So theatres are open.. hmmm
Will you go to the movies and sit in the dark with others? Possibly with someone who has covid? Possibly risking your health for a movie & popcorn? I guess we all have to make choices. It's not my business what others choose - frankly, I don't care. I am watching the USA - that's enough to keep me here. Watching Netflix and goats. ;)
I like orange kitties... maybe I'll get one, now that Bird is not longer with us.
I never wanted to take the chance before.
I painted this up in smoke cat a couple of days ago - just to paint... & then I heard of an orange kitten looking for a new home! Hmmm - will this kitty be waiting for me?
Let's see... if it's still available I'll go get it today. Will this smoke image turn into the real deal? If so I might paint a donkey next - LOL ! Just joking. No donkeys needed.
If not, I'll wait patiently for the next little life waiting to enter our lives, there always room to help one more. I won't go out and buy a kitten but if one need s home - I'll provide it.
Charles Schults said "...artist block is for amatures."
With all that is before us from God - how can we ever 'NOT, be inspired?
Currently, I am painting my goats.
Intentionally trying to paint myself happy - imagining a joyfull visual & focusing on it.
I'm sure that man that asaulted 3 people and died was dealing with more than 'mask stress', poor old guy :( 73 years old & this is how he wil be remembered. The phone turned off, no news.. the gate is closed, no visitors.
I'm done with humans for a bit (too many are struggling - I hope not to add to the overall 'mood' will focus on calming the mind & twitch & joy. My new painting makes me smile... I smiled the moment I saw it in the studio this morning. I paint so much - I can sometimes forget - what's on the easel! lol Today it was a nice suprise to see Indica & Satia- out in the pen & on the canvas. I'll be watching goats & chickens & blackberries ripen & waiting for all the tiny miracles all around to develop.
Have you seen (Netflix) the mini docuseries on the Drug war?
It is an eye opener- Please watch. I get excited thinking canada will decriminalize drug possession for personal sue. Finally. I admire the woman who is in the series - what a rock star. I've been learning about the war on HUMANs, disguised as the war on drugs for over 10 years now, but it's been going on MUSH longer - used to imprison many - wrongfully.
For doing something countless do.. (but don't get caught) how about you?
With TLC & THC
Will you go to the movies and sit in the dark with others? Possibly with someone who has covid? Possibly risking your health for a movie & popcorn? I guess we all have to make choices. It's not my business what others choose - frankly, I don't care. I am watching the USA - that's enough to keep me here. Watching Netflix and goats. ;)
I like orange kitties... maybe I'll get one, now that Bird is not longer with us.
I never wanted to take the chance before.
I painted this up in smoke cat a couple of days ago - just to paint... & then I heard of an orange kitten looking for a new home! Hmmm - will this kitty be waiting for me?
Let's see... if it's still available I'll go get it today. Will this smoke image turn into the real deal? If so I might paint a donkey next - LOL ! Just joking. No donkeys needed.
If not, I'll wait patiently for the next little life waiting to enter our lives, there always room to help one more. I won't go out and buy a kitten but if one need s home - I'll provide it.
Charles Schults said "...artist block is for amatures."
With all that is before us from God - how can we ever 'NOT, be inspired?
Currently, I am painting my goats.
Intentionally trying to paint myself happy - imagining a joyfull visual & focusing on it.
I'm sure that man that asaulted 3 people and died was dealing with more than 'mask stress', poor old guy :( 73 years old & this is how he wil be remembered. The phone turned off, no news.. the gate is closed, no visitors.
I'm done with humans for a bit (too many are struggling - I hope not to add to the overall 'mood' will focus on calming the mind & twitch & joy. My new painting makes me smile... I smiled the moment I saw it in the studio this morning. I paint so much - I can sometimes forget - what's on the easel! lol Today it was a nice suprise to see Indica & Satia- out in the pen & on the canvas. I'll be watching goats & chickens & blackberries ripen & waiting for all the tiny miracles all around to develop.
Have you seen (Netflix) the mini docuseries on the Drug war?
It is an eye opener- Please watch. I get excited thinking canada will decriminalize drug possession for personal sue. Finally. I admire the woman who is in the series - what a rock star. I've been learning about the war on HUMANs, disguised as the war on drugs for over 10 years now, but it's been going on MUSH longer - used to imprison many - wrongfully.
For doing something countless do.. (but don't get caught) how about you?
With TLC & THC