The snow is melting.. and I’m praying that the sunshine, heat.. fresh air will curb covid.
We all need a break from covid. What a week it’s been… I realized today after communicating with several -
I needed the reminded - of whats important.
A young friend is having emergency surgery soon (not her first) in pain, frightened no doubts, as her family must be.. It's times like this I wrestle with God, I don’t know how to cheer her up - what to paint. An older friend is not going to be with us much longer, at one time we were planning a visit & now due to covid, borders, quarantine, timing… I realize it’s not a possibility right now. I don’t think she will make it until everything settles down, I don't even know what to say to her, I'd like to give her hope..
Another friend is 'chipper' but I can hear her sadness, still struggling from her mom passing from covid..
others are caring for family, friends and taken on much more than usual, with little chioce.
People say things I didn’t think they would & behave in ways I did not expect… I remind myself of my own moods and outbursts lately, Norms got the brunt of but he’s not the cause, he's had his mood swings too, so 'we get it'. It’s easy to be nasty, it’s work to be positive.
It’s work to keep painting & keep praying. Social media in particular I use as a distraction’. I get frustrated with myself when I take a break, clean a brush, the next thing I know - I’m no longer considering the shade of yellow I should be using - I’m thinking about others art, lunch or some cute dog I've just seen. NOT looking at my own sweet beasts.
Peoplealready dealing with illness, sadness, divorce, death, depression, financial worries - along came covid. Covid adds masks, judgement, vaccines, confusion, sickness, death, closures, uncertainty for everyone.
I see we ARE all just walking each other home... everyone has been effected.
For my friends concerned about the vaccine I suggest they do what ever is going to help bring them peace! Will they feel safe if they get it - then get it! A few, like me are wanting to wait , that’s fine too. I do understand older & ingenious people getting it as they are most vulnerable, it really is the ‘most personal choice’ I think many will have to face this year.
Norms busy & there's always wood to chop - it’s important for everyones mental health to keep busy on projects, I think those struggling from who we communicate with, are those who appear to be watching too much news. People who live in apartments for example have an entirely set of different issues to deal with & I can understand watching more T.V. if I was in that situation.
Others I speak to that seem to be doing o.k., are those creating. Beading, painting, Cooking, zooming.. a friend has started painting' and another is doing diamond dots (seems to be a rage fro the pandemic) another has taken up Tai Chi on zoom - lol & several planning the garden!
Planting the seeds to grow cucumber & love this civid summer.
I'm painting. Currently starting a large detailed painting on a different 'surface' & taking a sabbatical while I do… I’ll stay off social media and focus on the shades of pink & yellow sky instead of someones lunch or new wardrobe or cute pooch. I do want to show you my new paint, I’m excited to try - hand crafted in small batches - Made in Canada - they just arrived today! New gouache paintings soon. BEAM paints
We all need a break from covid. What a week it’s been… I realized today after communicating with several -
I needed the reminded - of whats important.
A young friend is having emergency surgery soon (not her first) in pain, frightened no doubts, as her family must be.. It's times like this I wrestle with God, I don’t know how to cheer her up - what to paint. An older friend is not going to be with us much longer, at one time we were planning a visit & now due to covid, borders, quarantine, timing… I realize it’s not a possibility right now. I don’t think she will make it until everything settles down, I don't even know what to say to her, I'd like to give her hope..
Another friend is 'chipper' but I can hear her sadness, still struggling from her mom passing from covid..
others are caring for family, friends and taken on much more than usual, with little chioce.
People say things I didn’t think they would & behave in ways I did not expect… I remind myself of my own moods and outbursts lately, Norms got the brunt of but he’s not the cause, he's had his mood swings too, so 'we get it'. It’s easy to be nasty, it’s work to be positive.
It’s work to keep painting & keep praying. Social media in particular I use as a distraction’. I get frustrated with myself when I take a break, clean a brush, the next thing I know - I’m no longer considering the shade of yellow I should be using - I’m thinking about others art, lunch or some cute dog I've just seen. NOT looking at my own sweet beasts.
Peoplealready dealing with illness, sadness, divorce, death, depression, financial worries - along came covid. Covid adds masks, judgement, vaccines, confusion, sickness, death, closures, uncertainty for everyone.
I see we ARE all just walking each other home... everyone has been effected.
For my friends concerned about the vaccine I suggest they do what ever is going to help bring them peace! Will they feel safe if they get it - then get it! A few, like me are wanting to wait , that’s fine too. I do understand older & ingenious people getting it as they are most vulnerable, it really is the ‘most personal choice’ I think many will have to face this year.
Norms busy & there's always wood to chop - it’s important for everyones mental health to keep busy on projects, I think those struggling from who we communicate with, are those who appear to be watching too much news. People who live in apartments for example have an entirely set of different issues to deal with & I can understand watching more T.V. if I was in that situation.
Others I speak to that seem to be doing o.k., are those creating. Beading, painting, Cooking, zooming.. a friend has started painting' and another is doing diamond dots (seems to be a rage fro the pandemic) another has taken up Tai Chi on zoom - lol & several planning the garden!
Planting the seeds to grow cucumber & love this civid summer.
I'm painting. Currently starting a large detailed painting on a different 'surface' & taking a sabbatical while I do… I’ll stay off social media and focus on the shades of pink & yellow sky instead of someones lunch or new wardrobe or cute pooch. I do want to show you my new paint, I’m excited to try - hand crafted in small batches - Made in Canada - they just arrived today! New gouache paintings soon. BEAM paints