Yep this is me!
No make up, messy hair.. I' was so happy to share this photo with a few closest to me. It was me Saturday (on the new medication) you have no idea how hard it is even to get a photo with both eyes open due to my hemifacial spasms... this is me getting a break & being able to smile!
This morning I see a post on IG where a woman shows her 'before & after' -what the difference hair & lipstick does for your 'confidence'. Fuck that!
Oh my gosh, enough with teaching woman we need lipstick and our hair done to be confident! If you can go out into this world and be yourself as is - THAT is confidence!
Why let anyone define you other wise?
If someone judges you on your outside appearance - the problem is with them.
Women are ALREADY subject to all sorts of double standards - imagine how successful we would be if we could be like men and just be respected for who we are and what we do not for our "make-up" or our cleavage/booty.. imagine if MEN would only feel confident if they did their hair and put on some lipstick - such bullshit.
Why encourage it? Why promote it?
Don't get me wrong- I've worn make-up and still do from time to time - I'm an artist & like to play with ALL canvas & some women (and men) are truly incredible make up artists BUT
Makeup does NOT define my level of confidence
and it should not define yours.
PLEASE do NOT teach this to YOUR daughters!
Teach them to GO out into the world - head held high with a smile on their face - even if she forgets her LIPSTICK.
In the news: This woman- for the record DOES not represent the majority of Canadians - she say's NOW "that's not who I am" bullshit- then WHO ARE YOU!? lol Cause you sure appear to be a racist nasty, threatening, redneck bitch (alcohol or not)... the crap that comes out her mouth - you don't say stuff like that if you don't believe it, she's confident and wearing lipstick (it appears) there is an old saying: Lipstick on a pig.
Forget lipstick - focus on YOU.
I did too much this past weekend - because I felt so good to get a 'break' from twitch- Saturday was great - reduced by almost 70%, the next day.. I'd say reduced by 40% .. Sunday good too but yesterday was only by about 20%.. I am happy to be able to smile even if for only a few moments interrupted. Lipstick or not- if you don't find me attractive- fuck off- lol, I could care less. I am not here for you. YOU do not define me.
BYW- Do you like my tassels? lol (image below)
A woman from Florida - Kat (I've never met) sent me this 'painting smock' - she bought it & knew it would be 'big' but she said it would be comfortable to paint in and artsy to boot!
I must say- I put it on to paint and it is super comfy!
This is me.
If you don't like me- due to my looks or personality - stop visiting this blog.
It's that simple.
With TLC & THC
NEXT, I am promoting for YOUNG woman to get ready to GROW Cannabis & why.
With a cute little painting called 'Girlfriends in the Garden'. I named this girl "Honey".