Easter is early this year, it's usually in April. Easter is my favourite holy holiday, more than Christmas!
I plan on spending it in prayer & painting - as I watch the rain wash away all remnants of winter.
The snow -gone but mud is everywhere & dog paws are present! That's fine with me - just like Daisy when she's barking (yelling at me to toss the ball) .. Id rather have her bark than never hear her bark anymore, dirty paws mean I'm surrounded by love & mud. heehee.
I plan on spending it in prayer & painting - as I watch the rain wash away all remnants of winter.
The snow -gone but mud is everywhere & dog paws are present! That's fine with me - just like Daisy when she's barking (yelling at me to toss the ball) .. Id rather have her bark than never hear her bark anymore, dirty paws mean I'm surrounded by love & mud. heehee.
I read a post on dog that died: I've loved you your whole life & will spend the rest of my life now missing you, just the thought made me cry. Then we played 'bowling' on the deck - Daisy barking, Arrow chasing, Ginger yapping, Poppy ignoring all, while soaking up the sunshine. A perfect start to spring, finally. A Good Friday painting on my desk - Jesus in the moonlight, the moonlight has been impressive the past few days. It actually got me out of bed with it's magnificent brightness to have a peek at it's brilliant glory - it sent shivers down my spine it felt so 'intense' then disappeared behind some trees and I went back to bed feeling -refreshed and reminded of God. I slept like a baby in the Creators care & woke excited for a new day. How nice to not see a few feet of snow as I look out from my desk -not I'll patiently await the leaves! yay! Enjoy the day - you have been created to create!