Let's make no bones about it - halloween brings about it's own creativity.
There are some amazing costumes for humans and pets & decorative displays... cakes, cookies & art! Also some frightening costumes.. I watched a video of adults at a day care - terrifying toddlers, chasing them around, screaming at them in a frightening mask & thought.. wtf. They were all fired. I guess so. I think there's enough going on in the world - we don't need to be terrifying toddlers, life will hand them enough scary situations. It reminds me of the display we use to have & some parents had no issues dragging screaming children through -because they wanted to see.
It made me upset with our own display, thinking we were responsible for frightening little ones.
Movie creators don't appear to be concerned, these days. I don't want to paint frightening art.
I like skeletons. I painted a few ideas (warm -ups) halloween themed, that's as scary as I'm getting.
Wanna jump my bones? hee hee hee. I enjoy adding my boney Poppy too.
There are some amazing costumes for humans and pets & decorative displays... cakes, cookies & art! Also some frightening costumes.. I watched a video of adults at a day care - terrifying toddlers, chasing them around, screaming at them in a frightening mask & thought.. wtf. They were all fired. I guess so. I think there's enough going on in the world - we don't need to be terrifying toddlers, life will hand them enough scary situations. It reminds me of the display we use to have & some parents had no issues dragging screaming children through -because they wanted to see.
It made me upset with our own display, thinking we were responsible for frightening little ones.
Movie creators don't appear to be concerned, these days. I don't want to paint frightening art.
I like skeletons. I painted a few ideas (warm -ups) halloween themed, that's as scary as I'm getting.
Wanna jump my bones? hee hee hee. I enjoy adding my boney Poppy too.
I forgot to share this orange tabby, smoking a fatty.... playing with paint.
Gouache on Black 8 x 8 Most of these cats are imagined, all are relaxing to paint... it's the fur & fun of them.
Have a creative day! Created to create.
Have a creative day! Created to create.