As I read, I truly thank God I am not someone relying on cannabis advertising work in order to survive. To all the creative beings - keep going! Times will change.. very soon.
In a few months when everyone realizes how harmful prescribed medications are for our children, knowing we have been misled - lied to- by those in power - by people we trust, people we have elected.. yet Cananbis has again been represented as a 'deadly drug' needing the strictest of rules - WHAT ABOUT ALCOHOL? Take a look at booze today. NOW.
Do you think they will care how you decorate your cannabis plant medicine packages? Here Canadians are still being FORCED to continue the negative STIGMA
(incorrect) by associating cannabis to the same regulations as Cancer Proven killing cigarettes - It will be the least of their concerns... there is going to come a time when politicians will be held accountable.
Packaging in cannabis in Canada.. for now.
Pay attention, why give any reasons for arrest so early in the "learning period".
I hope some challenge this 'lack of advertising" right off the start - someone big like Tweed!
Because big or small this is just bullshit.
All this being said this logo (below) I understand, like and is well achieved.
It's clean and to the point : Stop.. there is THC in this product. Be warned.
& with the leaf! Bonus.
Well done.
I'm sure this doesn't mean your 'Store'- business can't be creative!
Just keep product packaging simple... for now.
I don't know anyone in the industry who wants 'to give cananbis to kids'.. they want to offer a superior product to adults - which helps many even 'feel better' . Without a hangover...
Parents- educate your children before ANYONE else does.
Drugs are not encouraged for children unless they are ill..
Drugs are not encourages for all adults.
It should be about an educated choice.
Exciting times for sure.
G - I'm back to an exciting peaceful painting....
Did you hear? A self driving car has taken it's first 'official victim' in Arizona.
Hmmmmmmm... perhpas we need not be so "self serving.. so soon.
In a few months when everyone realizes how harmful prescribed medications are for our children, knowing we have been misled - lied to- by those in power - by people we trust, people we have elected.. yet Cananbis has again been represented as a 'deadly drug' needing the strictest of rules - WHAT ABOUT ALCOHOL? Take a look at booze today. NOW.
Do you think they will care how you decorate your cannabis plant medicine packages? Here Canadians are still being FORCED to continue the negative STIGMA
(incorrect) by associating cannabis to the same regulations as Cancer Proven killing cigarettes - It will be the least of their concerns... there is going to come a time when politicians will be held accountable.
Packaging in cannabis in Canada.. for now.
Pay attention, why give any reasons for arrest so early in the "learning period".
I hope some challenge this 'lack of advertising" right off the start - someone big like Tweed!
Because big or small this is just bullshit.
All this being said this logo (below) I understand, like and is well achieved.
It's clean and to the point : Stop.. there is THC in this product. Be warned.
& with the leaf! Bonus.
Well done.
I'm sure this doesn't mean your 'Store'- business can't be creative!
Just keep product packaging simple... for now.
I don't know anyone in the industry who wants 'to give cananbis to kids'.. they want to offer a superior product to adults - which helps many even 'feel better' . Without a hangover...
Parents- educate your children before ANYONE else does.
Drugs are not encouraged for children unless they are ill..
Drugs are not encourages for all adults.
It should be about an educated choice.
Exciting times for sure.
G - I'm back to an exciting peaceful painting....
Did you hear? A self driving car has taken it's first 'official victim' in Arizona.
Hmmmmmmm... perhpas we need not be so "self serving.. so soon.