Goodbye Scruffy. Well it's only been a few days & Scruffy deteriorated fast, not being able to eat or walk.
The last couple of days were spent with extra spoiling. Scruffy was old, older than most of our dogs lasted.
The photo above is the last I have of her, she could not even stand straight or walk any distance.
It doesn't make it any easier. I had hoped she would pass in her sleep but that's not how it goes, everyone thought it was time which made it a bit easier of a decision & we all had the opportunity to say Goodbye, which is a blessing many times we don't get.
It's a good day to read - I am really enjoying: The Count Of Monte Cristo! What an adventure in every way, the opulence described it fascinating an education of the era. The distraction of money... selling ones soul for $$$, a lesson learned many times over. It's got me anxious for the outcome but I'm remembering to enjoy the journey.
I have a chicken to paint & Storm chose a WB cartoon he'd like to see painted, so there's much to occupy my mind with positive things. The cactus painting was inspired after watching Netflix :How to change your mind. I painted it even though feeling depressed about Scruffy. Train your mind to keep going no matter what is happening, I have trained myself to paint through all moods & the pain of arthritis, as this I know is what makes me happiest & relaxes my soul.
I have a tiny Peyote that Storm grew for me from seed. I have NO intentions of consuming it, I love it as the plant & it sits on my drawing desk for further inspiration. I agree with the docuseries & do not encourage Peyote consumption simply because it will be a problem for the plant to continue to thrive. If you want to try it, seek someone who grows them or grow your own & wait a few years, until then luckily there are other healthy options. By the way, the last few years I would blow cannabis in Scruffys face occasionally, on days she appeared to be struggling - just like some days these joints are painful, a joint helps me function & feel better- mentally & physically & sleep better. I believe it helped as she would seem to have a great sleep & increased appetite... she sure lived long. She is already missed.
Watch How to change your mind. Expand your knowledge for better health - mind & body.
The last couple of days were spent with extra spoiling. Scruffy was old, older than most of our dogs lasted.
The photo above is the last I have of her, she could not even stand straight or walk any distance.
It doesn't make it any easier. I had hoped she would pass in her sleep but that's not how it goes, everyone thought it was time which made it a bit easier of a decision & we all had the opportunity to say Goodbye, which is a blessing many times we don't get.
It's a good day to read - I am really enjoying: The Count Of Monte Cristo! What an adventure in every way, the opulence described it fascinating an education of the era. The distraction of money... selling ones soul for $$$, a lesson learned many times over. It's got me anxious for the outcome but I'm remembering to enjoy the journey.
I have a chicken to paint & Storm chose a WB cartoon he'd like to see painted, so there's much to occupy my mind with positive things. The cactus painting was inspired after watching Netflix :How to change your mind. I painted it even though feeling depressed about Scruffy. Train your mind to keep going no matter what is happening, I have trained myself to paint through all moods & the pain of arthritis, as this I know is what makes me happiest & relaxes my soul.
I have a tiny Peyote that Storm grew for me from seed. I have NO intentions of consuming it, I love it as the plant & it sits on my drawing desk for further inspiration. I agree with the docuseries & do not encourage Peyote consumption simply because it will be a problem for the plant to continue to thrive. If you want to try it, seek someone who grows them or grow your own & wait a few years, until then luckily there are other healthy options. By the way, the last few years I would blow cannabis in Scruffys face occasionally, on days she appeared to be struggling - just like some days these joints are painful, a joint helps me function & feel better- mentally & physically & sleep better. I believe it helped as she would seem to have a great sleep & increased appetite... she sure lived long. She is already missed.
Watch How to change your mind. Expand your knowledge for better health - mind & body.