Have big dreams? Cannabis is an equal opportunity employer.
Most women are talented, creative, loving beings who WILL make a positive, loving impact in the cannabis industry... most of them, a few appear to be ruthless, selfish, & money hungry . Oh well, to each his/her own, greed is on it's way out, it's only a matter of time.
Look how it's working out for Tim Hortons. Greed. A wage increase is a wage increase - across the board- they are setting a fine example on how NOT to treat employees.
Cannabis is about love' and love will win this battle, eventually... it already is.
A plant needs loving care to grow to it's fullest potential.
Humans need love to grow to be loving humans.
Ladies- pay attention there are many ways to get into the market - without relying on others. Work hard. Determination- persistence & big dreams. Why not?
Men do it all the time- DREAM BIG! How inspiring to see ladies on IG in the cannabis industry- - not just the 'I'm a cute cannabis smoking female object in a bra with boobs so please, take me seriously...' but actual ambitious, talented, driven educated women.
Occasionally I'll see a female 'powerhouse' in a bra & panties in a marketing add, it makes me shake my head.. it's one thing to promote natural naked beauty but to use it for political or powerful gain? For Who? From who? For what? Do we ever see male candidates lying around in their panties asking for votes? Would they ever be taken seriously again?
Frig no.
Things are starting to 'look' different. The times are changing!
Positive, intelligent, compassionate times ahead. It's about time, thank God.
We are witnessing all types of talented females - All OVER the cannabis industry. It's not just about physical beauty but becoming more about brains and business, kindness & looking after 'Us'. Women can be in control set up thier own accounts, websites & more... what's the excuse? This is your opportunity. Now.
Artists - Bakers, painters, other cartoonist, tattoo artists, textile artists, gardeners, bath & cosmetic creations- ALL natural items... Clothing, accessories - women are rising stars in the cannabis industry. Please show some support to other females - with comments or $...
it's also one tiny way women can respond to the #metoo movement..
Where are you spending your money? Who do you support?
This year I'm actively searching out other women to buy gifts from & companies who are run by women - everything from food, flowers to factories... it's a start.
I'm truly hoping with cannabis legalization
- more young women will embrace it!
Embrace it before you embrace a bottle of vodka. I have never woken up and vomited or suffered from a head ache for days after a evening of 'too much cannabis - the same can't be said for Alcohol. I don't know of any female who said they had non consensual sex - strictly under the influence of cannabis.. unlike the many cases of date rate and alcohol related stories. Young women I'm hoping will drink less, smoke when they feel the urge but focus more on the task of being an empowered young woman.
It will be a positive empowering side to cannabis, imo.
With love...
for every other woman on the planet, even the ones I don't like'. lol
Most women are talented, creative, loving beings who WILL make a positive, loving impact in the cannabis industry... most of them, a few appear to be ruthless, selfish, & money hungry . Oh well, to each his/her own, greed is on it's way out, it's only a matter of time.
Look how it's working out for Tim Hortons. Greed. A wage increase is a wage increase - across the board- they are setting a fine example on how NOT to treat employees.
Cannabis is about love' and love will win this battle, eventually... it already is.
A plant needs loving care to grow to it's fullest potential.
Humans need love to grow to be loving humans.
Ladies- pay attention there are many ways to get into the market - without relying on others. Work hard. Determination- persistence & big dreams. Why not?
Men do it all the time- DREAM BIG! How inspiring to see ladies on IG in the cannabis industry- - not just the 'I'm a cute cannabis smoking female object in a bra with boobs so please, take me seriously...' but actual ambitious, talented, driven educated women.
Occasionally I'll see a female 'powerhouse' in a bra & panties in a marketing add, it makes me shake my head.. it's one thing to promote natural naked beauty but to use it for political or powerful gain? For Who? From who? For what? Do we ever see male candidates lying around in their panties asking for votes? Would they ever be taken seriously again?
Frig no.
Things are starting to 'look' different. The times are changing!
Positive, intelligent, compassionate times ahead. It's about time, thank God.
We are witnessing all types of talented females - All OVER the cannabis industry. It's not just about physical beauty but becoming more about brains and business, kindness & looking after 'Us'. Women can be in control set up thier own accounts, websites & more... what's the excuse? This is your opportunity. Now.
Artists - Bakers, painters, other cartoonist, tattoo artists, textile artists, gardeners, bath & cosmetic creations- ALL natural items... Clothing, accessories - women are rising stars in the cannabis industry. Please show some support to other females - with comments or $...
it's also one tiny way women can respond to the #metoo movement..
Where are you spending your money? Who do you support?
This year I'm actively searching out other women to buy gifts from & companies who are run by women - everything from food, flowers to factories... it's a start.
I'm truly hoping with cannabis legalization
- more young women will embrace it!
Embrace it before you embrace a bottle of vodka. I have never woken up and vomited or suffered from a head ache for days after a evening of 'too much cannabis - the same can't be said for Alcohol. I don't know of any female who said they had non consensual sex - strictly under the influence of cannabis.. unlike the many cases of date rate and alcohol related stories. Young women I'm hoping will drink less, smoke when they feel the urge but focus more on the task of being an empowered young woman.
It will be a positive empowering side to cannabis, imo.
With love...
for every other woman on the planet, even the ones I don't like'. lol