With Cannabis legal soon - I took a break and had some fun painting myself a couple of Cannabis Garden Consultant Gnomes. They will be my Garden Guardians - Cannabis security. Hee Hee How will you protect your cannabis? My friend Russ & I are excitedly hoping more people will adopt a dog for the backyard, one to love and give a new home, friendship, companionship when working with your plants - have you seen POT dogs on Instagram? Between sensitive hearing, barking & quick ability - dogs are great security. ;D I personally don't think stealing is going to become a big problem, if everyone is permitted to grow 4 plants. I painted these at 'Crock A doodle' - the fee includes your choice of ceramic, paint and baking.. I highly recommend you visit with your kids & get creative. Currently painting my own rolling plate, stash jar & accessory plate.
We wanted to adopt a "local dog" & was directed to a site ('mislead' is how I'd describe it) only to find out the dogs are being brought over from other countries when I asked why the $600. fee ? I got a reply/judgement that started with "People don't understand..." blah blah blah and still didn't get a PROPER explanation - then I find out this same person has additional *Gofund me pages asking for $1000. to bring the dogs here - wow- $1600. for a mut you don't know anything about. Some business.. I wonder if she gets to writes off travel expensed being an Inc. I asked her - but of course got no reply. Everyone knows how I feel about DOGS, I dream of rescuing dogs that might end of as food - BUT - I don't get it... this bringing them over and then charging so much. It appeared one dog was rescued from a lovely outdoor tropical shelter, nicer than most I've seen here. WTF?
Do you know how many DOGS are put to death in Canada? GUESS!
***At least 600,000* dogs in Canada are euthanized every year (500,000 in Quebec alone)…..There are thousands of dogs waiting to enter rescues in every province and sadly, many Canadians seem blissfully unaware of our homeless dog overpopulation.
Do you know how many dogs could be adopted HERE for the same amount of money?
What about the environmental footprint of flying dogs here? Do these dogs from other countries bring diseases we might not have with our dogs? How do you get these questions answered? I got no answers from this "professional" dog rescuer - What she did do was call me a "loser" in her e mail... because I wanted questions answered? That speaks volumes.
Please rescue a 'local' dog. Dogs here will be put to death - if you want to do something 'cool' - how about adopt 3 at a time for the same amount of money!!? If wanting to help at home first makes me a looser... so be it.
I did get a few questions answered HERE- and it appears I am correct o be concerned- Please STOP bringing IN dogs from other countries!! These people should be stopped on the fact of the infectious diseases alone brought to our country by some of these dogs.
The news focus this week on Justin Trudeau jogging shirtless on one of the hottest days of the year, people chime in saying "how embarrassed they are!" - OMG... really? lol Are we really going to judge him for being healthy? Promoting healthy habits? Removing his shirt on one of the hottest days? I had mine off... thank God I can't be seen jogging. :D Compared to other world leaders.. hmmmm no need to mention WHOM. Is this how we support our leader? It's as if fox news takes over - bravo 'journalists'.
How about every man on the planet who takes his shirt off in this heat - many not in the best physical forms- do we shame them? It's shameful.
As for the #metoo - it sounds to me like he already apologized for something did when a lot younger- Imagine if every man who EVER groped a woman un warranted had to apologize- it would be nice, I'd get several phone calls. How about you?
Do you remember what it was like to leave your child at the babysitters and they cried - how heart wrenching you felt leaving them... Imagine immigrant children.
with TLC & THC
We wanted to adopt a "local dog" & was directed to a site ('mislead' is how I'd describe it) only to find out the dogs are being brought over from other countries when I asked why the $600. fee ? I got a reply/judgement that started with "People don't understand..." blah blah blah and still didn't get a PROPER explanation - then I find out this same person has additional *Gofund me pages asking for $1000. to bring the dogs here - wow- $1600. for a mut you don't know anything about. Some business.. I wonder if she gets to writes off travel expensed being an Inc. I asked her - but of course got no reply. Everyone knows how I feel about DOGS, I dream of rescuing dogs that might end of as food - BUT - I don't get it... this bringing them over and then charging so much. It appeared one dog was rescued from a lovely outdoor tropical shelter, nicer than most I've seen here. WTF?
Do you know how many DOGS are put to death in Canada? GUESS!
***At least 600,000* dogs in Canada are euthanized every year (500,000 in Quebec alone)…..There are thousands of dogs waiting to enter rescues in every province and sadly, many Canadians seem blissfully unaware of our homeless dog overpopulation.
Do you know how many dogs could be adopted HERE for the same amount of money?
What about the environmental footprint of flying dogs here? Do these dogs from other countries bring diseases we might not have with our dogs? How do you get these questions answered? I got no answers from this "professional" dog rescuer - What she did do was call me a "loser" in her e mail... because I wanted questions answered? That speaks volumes.
Please rescue a 'local' dog. Dogs here will be put to death - if you want to do something 'cool' - how about adopt 3 at a time for the same amount of money!!? If wanting to help at home first makes me a looser... so be it.
I did get a few questions answered HERE- and it appears I am correct o be concerned- Please STOP bringing IN dogs from other countries!! These people should be stopped on the fact of the infectious diseases alone brought to our country by some of these dogs.
The news focus this week on Justin Trudeau jogging shirtless on one of the hottest days of the year, people chime in saying "how embarrassed they are!" - OMG... really? lol Are we really going to judge him for being healthy? Promoting healthy habits? Removing his shirt on one of the hottest days? I had mine off... thank God I can't be seen jogging. :D Compared to other world leaders.. hmmmm no need to mention WHOM. Is this how we support our leader? It's as if fox news takes over - bravo 'journalists'.
How about every man on the planet who takes his shirt off in this heat - many not in the best physical forms- do we shame them? It's shameful.
As for the #metoo - it sounds to me like he already apologized for something did when a lot younger- Imagine if every man who EVER groped a woman un warranted had to apologize- it would be nice, I'd get several phone calls. How about you?
Do you remember what it was like to leave your child at the babysitters and they cried - how heart wrenching you felt leaving them... Imagine immigrant children.
with TLC & THC