Tomorrow is October 1st! How many sleeps?? 17! Canada will be legal to consume cannabis in 17 days! As it gets closer I see it as a normal day - I read a column yesterday about "Pot Heads" being touted as lazy no goods more or less.. it's no more than fear mongering still as the date gets closer, after reading I simply thought to myself - Hmmm clearly this woman is not aware of Carl Sagen, Steve Jobs or the many 'HIGH functioning' individuals, business people, students, professional - every day humans that get high & STILL function & yes- even go to work.
If you know a lazy "poyHead" chances are that person would be lazy with or without cannabis - her *ASSumption about generalizing "potheads" - (cannabis consumers) is no different than me replying that every journalist like her appears to have had a silver spoon in her mouth & a stick up.. which I know is not correct - I admire quite a few journalists.
There was no mention of the numbers of alcoholics, who lose their jobs and homes...
I guarantee you, I would bet the numbers are far higher.
We must believe what the 'professor says' - according to her - Professor- does not mean educated on ALL things. I've knowns a few professors in my time who consume cannabis, and would not agree based on Science.. science of the last few centuries where cannabis has been used daily.
"You can't use this stuff & have a normal life?" How would she know? I know many people who have been using daily for decades and have a better than NORMAL life.. perhaps she just needs to expand her social circle & mind. The article ends:
Like it or not, we are going to create more potheads. Compared to the alternative, that may not be such a bad thing. But it’s still not good.
Weak. Blah Blah Blah...
In 18 days Canada will be legal to use cannabis! Will Canada Go to Pot in the first few days? Hardly.. I do know that you won't be thrown in jail for any petty use anymore- no more effecting our kids futures with petty offences keeping them from the careers they deserve. Kids, young adults are far from stupid (with the exception of those ingesting Tide Pods) they are not going to start smoking weed all the time- they still have responsible parents, I hope. Have YOU spoke to YOUR children about Cannabis legalization YET?
IF not, WHY the fuck NOT?
I encourage every parent to consider smoking a joint WITH their kids.. smoke it at home, in a safe environment where you can discuss, giggle & keep your kids safe. *The legal age I believe is 19.. but If I suspected my child would be trying it earlier (which I think many do) I would be introducing it to them earlier - Did your parents offer you a drink before YOU were of legal age? What is the difference?
Other than Alcohol making me drunk, unable to function and vomit the next day (& suffer a hangover) If I consumed too much- I've never had the same experience with cannabis in OVER 10 years of daily use. So, Take all reading it at this point with a grain of salt.. do some research of your own.
Will there be more potheads? OF COURSE. Don't blame the cannabis for a lazy personality. Cannabis is going to be legal - I'll take a "Pothead" any day over a belligerent DRUNK... unlike some 'Journalist' with an opinion on something she has never tried (I am ASSuming now) - I've got over a few decades of experience with both.
Where are my matches!? Time to hit the bong as I paint 'GIVE Thanks'!!
Cannabis is legal in Canada!! A Cornucopia of goodness is about to hit Canada - Financially, medicinally, recreationally - & I'm FUCKING thrilled it is CANADA for once & not the USA who will be advanced in all ways on this topic - including in helping OUR economy. Americans are not so thrilled. Go figure.
I hope for Americans sake they follow soon after- It is SHAMEFUL the NUMBER of Americans in jail for Cannabis related offences... It is SHAMEFUL the number of Americans in jail.
With TLC & THC
I'll save this one for "Thanks Giving!" - Soon!! Before Legalization..
Now, I'm painting ONE of my favourite movies (it's a secret gift) & Thoth
The Egyptian Bird/man God. A very cool Thoth if I do say so..
If you know a lazy "poyHead" chances are that person would be lazy with or without cannabis - her *ASSumption about generalizing "potheads" - (cannabis consumers) is no different than me replying that every journalist like her appears to have had a silver spoon in her mouth & a stick up.. which I know is not correct - I admire quite a few journalists.
There was no mention of the numbers of alcoholics, who lose their jobs and homes...
I guarantee you, I would bet the numbers are far higher.
We must believe what the 'professor says' - according to her - Professor- does not mean educated on ALL things. I've knowns a few professors in my time who consume cannabis, and would not agree based on Science.. science of the last few centuries where cannabis has been used daily.
"You can't use this stuff & have a normal life?" How would she know? I know many people who have been using daily for decades and have a better than NORMAL life.. perhaps she just needs to expand her social circle & mind. The article ends:
Like it or not, we are going to create more potheads. Compared to the alternative, that may not be such a bad thing. But it’s still not good.
Weak. Blah Blah Blah...
In 18 days Canada will be legal to use cannabis! Will Canada Go to Pot in the first few days? Hardly.. I do know that you won't be thrown in jail for any petty use anymore- no more effecting our kids futures with petty offences keeping them from the careers they deserve. Kids, young adults are far from stupid (with the exception of those ingesting Tide Pods) they are not going to start smoking weed all the time- they still have responsible parents, I hope. Have YOU spoke to YOUR children about Cannabis legalization YET?
IF not, WHY the fuck NOT?
I encourage every parent to consider smoking a joint WITH their kids.. smoke it at home, in a safe environment where you can discuss, giggle & keep your kids safe. *The legal age I believe is 19.. but If I suspected my child would be trying it earlier (which I think many do) I would be introducing it to them earlier - Did your parents offer you a drink before YOU were of legal age? What is the difference?
Other than Alcohol making me drunk, unable to function and vomit the next day (& suffer a hangover) If I consumed too much- I've never had the same experience with cannabis in OVER 10 years of daily use. So, Take all reading it at this point with a grain of salt.. do some research of your own.
Will there be more potheads? OF COURSE. Don't blame the cannabis for a lazy personality. Cannabis is going to be legal - I'll take a "Pothead" any day over a belligerent DRUNK... unlike some 'Journalist' with an opinion on something she has never tried (I am ASSuming now) - I've got over a few decades of experience with both.
Where are my matches!? Time to hit the bong as I paint 'GIVE Thanks'!!
Cannabis is legal in Canada!! A Cornucopia of goodness is about to hit Canada - Financially, medicinally, recreationally - & I'm FUCKING thrilled it is CANADA for once & not the USA who will be advanced in all ways on this topic - including in helping OUR economy. Americans are not so thrilled. Go figure.
I hope for Americans sake they follow soon after- It is SHAMEFUL the NUMBER of Americans in jail for Cannabis related offences... It is SHAMEFUL the number of Americans in jail.
With TLC & THC
I'll save this one for "Thanks Giving!" - Soon!! Before Legalization..
Now, I'm painting ONE of my favourite movies (it's a secret gift) & Thoth
The Egyptian Bird/man God. A very cool Thoth if I do say so..