Introducing Indica & Sativa.
Indica is a brown male born in March 2020 - close my my birthday & Sativa was born in April 2020 - she is female. They are the cutest pair - exploring the pen together. Curiously watching us - as we do them. Yep - I wake up to Foghorn & can't believe it - dreams come true!
Norm and I both laughing - who knew we'd be chasing chickens & loving every moment.
This pen & coop are lessons taught NOW, to us by the chickens & goats themselves. Oh, yes... we also added 3 more Leghorn chickens!! This traditional looking chicken is amusing and has already provided us with eggs, hee hee- hiding behind a tree. So much for the nesting boxes. This first egg will be used for medicated carrot cake upcakes. ;) . I had read about introducing new chickens /animals can be stressful - NOPE. Other than getting the goats out of the vehicle all has been beautifully calm - the pen is big enough I guess - a bit of chicken chasing each other but that's it.
Today, we had our coffee watching our goats and had to force ourselves away. Norms still adding touches here and there. Soon, I'll give you a coop & pen tour. We have named al the birds, they are: Gloria! (our black beauty), Foghorn (rooster), Henny & Penny (Forghorns peeps), Elenor, Grace & Honey. The sketchbook is in the pen & the canvas preped. Yep, your about to see a few chicken & goat paintings.
I met a nice man @ the feed store who started to share a few of his animal photos - I was impressed & asked him to send me a few photos, which he happily has! Deer, chickadee & more - animals galore... What are you dreaming about? Do not give up.. keep seeing it - & make it happen.
I'm staying home with our new family.. I'm tired of going out and waiting in line for a few measly things we might need. The line up for the beerstore was something & we were told it started an hour before it even opened. Yesterday, a hardware store in Haliburton 'TRIED to tell me' - "only one person permitted to enter per vehicle" - WTF? I informed him - that would not work- we were BOTH goinjg in. I held up my hands (obvous visual to my arthritis) and informend - I can't even lift some items of shelves (I can't) fuck that.. needless to say, he took me seriously and we were both permitted to enter. COME ON.
I am not enjoying the pressure, lack of masks... How come we have to wear them, but employees in these locations are not? It's messed up - are they immune from infecting those wearing masks? Isn't the idea - we all wear masks so we don't make others sick. hmmmm. Nope, you won't see me aroudn town - Im done - for a bit anyhow. happy to stay hoem on the tiny farm. Norm just brought in two more eggs (with a huge smile) & you would have thought he discovered golden nugets- hahaha.
Have a lovely weekend- today I'm painting something about animals to bless our farm.
Grateful for all the many blessings in our pen.
with TLC & THC
Indica is a brown male born in March 2020 - close my my birthday & Sativa was born in April 2020 - she is female. They are the cutest pair - exploring the pen together. Curiously watching us - as we do them. Yep - I wake up to Foghorn & can't believe it - dreams come true!
Norm and I both laughing - who knew we'd be chasing chickens & loving every moment.
This pen & coop are lessons taught NOW, to us by the chickens & goats themselves. Oh, yes... we also added 3 more Leghorn chickens!! This traditional looking chicken is amusing and has already provided us with eggs, hee hee- hiding behind a tree. So much for the nesting boxes. This first egg will be used for medicated carrot cake upcakes. ;) . I had read about introducing new chickens /animals can be stressful - NOPE. Other than getting the goats out of the vehicle all has been beautifully calm - the pen is big enough I guess - a bit of chicken chasing each other but that's it.
Today, we had our coffee watching our goats and had to force ourselves away. Norms still adding touches here and there. Soon, I'll give you a coop & pen tour. We have named al the birds, they are: Gloria! (our black beauty), Foghorn (rooster), Henny & Penny (Forghorns peeps), Elenor, Grace & Honey. The sketchbook is in the pen & the canvas preped. Yep, your about to see a few chicken & goat paintings.
I met a nice man @ the feed store who started to share a few of his animal photos - I was impressed & asked him to send me a few photos, which he happily has! Deer, chickadee & more - animals galore... What are you dreaming about? Do not give up.. keep seeing it - & make it happen.
I'm staying home with our new family.. I'm tired of going out and waiting in line for a few measly things we might need. The line up for the beerstore was something & we were told it started an hour before it even opened. Yesterday, a hardware store in Haliburton 'TRIED to tell me' - "only one person permitted to enter per vehicle" - WTF? I informed him - that would not work- we were BOTH goinjg in. I held up my hands (obvous visual to my arthritis) and informend - I can't even lift some items of shelves (I can't) fuck that.. needless to say, he took me seriously and we were both permitted to enter. COME ON.
I am not enjoying the pressure, lack of masks... How come we have to wear them, but employees in these locations are not? It's messed up - are they immune from infecting those wearing masks? Isn't the idea - we all wear masks so we don't make others sick. hmmmm. Nope, you won't see me aroudn town - Im done - for a bit anyhow. happy to stay hoem on the tiny farm. Norm just brought in two more eggs (with a huge smile) & you would have thought he discovered golden nugets- hahaha.
Have a lovely weekend- today I'm painting something about animals to bless our farm.
Grateful for all the many blessings in our pen.
with TLC & THC