This painting was just going to be a quick play with paint.... it ended up being a bit longer & as always I loved every second - I just realized I didn't do any bubbles! Oh well, it will remain as is I'm already mentally' on the next and equally as excited! Inspired by a photo of pink coral, while painting I watched Blue Planet on netflix - how magnificent is this world of ours so much of it we can only see in part thanks to amazing photographers who venture the deep to show us a different world in our world. Global warming has me wondering if we will only be able to see fish in aquariums int he future... I hope not. lol - I told Norm last week "you're taking a day off and we are going to Ripley's!" but the weather that day was a brutal (-23 so forget that!) instead we went to BigAls and ran a few errands - it was a nice BURST of tropical & I was grateful for it - with it I purchased Mr.Limpet who's crib sits on my desk ;) I like looking up, seeing him calmly swim around the coolest little betta tank ever imo - thanks to Stephen Boehme - both eyes open - i am reminded to complete another task today!
Do you see all the fish hiding? I especially like the little blue fish... fyi there are over 40 fish in this painting.
Jesus makes me LOL every day- I don't care what people 'think', I have a great relationship' with my homeboy and it puts me at peace better than a weighted blanket (hee hee) yesterday he reminded me how 'close' by son & I are... I was thinking about Storm as he's been incredibly busy, go figure - so we've not seen him much and never know when he will visit & yesterday i was in the kitchen -I had literally JUST made a pizza dough - bacon in the pan - fresh homemade pizza in a couple of hours, (Norm made the best homemade fish & chips I've ever had on the weekend, so I have to step it up) music on, dogs watching, glass of wine - what could make it more perfect as i prepared our dinner?
In walks Storm! "Perfect, we're having HOME made pizza tonight!"
His reply: "No way!" & disappeared back out to his truck- in he brought a NEW pizza rolling pin! It's all one- very comfortable on my hands - how cool was that? Sadly, I have no pizza left over today - he took them all when he left! lol Somethings never change.
It was a perfect pizza night.
It's a storm today & I can feel it my hands had me in tears just from frustration & pain as soon as I was up, medicated heavily already I'll snuggle & read this day until my hands warm up. As long as I can paint... I will thank God every day - for 'all' of it.
Time for a new canvas - I have been painting EVERY day but I don't show them because I like the recipients to see them first in person'. :)
LOVE is on my mind - I think a few valentines are needed!
I'll make a 'card' for you to print & cut out several valentines to share with your buds.
Old School style!
Come back tomorrow to download your free LOVELY printable!
With TLC & THC
Do you see all the fish hiding? I especially like the little blue fish... fyi there are over 40 fish in this painting.
Jesus makes me LOL every day- I don't care what people 'think', I have a great relationship' with my homeboy and it puts me at peace better than a weighted blanket (hee hee) yesterday he reminded me how 'close' by son & I are... I was thinking about Storm as he's been incredibly busy, go figure - so we've not seen him much and never know when he will visit & yesterday i was in the kitchen -I had literally JUST made a pizza dough - bacon in the pan - fresh homemade pizza in a couple of hours, (Norm made the best homemade fish & chips I've ever had on the weekend, so I have to step it up) music on, dogs watching, glass of wine - what could make it more perfect as i prepared our dinner?
In walks Storm! "Perfect, we're having HOME made pizza tonight!"
His reply: "No way!" & disappeared back out to his truck- in he brought a NEW pizza rolling pin! It's all one- very comfortable on my hands - how cool was that? Sadly, I have no pizza left over today - he took them all when he left! lol Somethings never change.
It was a perfect pizza night.
It's a storm today & I can feel it my hands had me in tears just from frustration & pain as soon as I was up, medicated heavily already I'll snuggle & read this day until my hands warm up. As long as I can paint... I will thank God every day - for 'all' of it.
Time for a new canvas - I have been painting EVERY day but I don't show them because I like the recipients to see them first in person'. :)
LOVE is on my mind - I think a few valentines are needed!
I'll make a 'card' for you to print & cut out several valentines to share with your buds.
Old School style!
Come back tomorrow to download your free LOVELY printable!
With TLC & THC