Today did not start off well..
I woke thinking how some people can be cruel.
Why was this the first thought on my mind I have no clue. :(
Some are cruel without intention and some with.
Those who do have intention & realize their actions are causing others to feel pain - are the worst. I don't understand it. It had me questioning 'Gods intent'.
I then started on a hermit crab painting (trying to distract my thoughts) and my friend and I had a good chat over breakfast, about 'Daniel and the lions den' of all things... I did feel a bit better.
Perhaps it's reading the paper daily- which I'm finding fascinating, you don't understand 'this' until you're immersed in it. I am having hard time reading about all the Mexicans who are being deported/detained - if they don't have any money for a lawyer-$$$ well, we all know how it works - they become lost in a system for months... years. Good people, NOT hardened criminals like were led to believe according to Donald, he is a person who is intentionally cruel to others & we are ALL witness to it. Try & deny.
It is heart breaking IMO to see America in such turmoil and surrounded with anger & fear led by a nasty, cruel "president' who is more concerned with TWEETs than he is his people.
Protest are being held this July 4th weekend - 'Not my president'. ;(
Poppy & I then headed off to the beach! It is July 4th - soon, not realizing this the beach was CRAZY! I felt somewhat frazzled then I met nice 'California Sherif' who made me smile. Next thing I was sitting beside him - in his very cool little beach Police Buggy! My arm wrapped around his we'll tanned, muscular arm (hee hee) he had a friendly smile and made me feel very welcome. ;) We snapped a photo and he told me & Poppy to have a great day at the beach! I didn't share I was a cannabis activist - I don't think it would have mattered. I did see him several times & each time he went out of his way to wave and smile. I shared our photo on IG knowing some will think - 'what, consorting with he enemy!' if you follow this blog I believe we can't judge all police by a few- and I know several good people (especially in Canada) who are Police officers- and they would die to protect me/us.
I believe this. Thank you.
I was sitting there and I looked up... way up and in the distance I saw this tiny figure.. realistically 2 centimeters tall- but I knew by the swagger exactly who it was, even tho I've not seen that walk for years. He said if I came to the USA he would come and hang out with me & he is a man of his word. Joshua Boulet walked down the beach and I started to smile. I've not seen Josh for years! He is my cartoonist buddy I met at the first TY expo and we became friends. What a buddy he is .. he took a bus and rode it all night to meet me on the beach this weekend. Josh would never hurt or be cruel to anyone intentionally.
Perhaps that is why he is my friend. His drawings focus on 'LOVE' and it's tattooed on his wrist as a constant reminder. He made me feel loved today.
lol My friend said "mi case es su casa" so when I asked can Josh stay a day - he said of course! & we have all gotten along as I knew we would.
I try to surround myself with good, kind, intelligent & creative, inspiring humans..
Tomorrow we paint! We're going to go for a walk and sketch, I'll celebrate my first July 4th
in California with 2 very different (born & raised) Americans.
In my heart I'll ignore DONALD & celebrate it for ALL Americans living here in the land of opportunity.
A little reminder of what America was built on and stood for & I love about the USA:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
My day started off difficult... now - God and I are good.
Prayer & love & thought. I get it.
I'm sorry.. I just can't imagine - I know anyone who is intentionally cruel.
I don't. Not intentionally anyway.
I keep dreaming of France & caves (for months) & Josh handed me a 'little trinket' he picked up for me, all I could do was smile & KNOW:
With God everything is possible.
I asked for a little sign this morning.. after our talk of Daniel & the Lions.
He has no idea how this 'little trinket' reinforced what I already know.
With Love
I woke thinking how some people can be cruel.
Why was this the first thought on my mind I have no clue. :(
Some are cruel without intention and some with.
Those who do have intention & realize their actions are causing others to feel pain - are the worst. I don't understand it. It had me questioning 'Gods intent'.
I then started on a hermit crab painting (trying to distract my thoughts) and my friend and I had a good chat over breakfast, about 'Daniel and the lions den' of all things... I did feel a bit better.
Perhaps it's reading the paper daily- which I'm finding fascinating, you don't understand 'this' until you're immersed in it. I am having hard time reading about all the Mexicans who are being deported/detained - if they don't have any money for a lawyer-$$$ well, we all know how it works - they become lost in a system for months... years. Good people, NOT hardened criminals like were led to believe according to Donald, he is a person who is intentionally cruel to others & we are ALL witness to it. Try & deny.
It is heart breaking IMO to see America in such turmoil and surrounded with anger & fear led by a nasty, cruel "president' who is more concerned with TWEETs than he is his people.
Protest are being held this July 4th weekend - 'Not my president'. ;(
Poppy & I then headed off to the beach! It is July 4th - soon, not realizing this the beach was CRAZY! I felt somewhat frazzled then I met nice 'California Sherif' who made me smile. Next thing I was sitting beside him - in his very cool little beach Police Buggy! My arm wrapped around his we'll tanned, muscular arm (hee hee) he had a friendly smile and made me feel very welcome. ;) We snapped a photo and he told me & Poppy to have a great day at the beach! I didn't share I was a cannabis activist - I don't think it would have mattered. I did see him several times & each time he went out of his way to wave and smile. I shared our photo on IG knowing some will think - 'what, consorting with he enemy!' if you follow this blog I believe we can't judge all police by a few- and I know several good people (especially in Canada) who are Police officers- and they would die to protect me/us.
I believe this. Thank you.
I was sitting there and I looked up... way up and in the distance I saw this tiny figure.. realistically 2 centimeters tall- but I knew by the swagger exactly who it was, even tho I've not seen that walk for years. He said if I came to the USA he would come and hang out with me & he is a man of his word. Joshua Boulet walked down the beach and I started to smile. I've not seen Josh for years! He is my cartoonist buddy I met at the first TY expo and we became friends. What a buddy he is .. he took a bus and rode it all night to meet me on the beach this weekend. Josh would never hurt or be cruel to anyone intentionally.
Perhaps that is why he is my friend. His drawings focus on 'LOVE' and it's tattooed on his wrist as a constant reminder. He made me feel loved today.
lol My friend said "mi case es su casa" so when I asked can Josh stay a day - he said of course! & we have all gotten along as I knew we would.
I try to surround myself with good, kind, intelligent & creative, inspiring humans..
Tomorrow we paint! We're going to go for a walk and sketch, I'll celebrate my first July 4th
in California with 2 very different (born & raised) Americans.
In my heart I'll ignore DONALD & celebrate it for ALL Americans living here in the land of opportunity.
A little reminder of what America was built on and stood for & I love about the USA:
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
My day started off difficult... now - God and I are good.
Prayer & love & thought. I get it.
I'm sorry.. I just can't imagine - I know anyone who is intentionally cruel.
I don't. Not intentionally anyway.
I keep dreaming of France & caves (for months) & Josh handed me a 'little trinket' he picked up for me, all I could do was smile & KNOW:
With God everything is possible.
I asked for a little sign this morning.. after our talk of Daniel & the Lions.
He has no idea how this 'little trinket' reinforced what I already know.
With Love