Happy Thanks giving. I am thankful for much.. especially for the humans & creatures in my life that bring me daily joy. It’s not always joyful or painless but without sorrow & suffering we wouldn’t understand how much we do have to be thankful for - like breathing.
What a lesson covid has been. This past year I went out of my way to re-connect with a few (family in particular) because I lost a few. I knew one in particular whom I loved. I think of my friend Lauren daily, taken too soon. Here today gone tomorrow - Give thanks for everyone still with us & every lesson. Many have lost someone these past couple of years or have had to deal with things they never anticipated and will continue to do so, I pray for strength on a global scale.
I might not ‘SEE’ many but texts, calls, letters & social media have kept me feeling connected, smile, distract & have me feeing hopeful for them & myself. I’m thankful for my furry companions who are always by my side, make me laugh, keep me active & playful everyday while they prove their unconditional love - they inspire me to ‘try’ to do the same, I’m not always successful but I shall continue to try as long as I am here. Love each other.
I’m thankful for my family & friends who check this page out & keep me close, I am thinking of friends today all over the world! That alone is something to be thankful for - the friends I have made along this journey. Thank you.
I’m thankful for paint.
I’m thankful for each day & each experience, making me stronger & bringing me closer to Jesus & God.
Give Thanks!!!
Happy Thanks giving. I am thankful for much.. especially for the humans & creatures in my life that bring me daily joy. It’s not always joyful or painless but without sorrow & suffering we wouldn’t understand how much we do have to be thankful for - like breathing.
What a lesson covid has been. This past year I went out of my way to re-connect with a few (family in particular) because I lost a few. I knew one in particular whom I loved. I think of my friend Lauren daily, taken too soon. Here today gone tomorrow - Give thanks for everyone still with us & every lesson. Many have lost someone these past couple of years or have had to deal with things they never anticipated and will continue to do so, I pray for strength on a global scale.
I might not ‘SEE’ many but texts, calls, letters & social media have kept me feeling connected, smile, distract & have me feeing hopeful for them & myself. I’m thankful for my furry companions who are always by my side, make me laugh, keep me active & playful everyday while they prove their unconditional love - they inspire me to ‘try’ to do the same, I’m not always successful but I shall continue to try as long as I am here. Love each other.
I’m thankful for my family & friends who check this page out & keep me close, I am thinking of friends today all over the world! That alone is something to be thankful for - the friends I have made along this journey. Thank you.
I’m thankful for paint.
I’m thankful for each day & each experience, making me stronger & bringing me closer to Jesus & God.
Give Thanks!!!