Remember my trip to the museum with my son? ;)
I do, I think of it fondly & often. It was a wonderful day full of ART & artifacts, birds, rocks, drugs (shaman's tools) - it was amusing, entertaining & enlightening!
WELL worth a visit!!
It was the Canadian Artist I remembered to research much later though, Rex Woods in particular & it is how I came across the ‘beaver art - It inspired me on countless levels.
Think about what it stood for. It was one of those ‘Pokes from God’ literally I was working on a different cartoon idea when - ZAP, and the new idea wanted to be drawn first - lol - it’c called INSPIRATION'. A good way on this Good Friday for me to think of it.
*I believed when I drew it, Canada would allow for small privately owned and operated dispensaries. What happened to the Canadian Dream or as adults and allowing us FREEDOM of expression & to make our own choices in this country?
I miss the days of working at small privately owned galleries in Canadian snowstorms… lol. I would walk around and look at every tiny detail for hours on end, then read magazines, write (no cell phones then) my friends letters- hee hee.
We all have great memories ‘Growing up Canadian' in country as young as ours.
Canada is 150 year old this year - so much news..
Don’t assume, I’m not thinking of missing my dad, thinking of other family I am missing this time of year.
I am actually thinking more of who is still here - like my own son, young family & many others like: Avery, Mia, Jack, Lilly, Hudson, Tom, Sam, Mike, Ashley, Tim, Lori, Taylor, Sophia, Jackson, Emma, Liam, Adam & Eve - ARE you getting my point?
What next? & IF you can’t have a cannabis bake shop - then what is to prevent ALL privately, small owned bake shops for all the same reasons? Home day cares - adios, small Pizza shops- chow Bello, retailers.. you can NOT discriminate against one and not the other. Not one small business is safe, how many have we already lost to major retailers?
Hotdogs & trampolines killed more CHILDREN than cannabis ever has. Prove me wrong. Do you understand my point?
Next will it be: ONLY 'these brands may sell in our major chains..' sigh.
If you're going to kill this country then at least do it slowly. Frig
*not directed at Justin... corporate greed' yes.
I wrote before - BIG LP's will probably win in the end anyway, as most will flock to them simply out of ease & they have bigger advertising dollars. At lest people had an opportunity to try. There are so many talented Canadians who deserve an opportunity to be in this INDUSTRY.
Cananbis is an industry like every other & the hardest working in it have been the growers. I have witnessed it first hand many times. IF not for them, we would not be having this conversation. There goes 'our farmers again.. '
Not to mention other not Canadian owned companies will be making a lot of money.
Facts to ponder as you prepare for your first un-educated “POT purchase.”
What is next?
NOT ALL who are rich are wrong or evil - far from it, we’ve been blessed to meet all sorts on this journey- although not wide my ‘variety’ of friends has been - everyone is the same - no matter the pocket books. Nice people & not very nice people (imo). Money usually had little to do with it. This is more about profit at the moment than keeping just out of the criminals hands. ‘ Which Criminals’ are we talking about here?
No wonder our LCBO wants a part. It is the biggest 'booze monopoly' in the world. I had no idea... correct me if I am wrong- I heard that on a pod cast the other evening.
BTW my love, appreciation for respect for Justin Trudeau has not wavered, I know he is educated on cannabis & is far more concerned with people than plants at the moment.
As should WE ALL BE.
I STILL have faith in the Canadian PEOPLE to:
demand what is right for ALL Canadians! Not just the Cannabis educated Canadians, ALL Canadians - For Generations to come - wether you grow or no. Consume or no.
The 'Dream/opportunity to succeed' in this country is a human right for ALL Canadians.
With Love
have faith
My 4/20 T-Idea was inspired by another Canadiana, long time a go :
Tomorrow 'Dorothy from Oz...'
I do, I think of it fondly & often. It was a wonderful day full of ART & artifacts, birds, rocks, drugs (shaman's tools) - it was amusing, entertaining & enlightening!
WELL worth a visit!!
It was the Canadian Artist I remembered to research much later though, Rex Woods in particular & it is how I came across the ‘beaver art - It inspired me on countless levels.
Think about what it stood for. It was one of those ‘Pokes from God’ literally I was working on a different cartoon idea when - ZAP, and the new idea wanted to be drawn first - lol - it’c called INSPIRATION'. A good way on this Good Friday for me to think of it.
*I believed when I drew it, Canada would allow for small privately owned and operated dispensaries. What happened to the Canadian Dream or as adults and allowing us FREEDOM of expression & to make our own choices in this country?
I miss the days of working at small privately owned galleries in Canadian snowstorms… lol. I would walk around and look at every tiny detail for hours on end, then read magazines, write (no cell phones then) my friends letters- hee hee.
We all have great memories ‘Growing up Canadian' in country as young as ours.
Canada is 150 year old this year - so much news..
Don’t assume, I’m not thinking of missing my dad, thinking of other family I am missing this time of year.
I am actually thinking more of who is still here - like my own son, young family & many others like: Avery, Mia, Jack, Lilly, Hudson, Tom, Sam, Mike, Ashley, Tim, Lori, Taylor, Sophia, Jackson, Emma, Liam, Adam & Eve - ARE you getting my point?
What next? & IF you can’t have a cannabis bake shop - then what is to prevent ALL privately, small owned bake shops for all the same reasons? Home day cares - adios, small Pizza shops- chow Bello, retailers.. you can NOT discriminate against one and not the other. Not one small business is safe, how many have we already lost to major retailers?
Hotdogs & trampolines killed more CHILDREN than cannabis ever has. Prove me wrong. Do you understand my point?
Next will it be: ONLY 'these brands may sell in our major chains..' sigh.
If you're going to kill this country then at least do it slowly. Frig
*not directed at Justin... corporate greed' yes.
I wrote before - BIG LP's will probably win in the end anyway, as most will flock to them simply out of ease & they have bigger advertising dollars. At lest people had an opportunity to try. There are so many talented Canadians who deserve an opportunity to be in this INDUSTRY.
Cananbis is an industry like every other & the hardest working in it have been the growers. I have witnessed it first hand many times. IF not for them, we would not be having this conversation. There goes 'our farmers again.. '
Not to mention other not Canadian owned companies will be making a lot of money.
Facts to ponder as you prepare for your first un-educated “POT purchase.”
What is next?
NOT ALL who are rich are wrong or evil - far from it, we’ve been blessed to meet all sorts on this journey- although not wide my ‘variety’ of friends has been - everyone is the same - no matter the pocket books. Nice people & not very nice people (imo). Money usually had little to do with it. This is more about profit at the moment than keeping just out of the criminals hands. ‘ Which Criminals’ are we talking about here?
No wonder our LCBO wants a part. It is the biggest 'booze monopoly' in the world. I had no idea... correct me if I am wrong- I heard that on a pod cast the other evening.
BTW my love, appreciation for respect for Justin Trudeau has not wavered, I know he is educated on cannabis & is far more concerned with people than plants at the moment.
As should WE ALL BE.
I STILL have faith in the Canadian PEOPLE to:
demand what is right for ALL Canadians! Not just the Cannabis educated Canadians, ALL Canadians - For Generations to come - wether you grow or no. Consume or no.
The 'Dream/opportunity to succeed' in this country is a human right for ALL Canadians.
With Love
have faith
My 4/20 T-Idea was inspired by another Canadiana, long time a go :
Tomorrow 'Dorothy from Oz...'