It's been quite a while since I've been on an adventure.
My mind racing with several issues as I try to make sure I'm all organized.
Poppy is ready - I imagine. Am I? Of course.
The universe still conspires & it continues to all fall into place..
I'll start to stress over something & think - there is no point.
What's the worse that can happen? Pelicans will scoop up my sketch book?
Joshua Boulet is in Oakland California & assures me he will work his way to OC so he and I can draw on the beach! This has been on my 'bucket/To Do list - ever since Josh & I became friends long ago at the first EXPO, I still remember that first E mail I sent him.
He has had the pleasure of drawing the ocean several times over.
Will this trip get any better?
Whatever 'problem' that trotted crossed my mind have again looked after themselves..
Trusting in God has it's rewards. Friends with good intentions, positive wishes & prayers help too. I've no doubts it's why I'm on my way.
Bears are on my desk as I post.. Broadway & Bear exploring an unknown area of the garden. Broadway as Cheeky as ever.. I think I might have painted a pose similar - but I just DO them, they arise from my soul & passion and pose which ever way they choose. I don't look at the others I've already painted - they are in a binder. 'The Book Of Bears.'
As I glance at it a smile slowly crosses my face, it can't be helped this furry, love expressing compulsion. I'm feverish to get back at them on the thunderous wet, grey morning.
A Jerry Garcia idea... Inspired by some PINS Stephen Boehme PIN'd.. I can't wait to see what he is doing. My rendition is going to be cute!
This vacation planning takes a lot out of you... lol
I've had to do very little except confirm our tickets.
Blessed Indeed.
I've got 'black boards' cuts to size - 14 & several smaller & blank cards of course!
A painting a day while I'm away! A card for someone to warm up my heart & hands each morning! Then Off to the ocean for our morning stroll.
Mostly... I shall go where my sails take me!
On my 'ToDo' list I added today:
Why Not!? I literally dream about the caves in France. Just like I use to dream about bears, I know I'm going to see them one day in the near future.
Do you still dream or No? Will you stay or Will you Go?
If your going to dream DREAM - DREAM!
Imagine - what could God provide me in my perfect world.
I Imagine & it's going to be better than I imagine. I know.
With Love
Back to Broadway on my mind & my canvas.
My mind racing with several issues as I try to make sure I'm all organized.
Poppy is ready - I imagine. Am I? Of course.
The universe still conspires & it continues to all fall into place..
I'll start to stress over something & think - there is no point.
What's the worse that can happen? Pelicans will scoop up my sketch book?
Joshua Boulet is in Oakland California & assures me he will work his way to OC so he and I can draw on the beach! This has been on my 'bucket/To Do list - ever since Josh & I became friends long ago at the first EXPO, I still remember that first E mail I sent him.
He has had the pleasure of drawing the ocean several times over.
Will this trip get any better?
Whatever 'problem' that trotted crossed my mind have again looked after themselves..
Trusting in God has it's rewards. Friends with good intentions, positive wishes & prayers help too. I've no doubts it's why I'm on my way.
Bears are on my desk as I post.. Broadway & Bear exploring an unknown area of the garden. Broadway as Cheeky as ever.. I think I might have painted a pose similar - but I just DO them, they arise from my soul & passion and pose which ever way they choose. I don't look at the others I've already painted - they are in a binder. 'The Book Of Bears.'
As I glance at it a smile slowly crosses my face, it can't be helped this furry, love expressing compulsion. I'm feverish to get back at them on the thunderous wet, grey morning.
A Jerry Garcia idea... Inspired by some PINS Stephen Boehme PIN'd.. I can't wait to see what he is doing. My rendition is going to be cute!
This vacation planning takes a lot out of you... lol
I've had to do very little except confirm our tickets.
Blessed Indeed.
I've got 'black boards' cuts to size - 14 & several smaller & blank cards of course!
A painting a day while I'm away! A card for someone to warm up my heart & hands each morning! Then Off to the ocean for our morning stroll.
Mostly... I shall go where my sails take me!
On my 'ToDo' list I added today:
Why Not!? I literally dream about the caves in France. Just like I use to dream about bears, I know I'm going to see them one day in the near future.
Do you still dream or No? Will you stay or Will you Go?
If your going to dream DREAM - DREAM!
Imagine - what could God provide me in my perfect world.
I Imagine & it's going to be better than I imagine. I know.
With Love
Back to Broadway on my mind & my canvas.