Did you know Canada has discovered a NEW BEE? & it's a cute little bee! Made me smile right away have a peek:
A black & white Bee with a smile on it''s back! O.k., the smile doesn't make me think this bee's stinger will hurt any less - as a matter of fact - I think this bee might hurt a little more - not sure why. How neat! New creatures are being discovered all the time - Evolution it's called. This bee was named after the person in Manitoba which discovered it- that too is pretty neat if you ask me- to be named for a BEE. Called Epeolus gibbsi, discovered bee has white markings on back that look like a grin Talk about timing! A happy little bee with cannabis becoming legalized in Canada! Perfect!
Are you attending the lift Expo on the weekend? I am - although I wasn't sure - I don't have Facebook but I've had 3 different people tell me about the latest Cannabis drama in the past 24 hours, calling it a 'cannabis catfight'. Just the little bit I heard has me thinking - well... what did you expect? Lot's of talk about greed and pettiness - some new light being cast -eyes being opened. Time will tell. It all sounds like some tasteless, tacky media grab at the moment- what else is new.
I've been assured none of it will be 'going on' at the LIFT expo - good, who needs to be surrounded by it, it appears to be making 'all involved' not look too friendly or too pretty' at the moment... too bad.
I want to go and see some friends! Check out whats new- who's doing what and spend time with my son (always a pleasure) It's exciting times Canada! Don't be distracted by drama- we've got celebrating to do!
I've got my mind focused on all things positive Cannabis... Frig I'm excited- for an awakening. Just like the discovery of a new BEE Canada is going to discover Cannanbis is not all what we've been led to believe- goodbye reefer madness once and fall. It even helps - Millions. Less people being busted for a victimless crimes... Maybe the police - getting all the money to enforce something that is now legal? WTF?... might actually use it for serving & protecting those who really need served & protected.
Sure you'll have people busted for impaired ' they will try and more court cases will appear- and disappear.
BE here NOW! Be awake! Be alert! Be ready to experience cannabis- put down the bottle- start conversations - next - make all drugs legal. Address People with drug problems 'mental health problems' as they are and not criminals. Education is the key for a happy healthier Canada - all around.
Tis time! BE here NOW!
Oh Canada... Just Be.
with TLC & THC
Are you attending the lift Expo on the weekend? I am - although I wasn't sure - I don't have Facebook but I've had 3 different people tell me about the latest Cannabis drama in the past 24 hours, calling it a 'cannabis catfight'. Just the little bit I heard has me thinking - well... what did you expect? Lot's of talk about greed and pettiness - some new light being cast -eyes being opened. Time will tell. It all sounds like some tasteless, tacky media grab at the moment- what else is new.
I've been assured none of it will be 'going on' at the LIFT expo - good, who needs to be surrounded by it, it appears to be making 'all involved' not look too friendly or too pretty' at the moment... too bad.
I want to go and see some friends! Check out whats new- who's doing what and spend time with my son (always a pleasure) It's exciting times Canada! Don't be distracted by drama- we've got celebrating to do!
I've got my mind focused on all things positive Cannabis... Frig I'm excited- for an awakening. Just like the discovery of a new BEE Canada is going to discover Cannanbis is not all what we've been led to believe- goodbye reefer madness once and fall. It even helps - Millions. Less people being busted for a victimless crimes... Maybe the police - getting all the money to enforce something that is now legal? WTF?... might actually use it for serving & protecting those who really need served & protected.
Sure you'll have people busted for impaired ' they will try and more court cases will appear- and disappear.
BE here NOW! Be awake! Be alert! Be ready to experience cannabis- put down the bottle- start conversations - next - make all drugs legal. Address People with drug problems 'mental health problems' as they are and not criminals. Education is the key for a happy healthier Canada - all around.
Tis time! BE here NOW!
Oh Canada... Just Be.
with TLC & THC