I went to bed last night grumpy to say the least.. but I woke up to my girls snuggled in (look at the baby) *Ginger (like the spice) I think is her name! She made me laugh before I was even awake. Amen. & in my fit of anger yesterday productiveness arose - I CLEANED & rearranged my bedroom with Norms assistance... it's a good thing- to get busy when angry- occupy your mind. It's always good to occupy your mind with creativity - it's why I do it. ;)
Still upset about the bluejays.. I was mad at myself for the 'Drunks' remark too.
It is what it is. I know all too well how alcohol destroys families and lives - literally.
I have witnessed it first hand on too many occasions my entire life.. so it's 'Why' I do try to tolerate stuff, I understand 'they were drunk' and probably have regrets themselves the next day - so' we let it go' - well, I do unless YOU are directly in my life - I have no tolerance for getting drunk, or being around those who do any longer, sorry.
I realized I have 'PTSD' regarding alcohol. It was a lightbulb moment - many do.
I just have to 'hear' a drunk and I get a terrible feeling my guy, I don't care if they are happy drunks - I've known to many who have "switched" from happy to raging with the sip of a cocktail. I abhor alcohol - so much so 'others' make me not want to even have one drink. Ask any adult 'NOW' of an abusive alcoholic parent - if they know the "slur". I can hear a drunks slur a mile away and avoid them like the plague. You know that slur- because it was a warning sign to run & hide- shit is about to get real. So - add bird shooting to the mix and it got bad. Then I remember the little boy who use to make me laugh - running around the backyard famous for not wearing any swimsuit & his mom yelling at him! Cracked me up every time. What happened to that kid? I know alcohol played a big part in that families suffering & still does - like it does in far too many families. You get to know your closest neighbours when you live beside them for over 25 years - like it or not sometimes. I still like ALL my neighbours - because I KNOW we all struggle.
I will NOT & do not tolerate bullshit, I think they all know this from hearing me & Norm over the years - it is what it is... I have 8! 8 houses that back onto my back yard, you know our backyard is big and our own personal oasis - WE HAVE WORKED hard at it & still do- last night thinking - sleepless (I KNOW WHY) I was angry thinking all but 3 houses have small children. ALL all backyards I can see - the force that that projectile - BULLET (a rose by any other name is still a rose) smacked the tree - I heard it RIP through the bark- OMG - seriously it would terrify & harm if not kill child. Stupider things happen all the time - next thing a person being a dick killing a bird is going jail for manslaughter.
Now, every time I hear the bluejays I panic - put out nuts before the shooter gets his gun.
I won't - I can't I have to go on and OUT - Paint TIKI & pray no more birds will be killed.
My twitch was so bad yesterday - there are days I feel like going to emergency to say "KNOCK me out for a few hours, please. " BUT I don't - I LIVE with IT, I'm learning to say- HEY! I know why your twitch is TERRIBLE today, go easy, go get rest, go focus on good stuff like the puppy & Poppy.
Norm is happier & grateful now that he has had time to think and did thank me for realizing that the salesman > @ TORONTO QUALITY MOTORS< (btw) was ripping us OFF & had blatantly lied about several issues - BUYER BEWARE. Norm is getting a brand new truck, & I am very happy for him, really - he's never had a 'new' vehicle in his lifetime- & I do NOT know another guy who works as hard as he does - it's that simple. God has provided (as does Norm & his boss - hee hee - I am very fond of Norms boss - very grateful for him in our lives) life is good, I'm excited for him - and me & Storm. Made me laugh - he has hooked up a new surveillance camera for the driveway all of the sudden... The truck across the street was broken into a few times. I have forgiven, if I thought he would read it I would gift my neighbour the book - 'The genius of birds' - It's facinating, on my bedside table. I was thinking... IF I had control of this situation - I would say: You shot a bird, now you have to stay in this cell (with food) & read (NO computer, no luxuries) this book. Once the book is done - I'll ask you questions on every chapter- when I was convinced the entire book was read - they could go free. Isn't that a GREAT idea?
I also realized something that concerned me- I was so frightened - i called 911. lol- I was in bed last night LOL- ..
911 -'911 - what is your emergency?"
me -"theres been a shooting!"
911 - "was anyone hurt?"
me - "a BLUUJAY! "
It didn't go like that- but I did call 911 because I was shaking, then ;( I couldn't remember my right side & left side - couldn't speak properly & had to make her aware I had a brain injury- as I was aware I did. I realized right away- iI should not have called 911 but the 'georgina police' and tried to state this when I was just calling over a bird - BUT, she could hear it I guess in my voice & she was AWESOME, lovely, kind & calmed me down and explained - it was o.k., she could infact help me.. & it was all going to be looked after, I had nothing to worry about.
She also told me it was illegal for a few reasons.
I have to say, I love Canadian police. Im looking forward to seeing super troopers 2- to see the mountie & USA thing. I love mounties!! If I eve get to meet one up close - I'll beg for a selfie. ;) I know people have had some bad encounters but I have only ever had good. I am very grateful for them and believe we SHOULD NEVER put them all in the same basket - for ever bad cop we read about there are far more good.
