Read this and tell me what your conclusions are.. it does not take long for anyone to figure out WHY this GUY is not being punished & won't have a record.
ASK yourself:
Did he run up to a white family in a parking lot & start hitting them with bats?
Did he scream at the family to stop speaking English?
Did he yell racial slurs that most people would not consider ever stating to strangers regardless of their thoughts? & he's done it before...
It is a mental illness problem for sure - but to blame it solely on cannabis is absurd.
It was just an EXCUSE. Cannabis is a scape goat. He lost it.. (obviously)
Road & immigrant hate- rage. My mom once gave a driver the finger who cut us off.. he too followed us and when we stopped, he got out of his truck and started walking at us with bat! I can tell you the fear that came over my mom and I instantly - was insane. We never forgot. Imagine HOW those people felt & still do - now that the judge blamed it on cannabis and NOT a NASTY HUMANS ACTIONS.
Might he be free because he is a lawyer - who's also the great-grandson of Nathan Phillips... this is the first case like this of it's kind where the judge ruled it was due to a 'cannabis induced psychosis'. Bullshit.
Lawyers have a lot of stress.. I get it. Still he lost control and physically hit a stranger with a bat! I can't help but wonder - had this been a average black man (Yep- I'm saying it) who attacked a white family with a bat - cannabis or none - he'd be in & going to JAIL.
Yikes- I wonder if he's married.. I wonder what his temper is like when not out in public hitting people with bats? Do you think he's calm and never losing control.... right.
I'm sure his family is aware of his condition - long before cannabis. To have the anger he did - I feel pity for him. I get angry- I can even throw stuff from time to time but YOU don't pick up a Baseball Bat and beat up others... unless YOU are mentally, hatefull & ill.. with or with out cannabis.
I have had thoughts of wanting someones leg broken with a bat :( Really. I think of him (only when I have to drive by his business) - an adult (hearing professional) who lied to and took advantage of Storm with of all things - his hearing aids. I've blogged about it in the past.. it still hurts me - because I thought to myself (first time) Storm is old enough - I'll let him deal with this guy on his own.. and HE TOOK advantage of him and sold our deaf son - A (one) hearing aid and insurance for only one fucking ear. ? Storm has worn 2 hearing aids since diagnosed a 4 with sever hearing loss. He can't hear without them.
Who only insures one hearing aid? .. oh, but we could insure both for an ADDED fee. I saved the papers - I can still prove it. So .. there was a reason- lol - a pissed off mom and I own a bat- Did I drive over and take a few wacks? No.
Now that I know (according to this judge) if I had smoked a few joints before hand - I might have gotten away with it- it might have changed my perspective. I am being sarcastic.
He mislead Storm (called him "Stupid") when I confronted him and he verbally abused me- terribly. I couldn't figure out how he did it - with others in the office at the time- HE was YELLING and threatening me at the top of his lungs'- until I spoke with another hearing specialist who said - "he phoned you from the sound proof booth..." wow, what kind of sick F*ck uses his sound proof booth to call and intimate others. I know one. I'd bet I was not the first or the last. He knows and I know... God knows.
No, I did not resort to violence but I do share the story with everyone I know and people pay attention... If you need new hearing aids- 'Upper Canada Hearing' in Newmarket is where to go - who has been helping Storm since he was a toddler - why we ever went to the other was a mistake - close to home cost us big time $ and mentally.
Karma not a bat will take care of him, when I realized this- it was easy to let it go.
But I did think of it... many of US 'think of it' at one time or another in our lives- especially if you mess with our children. Do we do it? No.. Never. Cannabis or not.
He smoked 3 joints i think I read- so obviously it's not his first experience with cannabis either. B U L L S H I T .
Do you know how Karma works - everyone will look at him NOW & know what he is really capable of, the hatred he clearly has inside... who wants this guy for a lawyer? Phhhbt.
Please think rationally about this for a moment..
How long has cananbis been around? - A really LONG time- it's been found in mummy tombs- it's said to be an ingredient in Jesus's healing ointment
How many people smoke cannabis .. then and now? LOTS! Just wait till legalization..
How many times have we heard of someone 'high' who attacks people with bats?
NONE, this is the first 'person' ever.
So are we to understand that if he had not smoked cannabis he would never have had such racial slurs? Not think such thoughts? Why did he have a bat in his car? Does he play baseball? I doubt it.
This judge has set precedent with this case.
It only adds to the confusion of canabis coming to Canada and it is not o.k..
Why is Justin watching this and allowing it to happen? That bothers me.
That hurts.
Canadians should be upset- what a message to send to others... it's o.k if a stranger beats you with a bat - in front of your family - because you are not white and do not speak a language they like- BUT as long as they smoked a joint- they'll get away with it.
What a joke- no one is laughing.
If some want to blame the cannabis - so be it.. it will be their mistake.
Nasty people do nasty things - you can blame drugs for his obvious hate crime.. or you can see it for what it is.. an excuse & fear mongering as we head into legalization.
With TLC & THC
More on cannabis next..
I'm going to bombard the world with POSITIVE, lovely cannabis ART!