All this rain has mushrooms out in full force, unfortunately the mosquitos are in abundance as well.
More rain is expected - it's a good day to paint more cards!
While painting I've been listening to a fascinating book:
The Secret History of America. By Manly P. Hall. I found track 10, especially interesting.
I recommend it for an eye opening education (third eye), I was wondering if there is a:
The Secret History of Canada, book out there. No doubts it too, would be a rude awakening.
It also makes it easier to understand... why we are where we are & hopefully - what we might do to rectify the situation.
I also read two books recently, I enjoyed - well kinda.
The Truth About Contagion, was slightly disturbing considering our current situation with our love of 'technology.
& the other a fiction: The Guest List -I breezed through in 2 days, great ending.
Reading is exercise.
Read... turn off the T.V. and give your eyes and brain a work out. Food for the mind.
Created to create & striving to be a better artist, I'm also currently reading this:
More rain is expected - it's a good day to paint more cards!
While painting I've been listening to a fascinating book:
The Secret History of America. By Manly P. Hall. I found track 10, especially interesting.
I recommend it for an eye opening education (third eye), I was wondering if there is a:
The Secret History of Canada, book out there. No doubts it too, would be a rude awakening.
It also makes it easier to understand... why we are where we are & hopefully - what we might do to rectify the situation.
I also read two books recently, I enjoyed - well kinda.
The Truth About Contagion, was slightly disturbing considering our current situation with our love of 'technology.
& the other a fiction: The Guest List -I breezed through in 2 days, great ending.
Reading is exercise.
Read... turn off the T.V. and give your eyes and brain a work out. Food for the mind.
Created to create & striving to be a better artist, I'm also currently reading this: