Margaret Atwood is a prophet. The Handmaids Tale appears to becoming a reality based book rather than fiction. Anti abortion in the USA, wtf? I can’t believe this has happened in a ‘progressive society’. Whats the reasoning? It can’t be child welfare, not when they won’t control guns & kids are being shot in classrooms.. Not because of all the children in the ‘foster care’ system, that also often reads like a horror story. Is there not serious sex trafficking of children, child labour & child pornography issues for the government to focus on… Instead of telling women what they can or can not do with their own bodies
Past History, current affairs, population decline concerns (around the world) have me pondering - it’s more about planting ‘soldier seeds’ for the USA army & it’s never ending warfare than it is a child welfare issue. This anti abortion decision will set woman back, mostly women already struggling. Black, Hispanic, Indian.. immigrants & the poor - some women will still be able to travel to Canada for an abortion - in reality it will be mostly white women with $. Abortions will still happen in the USA, only they will once again become more dangerous & deadly for both mother & infant.
I would rather people educate themselves on planned parenthood before an abortion but it doesn’t always work that way or we wouldn’t be needing abortions to begin with. In the case of rape, not being able to get an abortion is unfathomable for many. Serious illness or dangerous births or for women who just don’t want a child - for countless reasons, abortion should be an option. Ask sexually active couples (men & woman, because it does takes 2) how many times ‘accidents’ happen - like promising to pull out as Meatloaf sung about in the heat of the moment. It happens all the time, one encounter should not lead one to be forced to raising a child by politicians who won’t be there to help!
Mentally or financially.
Many couples don’t feel they can afford a child & lets face it - it’s still usually women who’s lives end up changing the most. There’s no need to explain to any educated human at this point about what happens when children are born & how many children are already living in poverty with only one parent. Let’s not forget fertility rates dropping also due to environment issues - read Countdown By Shanna H Swan if you want to understand more.
So, it doesn’t take a genius to understand the USA must be concerned for other reasons - who will fight the wars?
People who ‘use the bible’ & God to make a defence for anti abortion - clearly are missing the point. TRUST in God - means just that… TRUST IN GOD. The bible states - God knows us before we are born, do you think God isn’t aware of babies that will be aborted - who is anyone to judge, only God. For those using God in this particular fight - WHO are you to judge!? God also gave US ALL the gift of choice -right after the Garden of Eden, CHOICE. Each choice we make is a test & it’s only between you & God.
A woman who carries a child in her body - should have the choice & will live with that decision of her choice - what ever it is for the rest of her life. It’s NOT our business, Not my body - not my business. I read a post “Women are fighting to kill their babies while men are fighting for custody to see them”. Wow, are you fucking kidding me, leave it to a man (clearly bitter because of his own experience) to post that kind of shit, insinuating that it’s not a serious, life altering decision for most.
I doubt very much it is a decision that most women take very lightly, I am confident that most anguish for a long time (& perhaps for a long time after) over choosing to abort a child. Posts by an American female: 'we won't allow abortions but can't provide formula' &
'Abortions are being banned before assault rifles. It's not about the sanctity of life. It's about control & power' & 'The reason you can't claim an unborn child on your tax return is because the government says it's not a person.'
I don’t agree with the law - if we could SEE that they really do care about babies, maybe - but it doesn’t appear so, this is political - for political gain & to date - politicians appear to have lied about much, from the drug war to reasons for war - we all understand it’s usually about money, oil, control & power - not child welfare. It’s disappointing.
Either way- it’s still up to God.
This is mans (mostly men) cruelty on each other (mostly women), causing more mental illness & more children who will suffer long term, until they are used to fight for…. who knows what.
I’m grateful Canada will help many in this unfortunate situation, I’m also hopeful that more will take more precaution to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
TRUST in God.
Past History, current affairs, population decline concerns (around the world) have me pondering - it’s more about planting ‘soldier seeds’ for the USA army & it’s never ending warfare than it is a child welfare issue. This anti abortion decision will set woman back, mostly women already struggling. Black, Hispanic, Indian.. immigrants & the poor - some women will still be able to travel to Canada for an abortion - in reality it will be mostly white women with $. Abortions will still happen in the USA, only they will once again become more dangerous & deadly for both mother & infant.
I would rather people educate themselves on planned parenthood before an abortion but it doesn’t always work that way or we wouldn’t be needing abortions to begin with. In the case of rape, not being able to get an abortion is unfathomable for many. Serious illness or dangerous births or for women who just don’t want a child - for countless reasons, abortion should be an option. Ask sexually active couples (men & woman, because it does takes 2) how many times ‘accidents’ happen - like promising to pull out as Meatloaf sung about in the heat of the moment. It happens all the time, one encounter should not lead one to be forced to raising a child by politicians who won’t be there to help!
Mentally or financially.
Many couples don’t feel they can afford a child & lets face it - it’s still usually women who’s lives end up changing the most. There’s no need to explain to any educated human at this point about what happens when children are born & how many children are already living in poverty with only one parent. Let’s not forget fertility rates dropping also due to environment issues - read Countdown By Shanna H Swan if you want to understand more.
So, it doesn’t take a genius to understand the USA must be concerned for other reasons - who will fight the wars?
People who ‘use the bible’ & God to make a defence for anti abortion - clearly are missing the point. TRUST in God - means just that… TRUST IN GOD. The bible states - God knows us before we are born, do you think God isn’t aware of babies that will be aborted - who is anyone to judge, only God. For those using God in this particular fight - WHO are you to judge!? God also gave US ALL the gift of choice -right after the Garden of Eden, CHOICE. Each choice we make is a test & it’s only between you & God.
A woman who carries a child in her body - should have the choice & will live with that decision of her choice - what ever it is for the rest of her life. It’s NOT our business, Not my body - not my business. I read a post “Women are fighting to kill their babies while men are fighting for custody to see them”. Wow, are you fucking kidding me, leave it to a man (clearly bitter because of his own experience) to post that kind of shit, insinuating that it’s not a serious, life altering decision for most.
I doubt very much it is a decision that most women take very lightly, I am confident that most anguish for a long time (& perhaps for a long time after) over choosing to abort a child. Posts by an American female: 'we won't allow abortions but can't provide formula' &
'Abortions are being banned before assault rifles. It's not about the sanctity of life. It's about control & power' & 'The reason you can't claim an unborn child on your tax return is because the government says it's not a person.'
I don’t agree with the law - if we could SEE that they really do care about babies, maybe - but it doesn’t appear so, this is political - for political gain & to date - politicians appear to have lied about much, from the drug war to reasons for war - we all understand it’s usually about money, oil, control & power - not child welfare. It’s disappointing.
Either way- it’s still up to God.
This is mans (mostly men) cruelty on each other (mostly women), causing more mental illness & more children who will suffer long term, until they are used to fight for…. who knows what.
I’m grateful Canada will help many in this unfortunate situation, I’m also hopeful that more will take more precaution to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
TRUST in God.