Primate pondering the Universe. (as usual) 8 x 8
Storm returned home from a trip and he witnessed the miracle of Northern Lights, the Aurora borealis and I was captivated! I laughed at my attempt here but I'm guessing, you get it. The only time we experience true failure is when we fail to try - at anything including painting. I've been encouraging a friend to paint & saw his first 2 paintings and was impressed! I also realized he could always paint, (& will prove it) he just needed a push in the gouache direction ;) We all just need a little encouragement sometimes.
Another human I've been pondering is Andrew Tate. The more I hear him speak the more I appreciate his blunt point of view. Sure he can come across as arrogant, loud and full of himself - but he makes it clear he is also full of God. Full of self control, full of living this life to the fullest! In particular he appears to be in control of his thoughts & emotions.
He shared his beloved dog died (something I often dread just the thought of) and yes, he was sad but he did not allow it to bring him down. In the past, a Great Dane "Dimitri" comes to mind- I was crushed when he died, I cried for weeks and some days had trouble getting out of bed. I drank to numb the pain and slept for days.. I did this a few times - especially when a loved one (human) died. I experienced a deep depression & regression when a young girl 'Kirstin whom we were very close to died in a terrible car accident. No doubts I've shared in it this blog, somewhere. I closed my business and thinking back now, I also was not there for Storm, as I should have been. She was his best friend. Grief does that to us and I can only imagine what it does to parents who lose their child. We can't go back but we can try to forgive ourselves for being human. I'm starting to realize when we choose to keep going, we are showing those we loved & lost more respect & that we were grateful for the experience. As my faith in Jesus & God has increased, I understand these difficult lessons are what forms us fastest. As everything else in this life - it is a choice - do I wallow in pity or thank God for the experience! Better to have love and lost than not loved at all. Anyway, I don't think Andrew Tate is a threat' as many imply... I think he is a positive role model for many, men in particular - rise up, believe in yourself, do good, love God.
We were not created to be mediocre, see Jesus in yourself & SHINE!!!
I appreciate after attempting to paint my Aurora Borealis, recognizing once again that the master artist, most talented creator is God. I give thanks for every breathtaking bud' I now see on every tree & every single star which reminds me of how awesome all is.
Thank God for another day to experience this magnificence!
Storm returned home from a trip and he witnessed the miracle of Northern Lights, the Aurora borealis and I was captivated! I laughed at my attempt here but I'm guessing, you get it. The only time we experience true failure is when we fail to try - at anything including painting. I've been encouraging a friend to paint & saw his first 2 paintings and was impressed! I also realized he could always paint, (& will prove it) he just needed a push in the gouache direction ;) We all just need a little encouragement sometimes.
Another human I've been pondering is Andrew Tate. The more I hear him speak the more I appreciate his blunt point of view. Sure he can come across as arrogant, loud and full of himself - but he makes it clear he is also full of God. Full of self control, full of living this life to the fullest! In particular he appears to be in control of his thoughts & emotions.
He shared his beloved dog died (something I often dread just the thought of) and yes, he was sad but he did not allow it to bring him down. In the past, a Great Dane "Dimitri" comes to mind- I was crushed when he died, I cried for weeks and some days had trouble getting out of bed. I drank to numb the pain and slept for days.. I did this a few times - especially when a loved one (human) died. I experienced a deep depression & regression when a young girl 'Kirstin whom we were very close to died in a terrible car accident. No doubts I've shared in it this blog, somewhere. I closed my business and thinking back now, I also was not there for Storm, as I should have been. She was his best friend. Grief does that to us and I can only imagine what it does to parents who lose their child. We can't go back but we can try to forgive ourselves for being human. I'm starting to realize when we choose to keep going, we are showing those we loved & lost more respect & that we were grateful for the experience. As my faith in Jesus & God has increased, I understand these difficult lessons are what forms us fastest. As everything else in this life - it is a choice - do I wallow in pity or thank God for the experience! Better to have love and lost than not loved at all. Anyway, I don't think Andrew Tate is a threat' as many imply... I think he is a positive role model for many, men in particular - rise up, believe in yourself, do good, love God.
We were not created to be mediocre, see Jesus in yourself & SHINE!!!
I appreciate after attempting to paint my Aurora Borealis, recognizing once again that the master artist, most talented creator is God. I give thanks for every breathtaking bud' I now see on every tree & every single star which reminds me of how awesome all is.
Thank God for another day to experience this magnificence!