Rememberance day is soon!
The legion is hurting due to covid no doubt. The Royal Canadian Legion was a big part of my parents lives. I’ll admit Iv’e mixed feelings about the Legion’ as it was also a place my parents became easily intoxicated - inebriated to the point it amazed me they made it home alive again… one time after a legion visit my mom almost didn’t… so yes my opinion varies due to past experience
I do understand many older people use the legion as their only place to socialize, play games (darts’ pool, cards..) keep mentally sharp.. and socialize & drink. The legions also provide for the community great fish & chip lunches at an affordable price for one!. They constantly hold benefits & commu it fundraisers and help those in need. With them being closed - for mo nth due to an older’ covid catching crowd Im sure they need help now.
That’s how it works is it not? Generations ago went when we needed them to - to guarantee our freedom’ (so they believed). We help NOW anyway we can.. even IF it’s just picking up your poppy. I’ll ge a poppy and try to educate & encourage awareness with my art & social media.. what can & what will you do… to help anyone, today?
Together, Tom & I create birdhouses which make fantastic gifts and ALL proceeds go to charity. This new house was a last minute decision- I love it ;) <>< I hope other fisher people do too! $40 for the custom painted & $15. for one of Toms colorful versions (which inspired me)!
Want one ?- call Tom: In Minden 705 286 4168 The Birdhouse guy. I decided once one set is done- it’s done - so if you see one you like- better call Tom before it’s gone. I won't be going back- new creations every batch.
I’m excited for the next, already painted in my mind.
I’ve been painting MUCH- but- it’s all Christmas related.. when is too soon - too soon? lol
Several editorial I..m excited to share.
As for theMonkey business in the USA - WOW! Fucked up.
Can you possibly ADD any FURTHER ANXIETY to your own country? The fact that it IS so close is mind blowing. Americans appear to enjoy learning lessons the hard way, obviously. Latinos for Trump - guess what- he hates you Latino’s 'in' America, if he could he's kick you all out.
Bunch of Primates. The Trump editorials are rampant - and I wait anxiously ?which do I post…
I can only imagine the stress levels when lives are in the balance.
NOW - HEAT WAVE in our T-shirts! Painting & pondering in the sunshine - Thank God.
Next- Good news from this election!
The legion is hurting due to covid no doubt. The Royal Canadian Legion was a big part of my parents lives. I’ll admit Iv’e mixed feelings about the Legion’ as it was also a place my parents became easily intoxicated - inebriated to the point it amazed me they made it home alive again… one time after a legion visit my mom almost didn’t… so yes my opinion varies due to past experience
I do understand many older people use the legion as their only place to socialize, play games (darts’ pool, cards..) keep mentally sharp.. and socialize & drink. The legions also provide for the community great fish & chip lunches at an affordable price for one!. They constantly hold benefits & commu it fundraisers and help those in need. With them being closed - for mo nth due to an older’ covid catching crowd Im sure they need help now.
That’s how it works is it not? Generations ago went when we needed them to - to guarantee our freedom’ (so they believed). We help NOW anyway we can.. even IF it’s just picking up your poppy. I’ll ge a poppy and try to educate & encourage awareness with my art & social media.. what can & what will you do… to help anyone, today?
Together, Tom & I create birdhouses which make fantastic gifts and ALL proceeds go to charity. This new house was a last minute decision- I love it ;) <>< I hope other fisher people do too! $40 for the custom painted & $15. for one of Toms colorful versions (which inspired me)!
Want one ?- call Tom: In Minden 705 286 4168 The Birdhouse guy. I decided once one set is done- it’s done - so if you see one you like- better call Tom before it’s gone. I won't be going back- new creations every batch.
I’m excited for the next, already painted in my mind.
I’ve been painting MUCH- but- it’s all Christmas related.. when is too soon - too soon? lol
Several editorial I..m excited to share.
As for theMonkey business in the USA - WOW! Fucked up.
Can you possibly ADD any FURTHER ANXIETY to your own country? The fact that it IS so close is mind blowing. Americans appear to enjoy learning lessons the hard way, obviously. Latinos for Trump - guess what- he hates you Latino’s 'in' America, if he could he's kick you all out.
Bunch of Primates. The Trump editorials are rampant - and I wait anxiously ?which do I post…
I can only imagine the stress levels when lives are in the balance.
NOW - HEAT WAVE in our T-shirts! Painting & pondering in the sunshine - Thank God.
Next- Good news from this election!