If mother nature was a bear this would be her - awake after a long cold winter...
there are ONLY 30 days until the first day of Spring! Poor Ginger doesn't know if this winter is ever going away. I can't wait to start my seeds! Who's growing cannabis in the garden this year! it's LEGAL to grow 4 plants... what fun. Grow it to eat, smoke, drink or paint - there's too many reasons to explore this plant - I wonder if any garden centres are offering seeds?
I started a new canvas (seen below) this is just the background - I anticipate being busy for the next couple of weeks on this painting - its an under the sea adventure with a twist (of course) I really enjoy the shape of this canvas.
Many are aware we had an amber alert recently (for those not aware and amber alert is a notification that goes out on all media letting people know a child has been taken and to be on the look out) we all know what happened - the little girl was found shot by her own father on her birthday- I can't even fathom the pain associated with this situation for the family - I have to say... about the doucebags that complained about getting an amber alert late a night - that disrupted their evening - I was in shock when I read about this, who would fucking complain about a warning to try to help save the life of a child? Someone who does not have kids. Amber alerts are PROVEN to work - if you don't want to hear it you should go live in a fucking cave where you belong.
I pulled out the papermache too! I had an idea for a craft that does not need "detail" as my hands struggle- but this- this I can do and so far it's turning out just as I imagined. Have you tried papermache? We all did it when kids- & it's a fantastic craft for children! Here's a link in case you forget for a kid friendly version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdPkoPwRkZ4 I am using a product that comes in a bag & you just add water, I've tried several ways and this is easiest- although had to get a smooth surface. Here is my favourite person who teaches online & here is her recipe for the more serious crafters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YQ6eUqcEh8 Oh, I have so much fun entertaining myself.. it's a wonderful way to spend this cold -14 day... Back to it!
With TLC & THC
there are ONLY 30 days until the first day of Spring! Poor Ginger doesn't know if this winter is ever going away. I can't wait to start my seeds! Who's growing cannabis in the garden this year! it's LEGAL to grow 4 plants... what fun. Grow it to eat, smoke, drink or paint - there's too many reasons to explore this plant - I wonder if any garden centres are offering seeds?
I started a new canvas (seen below) this is just the background - I anticipate being busy for the next couple of weeks on this painting - its an under the sea adventure with a twist (of course) I really enjoy the shape of this canvas.
Many are aware we had an amber alert recently (for those not aware and amber alert is a notification that goes out on all media letting people know a child has been taken and to be on the look out) we all know what happened - the little girl was found shot by her own father on her birthday- I can't even fathom the pain associated with this situation for the family - I have to say... about the doucebags that complained about getting an amber alert late a night - that disrupted their evening - I was in shock when I read about this, who would fucking complain about a warning to try to help save the life of a child? Someone who does not have kids. Amber alerts are PROVEN to work - if you don't want to hear it you should go live in a fucking cave where you belong.
I pulled out the papermache too! I had an idea for a craft that does not need "detail" as my hands struggle- but this- this I can do and so far it's turning out just as I imagined. Have you tried papermache? We all did it when kids- & it's a fantastic craft for children! Here's a link in case you forget for a kid friendly version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdPkoPwRkZ4 I am using a product that comes in a bag & you just add water, I've tried several ways and this is easiest- although had to get a smooth surface. Here is my favourite person who teaches online & here is her recipe for the more serious crafters: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YQ6eUqcEh8 Oh, I have so much fun entertaining myself.. it's a wonderful way to spend this cold -14 day... Back to it!
With TLC & THC