Snow bear. gouache on black. 8 x 8
Where ever two or more are gathered in His name... Do snow bears count? ...I think so.
I'm working on a few more cards today, get them ready to go and I'm done for another holiday season.
On to debating wether or not to set up the tree, I always start to think 'Id like a real tree' -but then I go for a walk in the woods and the thought of killing a tree to sit in my living room for a month, is not an option... especially considering it could live a few more decades where it is, house critters, provide shade, nutrients and beauty... without glass baubles.
Fake or nothing... maybe I'll dig up a small one that is growing too close to the driveway, pot it for Christmas and plant it in the spring in a better location.
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Where ever two or more are gathered in His name... Do snow bears count? ...I think so.
I'm working on a few more cards today, get them ready to go and I'm done for another holiday season.
On to debating wether or not to set up the tree, I always start to think 'Id like a real tree' -but then I go for a walk in the woods and the thought of killing a tree to sit in my living room for a month, is not an option... especially considering it could live a few more decades where it is, house critters, provide shade, nutrients and beauty... without glass baubles.
Fake or nothing... maybe I'll dig up a small one that is growing too close to the driveway, pot it for Christmas and plant it in the spring in a better location.
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