While packing I've discovered a program - 'Portrait artist competition UK' - I'm glued, watching - 3 different artist enter to paint a portrait of someone famous... incredibly versatile on styles & mediums, fast, creative - it's inspired me to paint more people.
Many of the artists for practice paint themselves, not because we love our own reflection but because - it's free & easy... well easy for some. I for one do not enjoy looking at myself in the mirror for long periods of time- once I remember and focus at what I am doing - I get past vanity & on to learning & painting. Vincent VanGogh painted himself many times... a painted journal - the original selfie king. Today being slightly grumpy - needing to paint, my hands are sore from all the packing & yes, I'm mentally exhausted - to think of 'what to paint' - forget it, what I decided was start a mini journal of portraits ONLY most dont take longer that 15 mins., - all who will sit... but I will sit for me first - because it's easy, fast & free. I'll TRY for one a day!
Problem is... if people go by 'my self portraits - LOL - they won't think I'm any good. I am what I am... as a matter of fact I thought this particular portrait is pretty accurate.
I'm pleased. Our face has little to do with our abilities.
My ego is the asshole that occasionally reminds me about my "ugly face"...
- not for most peoples standards anyhow, then I am reminded thankfully - child of God you were created to create & Jesus loves me. hee hee I like saying it, I say it out loud to my girls all the time. Gratefully, I'm not overly concerned about other peoples standards any longer.. My face is in twitchmode big time... stress, moving, $$$, meeting strangers, having them come through your private home - daunting. I can't imagine hoarders going through this... I'm getting nothing but positive feedback and still find it's stressful- the hermit in me is not not happy- I've had to step out of my comfort zone too many times lately and I'm ready to embrace the forest with each passing moment. Packing is waiting.
This is me. This is a good first self portrait - I caught me.
If you do like ME as I am - thank you... I am trying.
If you don't like me - what are YOU doing here? Creeper..... lol
Boxes to pack..
with TLC & THC
Many of the artists for practice paint themselves, not because we love our own reflection but because - it's free & easy... well easy for some. I for one do not enjoy looking at myself in the mirror for long periods of time- once I remember and focus at what I am doing - I get past vanity & on to learning & painting. Vincent VanGogh painted himself many times... a painted journal - the original selfie king. Today being slightly grumpy - needing to paint, my hands are sore from all the packing & yes, I'm mentally exhausted - to think of 'what to paint' - forget it, what I decided was start a mini journal of portraits ONLY most dont take longer that 15 mins., - all who will sit... but I will sit for me first - because it's easy, fast & free. I'll TRY for one a day!
Problem is... if people go by 'my self portraits - LOL - they won't think I'm any good. I am what I am... as a matter of fact I thought this particular portrait is pretty accurate.
I'm pleased. Our face has little to do with our abilities.
My ego is the asshole that occasionally reminds me about my "ugly face"...
- not for most peoples standards anyhow, then I am reminded thankfully - child of God you were created to create & Jesus loves me. hee hee I like saying it, I say it out loud to my girls all the time. Gratefully, I'm not overly concerned about other peoples standards any longer.. My face is in twitchmode big time... stress, moving, $$$, meeting strangers, having them come through your private home - daunting. I can't imagine hoarders going through this... I'm getting nothing but positive feedback and still find it's stressful- the hermit in me is not not happy- I've had to step out of my comfort zone too many times lately and I'm ready to embrace the forest with each passing moment. Packing is waiting.
This is me. This is a good first self portrait - I caught me.
If you do like ME as I am - thank you... I am trying.
If you don't like me - what are YOU doing here? Creeper..... lol
Boxes to pack..
with TLC & THC