Another pondering primate... what is my new chimp obsession? It's been triggered by several things I guess, most recently the thought of the loss of more beautiful beasts. Destruction due to consumption, too much to ponder some days. This chimp brought a new level of painter... I know this when I spent an afternoon patiently painting the hair 'just on his chinny, chin, chin!
Why do we still have plastic bags? Lazy. These magnicifant mammals each one a miracle & our lazy butts & gluttony for palmoil are kiling them & I'm sure someone somewhere is using Chimp for medicinal reasons or even decorative. I'd rather not research that, now.
I find myself pondering the stoned ape theory again -how 'evolved' we have all become or have we? According to the studies we have started our own mass destruction - so why wait one more day to stop using plastic bags? Why?
As I finished this painting Denver has decriminalized Psilocybin mushrooms! The first of many US States with Canada following soon. Everything this blog said about cannabis - apply it to 'magic mushrooms' - = Psilocybin . It's that simple. EVERYTHING. I am forever grateful for this slow but steady personal education & depression releasing medicine. If not completely releasing at least discovering = Forgiving. Cannabis is my choice of daily medicine but every now & then my body & mind tell me when it's time to medicate with psilocybin. My lite treatment caused some negative effects - I can't even begin... I'm takng a break & wearing scrubs for comfort BUTT it said getting worse before better - might be a side effect. So feeling a bit blue with not much to do I decided to finish my primate that I started a few weeks ago.
Psilocybin help me 'feel a little more loved' for much of what I don't normally find very 'lovable at times. Including myself.
I'm in full painting mode again ;) - to keep me out of depression mode ;( .
I already have the NEXT painting sketched in my mind - another pondering primate in a slightly 'new style' an experiment, I think. Weeeeeeee...
;D I'lll leave this here so you might ponder a little.
NFS... unless the offer is worthwhile & will purchase much more paint! ;)
Acrylic on wood panel. Gold, Copper paint that makes this painting look different every time you look at it as well as around the edges - make sit POP ;).
I'm forever grateful for the experience.
Why do we still have plastic bags? Lazy. These magnicifant mammals each one a miracle & our lazy butts & gluttony for palmoil are kiling them & I'm sure someone somewhere is using Chimp for medicinal reasons or even decorative. I'd rather not research that, now.
I find myself pondering the stoned ape theory again -how 'evolved' we have all become or have we? According to the studies we have started our own mass destruction - so why wait one more day to stop using plastic bags? Why?
As I finished this painting Denver has decriminalized Psilocybin mushrooms! The first of many US States with Canada following soon. Everything this blog said about cannabis - apply it to 'magic mushrooms' - = Psilocybin . It's that simple. EVERYTHING. I am forever grateful for this slow but steady personal education & depression releasing medicine. If not completely releasing at least discovering = Forgiving. Cannabis is my choice of daily medicine but every now & then my body & mind tell me when it's time to medicate with psilocybin. My lite treatment caused some negative effects - I can't even begin... I'm takng a break & wearing scrubs for comfort BUTT it said getting worse before better - might be a side effect. So feeling a bit blue with not much to do I decided to finish my primate that I started a few weeks ago.
Psilocybin help me 'feel a little more loved' for much of what I don't normally find very 'lovable at times. Including myself.
I'm in full painting mode again ;) - to keep me out of depression mode ;( .
I already have the NEXT painting sketched in my mind - another pondering primate in a slightly 'new style' an experiment, I think. Weeeeeeee...
;D I'lll leave this here so you might ponder a little.
NFS... unless the offer is worthwhile & will purchase much more paint! ;)
Acrylic on wood panel. Gold, Copper paint that makes this painting look different every time you look at it as well as around the edges - make sit POP ;).
I'm forever grateful for the experience.