New Day!
New tiki's!
New cannabis art NEXT!!
with TLC & THC
Still upset about the bluejays.. I was mad at myself for the 'Drunks' remark too.
It is what it is. I know all too well how alcohol destroys families and lives - literally.
I have witnessed it first hand on too many occasions my entire life.. so it's 'Why' I do try to tolerate stuff, I understand 'they were drunk' and probably have regrets themselves the next day - so' we let it go' - well, I do unless YOU are directly in my life - I have no tolerance for getting drunk, or being around those who do any longer, sorry.
I realized I have 'PTSD' regarding alcohol. It was a lightbulb moment - many do.
I just have to 'hear' a drunk and I get a terrible feeling my guy, I don't care if they are happy drunks - I've known to many who have "switched" from happy to raging with the sip of a cocktail. I abhor alcohol - so much so 'others' make me not want to even have one drink. Ask any adult 'NOW' of an abusive alcoholic parent - if they know the "slur". I can hear a drunks slur a mile away and avoid them like the plague. You know that slur- because it was a warning sign to run & hide- shit is about to get real. So - add bird shooting to the mix and it got bad. Then I remember the little boy who use to make me laugh - running around the backyard famous for not wearing any swimsuit & his mom yelling at him! Cracked me up every time. What happened to that kid? I know alcohol played a big part in that families suffering & still does - like it does in far too many families. You get to know your closest neighbours when you live beside them for over 25 years - like it or not sometimes. I still like ALL my neighbours - because I KNOW we all struggle.
I will NOT & do not tolerate bullshit, I think they all know this from hearing me & Norm over the years - it is what it is... I have 8! 8 houses that back onto my back yard, you know our backyard is big and our own personal oasis - WE HAVE WORKED hard at it & still do- last night thinking - sleepless (I KNOW WHY) I was angry thinking all but 3 houses have small children. ALL all backyards I can see - the force that that projectile - BULLET (a rose by any other name is still a rose) smacked the tree - I heard it RIP through the bark- OMG - seriously it would terrify & harm if not kill child. Stupider things happen all the time - next thing a person being a dick killing a bird is going jail for manslaughter.
Now, every time I hear the bluejays I panic - put out nuts before the shooter gets his gun.
I won't - I can't I have to go on and OUT - Paint TIKI & pray no more birds will be killed.
My twitch was so bad yesterday - there are days I feel like going to emergency to say "KNOCK me out for a few hours, please. " BUT I don't - I LIVE with IT, I'm learning to say- HEY! I know why your twitch is TERRIBLE today, go easy, go get rest, go focus on good stuff like the puppy & Poppy.
Norm is happier & grateful now that he has had time to think and did thank me for realizing that the salesman > @ TORONTO QUALITY MOTORS< (btw) was ripping us OFF & had blatantly lied about several issues - BUYER BEWARE. Norm is getting a brand new truck, & I am very happy for him, really - he's never had a 'new' vehicle in his lifetime- & I do NOT know another guy who works as hard as he does - it's that simple. God has provided (as does Norm & his boss - hee hee - I am very fond of Norms boss - very grateful for him in our lives) life is good, I'm excited for him - and me & Storm. Made me laugh - he has hooked up a new surveillance camera for the driveway all of the sudden... The truck across the street was broken into a few times. I have forgiven, if I thought he would read it I would gift my neighbour the book - 'The genius of birds' - It's facinating, on my bedside table. I was thinking... IF I had control of this situation - I would say: You shot a bird, now you have to stay in this cell (with food) & read (NO computer, no luxuries) this book. Once the book is done - I'll ask you questions on every chapter- when I was convinced the entire book was read - they could go free. Isn't that a GREAT idea?
I also realized something that concerned me- I was so frightened - i called 911. lol- I was in bed last night LOL- ..
911 -'911 - what is your emergency?"
me -"theres been a shooting!"
911 - "was anyone hurt?"
me - "a BLUUJAY! "
It didn't go like that- but I did call 911 because I was shaking, then ;( I couldn't remember my right side & left side - couldn't speak properly & had to make her aware I had a brain injury- as I was aware I did. I realized right away- iI should not have called 911 but the 'georgina police' and tried to state this when I was just calling over a bird - BUT, she could hear it I guess in my voice & she was AWESOME, lovely, kind & calmed me down and explained - it was o.k., she could infact help me.. & it was all going to be looked after, I had nothing to worry about.
She also told me it was illegal for a few reasons.
I have to say, I love Canadian police. Im looking forward to seeing super troopers 2- to see the mountie & USA thing. I love mounties!! If I eve get to meet one up close - I'll beg for a selfie. ;) I know people have had some bad encounters but I have only ever had good. I am very grateful for them and believe we SHOULD NEVER put them all in the same basket - for ever bad cop we read about there are far more good.
New Day!
New tiki's!
New cannabis art NEXT!!
with TLC & THC