Arrrrgh! -14 is cold (without windchill) - it's a great excuse to snuggle if you can & WE can & do! The past few days have been a snuggle overload - Poppy lives in blankets from Oct to March - Ginger thinks Poppy's part caterpillar as she's always wrapped in some sort of cocoon... and I've got to say it's so enticing I have trouble not snuggling up every time I see this sweet little face.
This No Drama llama is how I feel - who has time for Drama when your busy being fucking fabulous? I'm too busy reading, learning, medicating (enjoying) watching about the planet & all that occupies it - I've not time for "who's fucking who" as long as they are NOT fucking with me - it's not usually my business. Right? (Trump is fucking everyone right now.. including himself.) I've had 3 phone calls already today about the #metoo movement & Canadian Cannabis - who needs cable? "Have you heard??"
Oh yes, I've heard.
The bandwagon has left the building... I'm sure there a few who are going to hop on & IF they had no excuse they would not bother. I've been hearing rumours for years & kept my distance because of. #metoo is in EVERY industry & every industry needs to step up and stop sexual harassment bullshit, NOW. I am in my own way educating women & informing them of my own sexual harassment because I can't live with myself KNOWING it's still happening to more women for this very reason. No drama just facts & warnings & proof if need be. Women don't 'need to make stuff up' we have enough drama in our lives...
IF you are behaving badly & abusing YOUR power- it's not the women speaking up who are the problem.
Tick Tock. Dick Dock.. that correct terminology ?
To dock ones pay means to take some away- correct? hee hee hee
I'm thrilled with the gillette commercial! Bravo- thanks for keeping the conversation going - because it's far from over... sadly. I started to get caught up in someone else's drama the other day, I couldn't even think what to paint I was feeling stressed then - 'screw this' - JUST paint anything because that is what does occupy by mind - creativity- better than being occupied with other peoples bullshit- that they bring upon themselves.. no thanks I'd rather stare into a llamas eyes anyway - look away from drama & look upon something that makes you feel all warm & fuzzy inside! lol
I KNOW this works - I continually force myself to paint cuteness because I KNOW it lightens my mood! Who's ready for another sloth??
No it's no masterpiece BUT it did in fact help achieve master peace! Ha ha!
... too busy being fucking fabulous - how about you?
Worried about being exposed? Stop fucking exposing yourself. Duh.
A gift for Georgia' & Saturday time lapse on IG next.
with TLC & THC
This No Drama llama is how I feel - who has time for Drama when your busy being fucking fabulous? I'm too busy reading, learning, medicating (enjoying) watching about the planet & all that occupies it - I've not time for "who's fucking who" as long as they are NOT fucking with me - it's not usually my business. Right? (Trump is fucking everyone right now.. including himself.) I've had 3 phone calls already today about the #metoo movement & Canadian Cannabis - who needs cable? "Have you heard??"
Oh yes, I've heard.
The bandwagon has left the building... I'm sure there a few who are going to hop on & IF they had no excuse they would not bother. I've been hearing rumours for years & kept my distance because of. #metoo is in EVERY industry & every industry needs to step up and stop sexual harassment bullshit, NOW. I am in my own way educating women & informing them of my own sexual harassment because I can't live with myself KNOWING it's still happening to more women for this very reason. No drama just facts & warnings & proof if need be. Women don't 'need to make stuff up' we have enough drama in our lives...
IF you are behaving badly & abusing YOUR power- it's not the women speaking up who are the problem.
Tick Tock. Dick Dock.. that correct terminology ?
To dock ones pay means to take some away- correct? hee hee hee
I'm thrilled with the gillette commercial! Bravo- thanks for keeping the conversation going - because it's far from over... sadly. I started to get caught up in someone else's drama the other day, I couldn't even think what to paint I was feeling stressed then - 'screw this' - JUST paint anything because that is what does occupy by mind - creativity- better than being occupied with other peoples bullshit- that they bring upon themselves.. no thanks I'd rather stare into a llamas eyes anyway - look away from drama & look upon something that makes you feel all warm & fuzzy inside! lol
I KNOW this works - I continually force myself to paint cuteness because I KNOW it lightens my mood! Who's ready for another sloth??
No it's no masterpiece BUT it did in fact help achieve master peace! Ha ha!
... too busy being fucking fabulous - how about you?
Worried about being exposed? Stop fucking exposing yourself. Duh.
A gift for Georgia' & Saturday time lapse on IG next.
with TLC & THC