First lesson in farming.. do not get attached.
Gloria (my black rooster) is no longer with us. Chickens… tiny brutal descendants of dinosaurs. Why? They just do. I’m not getting attached to the chickens anymore, please remind me chick season.
Bow jumped in the pen a couple of times, when he finally got brave & close enough, the cock entered the picture and went right at Bow! Bow jumped out of the pen and only looks at the chickens occasionally, so yes: cocks in the coop do serve a purpose.
We also had an abundance of eggs this winter! I gave away so many eggs, simply because there's no room in my fridge or counter. My chickens appear healthy & happy, other than taking out Gloria. It’s too bad they are such petty peckers and peck on each other for no other reason than to peck. If only they had hobbies.
I had a call from my old neighbour that lived across the street at the last house, she called to tell me she still misses me. 3 years later. I felt bad for leaving her.. lol but she remarked she could HEAR I was better, happier in my Wooden Eden. She is older and of course I kept an eye on her, right across the street, they moved in a week after we did. She reminded me of all I did, lol - I was kinda shocked.. it was ‘just stuff’ to me, I didn’t realize it was such a big deal to her. I guess she was really missing me. I felt quite emotional after the conversation, missing her too. Perhaps missing her knowing, she is missing me & lonely. She asked about my new neighbours and I simply replied: I don’t know them. I don’t.
This made her sad but I assured her I have made several new friends who warm my heart and inspire me, daily. I’m going to send her a card, monthly & promised someone would drop off blue eggs, the next pass by. Love thy neighbour.
Below is a photo my friend Ted took for me. He placed bird seed like that, and sent me the photo to make me smile. Smile I did. He also sends me Turkey, deer and any other critter that visits his property, he has a way with nature.
No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted.
I thanked God for the lesson & the reminder - we are often thought about, missed & loved by someone somewhere.
Give Thanks.
Gloria (my black rooster) is no longer with us. Chickens… tiny brutal descendants of dinosaurs. Why? They just do. I’m not getting attached to the chickens anymore, please remind me chick season.
Bow jumped in the pen a couple of times, when he finally got brave & close enough, the cock entered the picture and went right at Bow! Bow jumped out of the pen and only looks at the chickens occasionally, so yes: cocks in the coop do serve a purpose.
We also had an abundance of eggs this winter! I gave away so many eggs, simply because there's no room in my fridge or counter. My chickens appear healthy & happy, other than taking out Gloria. It’s too bad they are such petty peckers and peck on each other for no other reason than to peck. If only they had hobbies.
I had a call from my old neighbour that lived across the street at the last house, she called to tell me she still misses me. 3 years later. I felt bad for leaving her.. lol but she remarked she could HEAR I was better, happier in my Wooden Eden. She is older and of course I kept an eye on her, right across the street, they moved in a week after we did. She reminded me of all I did, lol - I was kinda shocked.. it was ‘just stuff’ to me, I didn’t realize it was such a big deal to her. I guess she was really missing me. I felt quite emotional after the conversation, missing her too. Perhaps missing her knowing, she is missing me & lonely. She asked about my new neighbours and I simply replied: I don’t know them. I don’t.
This made her sad but I assured her I have made several new friends who warm my heart and inspire me, daily. I’m going to send her a card, monthly & promised someone would drop off blue eggs, the next pass by. Love thy neighbour.
Below is a photo my friend Ted took for me. He placed bird seed like that, and sent me the photo to make me smile. Smile I did. He also sends me Turkey, deer and any other critter that visits his property, he has a way with nature.
No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted.
I thanked God for the lesson & the reminder - we are often thought about, missed & loved by someone somewhere.
Give Thanks.