Have you seen the new 'Loving Vincent' Van Gogh movie? It is impressive, although I imagine many won't understand the amount of work that went into it or appreciate it. Inspire is how it left me, and a bit blue, realizing the torment he must have lived through his last years. If only he had been encouraged from the start, not that it matters his gift was destine to shine regardless. His style I can verify is peaceful, easy to get lost when painting how many times I wondered what his painting day was like. It was not easy or cheap to be an artist back then- not as easy as it is for many of us. It is a wonderful movie for Mental Health, to learn of his struggle and glimpse into what life was like for him - hopefully it will help bring about understanding for others.
Vincent Da Crow. It was a lesson in purple.
The next painting is another tribute to Vincent - I wonder if he had cannabis.
It might have helped. Alcohol was big (go figure) back then, artists use to socialize and drink and frolic because they didn't have the internet to distract them. If you think his style appears easy or simplistic I can assure you , simply from trying to copy one of his painting, they are detailed, thought out well beyond our comprehension. I am grateful we are able to witness ART. ART has changed the world. Art inspires everyone.
Tom Petty was an overdose, not from cannabis, from pain opiates... go figure.
Another life, passionate talent lost to pills. It's a slipper slope. The drastic changing of the weather - has my pain at an all time high, my hands struggling with peeling a banana (not exaggerating) teary one day - I was close to calling my Dr., I have no doubt I'd be prescribed a powerful pain medication if I asked for one. The trick is to not ask.
Instead- I listen to my body and say - O.k. perhaps we'll take it easy and rest, sleep and rest more. Cannabis helps and other times I simply am learning to live with the pain, it's part of the process for many. What is the alternative? Pain is a part of life.
I've also started a larger watercolor, inspired by Hamilton of 'Hamilton's Pharmacopoeia,
there is something about him - when he smiles it's very sincere & warm, he smiles - I smile...
it's been quite the 'eye opening' series. Guess what I'm learning? How the Government has lied to us.. go figure. Mushrooms, Cactus, cannabis, LSD.. all have been used widely, safely amongst generations for - ever - to awaken, encourage HUMANS to think for ourselves, help heal and simply feel good & even feel better about dying. Which has been seen by the Political Powers that be not a positive trait when you need CE slaves to pay into the system fuelled by consumerism. It really does ALL appear to be about: C O N T R O L.
It's not that they have 'just lied' they have created animosity amongst each other on a global scale with their lies, taught to judge each other for what we "Choose" to put into our own bodies - made to 'appear criminals' based on lies.
The only thing I have the desire to control right now is my paint brush around the paper.
My tribute to Vincent, Mental health & cannabis next.
With TLC & THC
Vincent Da Crow. It was a lesson in purple.
The next painting is another tribute to Vincent - I wonder if he had cannabis.
It might have helped. Alcohol was big (go figure) back then, artists use to socialize and drink and frolic because they didn't have the internet to distract them. If you think his style appears easy or simplistic I can assure you , simply from trying to copy one of his painting, they are detailed, thought out well beyond our comprehension. I am grateful we are able to witness ART. ART has changed the world. Art inspires everyone.
Tom Petty was an overdose, not from cannabis, from pain opiates... go figure.
Another life, passionate talent lost to pills. It's a slipper slope. The drastic changing of the weather - has my pain at an all time high, my hands struggling with peeling a banana (not exaggerating) teary one day - I was close to calling my Dr., I have no doubt I'd be prescribed a powerful pain medication if I asked for one. The trick is to not ask.
Instead- I listen to my body and say - O.k. perhaps we'll take it easy and rest, sleep and rest more. Cannabis helps and other times I simply am learning to live with the pain, it's part of the process for many. What is the alternative? Pain is a part of life.
I've also started a larger watercolor, inspired by Hamilton of 'Hamilton's Pharmacopoeia,
there is something about him - when he smiles it's very sincere & warm, he smiles - I smile...
it's been quite the 'eye opening' series. Guess what I'm learning? How the Government has lied to us.. go figure. Mushrooms, Cactus, cannabis, LSD.. all have been used widely, safely amongst generations for - ever - to awaken, encourage HUMANS to think for ourselves, help heal and simply feel good & even feel better about dying. Which has been seen by the Political Powers that be not a positive trait when you need CE slaves to pay into the system fuelled by consumerism. It really does ALL appear to be about: C O N T R O L.
It's not that they have 'just lied' they have created animosity amongst each other on a global scale with their lies, taught to judge each other for what we "Choose" to put into our own bodies - made to 'appear criminals' based on lies.
The only thing I have the desire to control right now is my paint brush around the paper.
My tribute to Vincent, Mental health & cannabis next.
With TLC & THC