It's Frosty the Growman! He arrived with the first Magical Snow - which is still here, not looking as magical - more expected today! Today is universal Children's day, Children need to be educated on cannabis so they do not repeat mistakes their parents made.
I can't express how happy I feel to finally pick up the news and read such headlines like:
Cannabis legalization has NOT led to increased traffic impairments/ accidents.
Which I knew -(10 years experience +) most I know who smoke cannabis assure me they are more cautious 'calmer drivers.. those who experience road RAGE could use some nice calming cannabis from time to time.
As well as no surge in Reefer madness- it's finally being addressed Alcohol is MORE harmful than cannabis! THIS I KNOW for a fact. 10 years experience - thank God. My hang -over days are long over- because I don't drink anymore, a glass or two tops from time to time that's it. NO more drunken binges - puking until theres no more, head pounding "what happened last night?" - Does NO longer happen - because Alcohol is poison (fact) and not good for your health or brains. Cheers. So apparently people are "switching' Good!! GREAT! Less death, less depression, less drivers drunk- killing others or themselves!
Teach this to your children & also teach them the past - so they don't repeat it.
Teach them how to grow this beautiful plant.
Don't judge others for what they use to heal themselves, know plant medicine - KNOW your options- take control of your health & happiness. Alcohol is a depressant. Fact. I wish more men would smoke cannabis instead of drink - Suicide is higher with men than women... many men drink themselves to death. FACT. You can drink so much you can kill yourself.
I have tried to smoke as much as I could and smoked cananbis all day- every 1/2 hour.. I felt great, accomplished tasks & I'm still here... the same wouldn't be said for Alcohol.
So with the first magical Snow in Canada - Frosty the Growman comes to life! Of all things for Frosty to find in the middle of a forest - a Green house - it's fate Frosty! How many are growing this christmas? How many will get cannabis related items under this years LEGAL tree - me me me!! Ho Ho Ho - Lets Grow!
Enjoy the snow!
With THC & TLC
* Anyone who is expecting mail from me- be patient- the POSTAL strike- still on ( of course NOW with the Christmas rush) I hope Justin steps in soon and makes them get back to work- Black mail is all this postal strike has been - again.. at a time when Canadians needed it most - they have let us down & continue to do so - with Holidays packages now & continued cannabis deliveries! One more reason for Ho Ho HOME grown.
I can't express how happy I feel to finally pick up the news and read such headlines like:
Cannabis legalization has NOT led to increased traffic impairments/ accidents.
Which I knew -(10 years experience +) most I know who smoke cannabis assure me they are more cautious 'calmer drivers.. those who experience road RAGE could use some nice calming cannabis from time to time.
As well as no surge in Reefer madness- it's finally being addressed Alcohol is MORE harmful than cannabis! THIS I KNOW for a fact. 10 years experience - thank God. My hang -over days are long over- because I don't drink anymore, a glass or two tops from time to time that's it. NO more drunken binges - puking until theres no more, head pounding "what happened last night?" - Does NO longer happen - because Alcohol is poison (fact) and not good for your health or brains. Cheers. So apparently people are "switching' Good!! GREAT! Less death, less depression, less drivers drunk- killing others or themselves!
Teach this to your children & also teach them the past - so they don't repeat it.
Teach them how to grow this beautiful plant.
Don't judge others for what they use to heal themselves, know plant medicine - KNOW your options- take control of your health & happiness. Alcohol is a depressant. Fact. I wish more men would smoke cannabis instead of drink - Suicide is higher with men than women... many men drink themselves to death. FACT. You can drink so much you can kill yourself.
I have tried to smoke as much as I could and smoked cananbis all day- every 1/2 hour.. I felt great, accomplished tasks & I'm still here... the same wouldn't be said for Alcohol.
So with the first magical Snow in Canada - Frosty the Growman comes to life! Of all things for Frosty to find in the middle of a forest - a Green house - it's fate Frosty! How many are growing this christmas? How many will get cannabis related items under this years LEGAL tree - me me me!! Ho Ho Ho - Lets Grow!
Enjoy the snow!
With THC & TLC
* Anyone who is expecting mail from me- be patient- the POSTAL strike- still on ( of course NOW with the Christmas rush) I hope Justin steps in soon and makes them get back to work- Black mail is all this postal strike has been - again.. at a time when Canadians needed it most - they have let us down & continue to do so - with Holidays packages now & continued cannabis deliveries! One more reason for Ho Ho HOME grown.