I have had a favourite T shirt for a very long time, I had to admit recently: It's had the biscuit"
Is that a common term, a Canadian saying -I'm not even sure where I got it but it means - it's done. It was literally falling apart & you could not distinguish the image or saying any longer & I only wore it around the house. It read: Jesus is my Homeboy! It made me smile -just the thought 'Homeboy' being Jesus cracked me up. Yes he is. There was a box of cotton T's in the basement -so I decided it was time & in no time, I had my new favourite T -heehee. It took me about 10 minutes with sharpies. I'm making more today - not sure what, but why not!
Is that a common term, a Canadian saying -I'm not even sure where I got it but it means - it's done. It was literally falling apart & you could not distinguish the image or saying any longer & I only wore it around the house. It read: Jesus is my Homeboy! It made me smile -just the thought 'Homeboy' being Jesus cracked me up. Yes he is. There was a box of cotton T's in the basement -so I decided it was time & in no time, I had my new favourite T -heehee. It took me about 10 minutes with sharpies. I'm making more today - not sure what, but why not!
It was a lovely weekend, not too hot & only a little rain, there was a celebration up the hill - a wedding, I know because a few pulled in my driveway asking for directions & we heard the celebration, it was nice to hear & be reminded 'Life' has resumed and people are getting married and celebrating again! How it should be. It also reminded me of how messed up these past few years have been with lockdowns and rules that destroyed many.. especially old people in homes left alone, or those who could not even mourn properly, causing mental anguish & suffering for many. Once again babies will be celebrated, weddings, graduations, gatherings, carnivals, festivals, church services & yes, even funerals - JOY! There was also fireworks that were impressive, my dogs are not afraid because long ago, I read: when you have a puppy go out of your way to play with them and behave as if nothing is happening, you don't even pay attention.. associate it with a joyful time, belly rubbing and play - INDOORS incase they do decide to bolt. The same is advised for thunderstorms, we use to have a dog Tequila that would shake and cower at both & nothing we did would calm her, it was heartbreaking. Train them when puppies to avoid years of terror.
Next.. All paths lead to him! Especially this one. lol
It's chilly today - a great day to create & paint.
Next.. All paths lead to him! Especially this one. lol
It's chilly today - a great day to create & paint.