from a soccer accident.
SIMPLE every day people, hurting themselves playing games, working around the home - NOT drug users- become hooked on PAIN pills. FEATHERS!!!
Kat recently framed my favourite BEARS for me, now hanging above my desk so I can look and dream as often as possible. Kat has sold her gallery and is moving to Montreal - so, I guess I'll be visiting Montreal! hee hee.. She will continue to frame my work as she will still keep it as a 'side hobby' - I'm thrilled because she does splendid work! I'm sure we will still have our differences - it's what good friends do. EVEN if you need a couple of years break in between.. so here is it..
Look up! What do you see? Any Pigs yet?
They swim!!
When Pigs fly.. o.k. - we might not see pigs for a while but next summer I anticipate a lot more gardens with cannabis in them- what will happen??!!! - Will Crime will increase? Hardly. It will become normal, a nice 'safer high' from a plant and you won't end up on the overdoes map. Guaranteed. THANK GOD.
Tomorrow a little '4/20 art circle' that I really like & hope you will too.
I'll post it at midnight! Happy pre eve 4/20.. today I'm drawing bear..
I need some TLC, badly... currently have THC, I love the smell of this Humber valley Kush.
'Spring in a jar with healing properties!'
With Love
P.S. this pig was a gift for 'Olive' - a FB fan who knitted & sent me 'TWO pink pussy hats', so I will be ready with a friend- or Storm (LOL!!) in our Pink Pussy hats - on the next MARCH! MEOW!! - lol