Doesn't that look like a painting!? It will be soon - Icicles! Our first major snow has arrived in all its chilly elegance.
Most of it while dark - every time we turned on the outdoor lights there was more. How magnificent is Gods canvas!
To add to this snow show the moon was bright last night - so much so things were casting shadows at 2 a.m.
I had to get up and take some photos. Arrow thought we were going on an adventure, had I been prepared with boots & such we just might have. It's here to stay for the season. Just weeks ago we were sunning ourselves. How does one not see such 'events' as miracles? Below are a few photos of the last 24 hours - Our Winter Wonderland is here!
The dogs (big dogs) love it - Poppy & Ginger not so much , lol. they can only walk on the cleared driveway, snow is too deep for such tiny legs. I've got to take more icicle photos and then - knock them off, specifically over the door entrance as I don't want them coming down on the dogs when going out or waiting to come in. This afternoon we'll go out and take more photos form painting reference. Winter has arrived - give thanks! I'm also thankful Norm loves to shovel snow. lol What a splendid day to paint more Christmas Cards!
Created to create.
Most of it while dark - every time we turned on the outdoor lights there was more. How magnificent is Gods canvas!
To add to this snow show the moon was bright last night - so much so things were casting shadows at 2 a.m.
I had to get up and take some photos. Arrow thought we were going on an adventure, had I been prepared with boots & such we just might have. It's here to stay for the season. Just weeks ago we were sunning ourselves. How does one not see such 'events' as miracles? Below are a few photos of the last 24 hours - Our Winter Wonderland is here!
The dogs (big dogs) love it - Poppy & Ginger not so much , lol. they can only walk on the cleared driveway, snow is too deep for such tiny legs. I've got to take more icicle photos and then - knock them off, specifically over the door entrance as I don't want them coming down on the dogs when going out or waiting to come in. This afternoon we'll go out and take more photos form painting reference. Winter has arrived - give thanks! I'm also thankful Norm loves to shovel snow. lol What a splendid day to paint more Christmas Cards!
Created to create.