As I prepare for our journey I'm thinking about Poppy and peoples reaction.
I don't care anymore what anyone 'thinks'.. I know what I experience and I know I could probably be popping pills right now that would have me so stoned' (not in that good way) zonked I would be very 'relaxed' for my journey, no one would mind seeing my dog on the plane with me. I wouldn't have to worry about strangers if she stayed home - no one would dare walk up to me for no reason and say - "Hey! You takes pills? Awwwww... Why? You don't look sick... What could those pills possibly do for you."
I refuse to take pills that will effect my BRAIN, LIFE and MOOD for attacks which I get, that only last seconds -yet are incredibly frightening. Poppy pulls me out- calms me down. Helps me breath- PILL FREE.. once over and I can catch my breath again, function - I don't need any pills in my system wearing me down. For what? Whom?
To make life easier for others? There are little ones far worse off than I am that would be doing more if WE learned to tolerate more. Getting out with their (well behaved) service /therapy animals.. It's been proven many people carry just as many IF not more allergens on their clothing than my Poppy will on her tiny body for our flight.
You know how I feel about Service dogs.. pets in general- is there anything more calming for many of us than a cat who sits on our lap & purrrrrrssssss. They help with PTSD and old aged - Pets keep many of us Going. Pets are fantastic for kids - especially kids with no friends. Just like I might not agree with fidget spinners in the classroom - I don't personally know any children off hand they assist - I WILL BE the first person who will tell you - let's try it BEFORE pills! Anything over pills for our kids. Fidget spinners spin! I saw a cute photo, it was a pencil with a wooden ruler on the top 'the original fidget spinner' lol Remember? Who did not spin it on top of the pencil.. or doodle. Encourage doodling!
Lets not get me started on medical cannabis. YES, I do wish and pray more parents & Dr.s start to investigate this before pills. Cannabis has never been responsible for a death- let me ask you- Do you think Storm was the only kid, nope- it's been 10 years + and I know many kids- many who dose MUCH HIGHER than I - have any died from cannabis? No.
I have never restricted my sons medical intake.
ALL of these choices are PROVEN to help children & adults YET society as a whole would rather not be inconvenienced, we'd rather each other Pop a pill into a mouth of body- (especially another body) and move on. FEATHERS that!
Come on - the USA is NOW the leading country in drug overdoes. With a new generation of addicts following fast at their heels. ;( opiate addiction is at an ALL TIME HIGH- and by giving kids pills at an early age - we are teaching them they NEED them to function- it's inevitable they are the next addicts.
The next walking dead. Not me, I'll be walking my dog.
I'm not a Dr. and I 'GET' this.
Still teachers, family members and Dr.s who spend very little time with our children * with the exception of course* are readily to offer advice and prescriptions. Parents overworked, over stressed, exhausted and worried don't think long term. Many can hardly think about the weeks groceries with so much going on.
IF OUR children had the CHOICE & they should (I am so thankful to God for giving Storm his defiant stance towards medication when he was little) it is THEIR little bodies which will be affected after all. Long term.
I know what most would choose.. I bet you can guess too!
With Love
A couple of days off.. ;)
I don't care anymore what anyone 'thinks'.. I know what I experience and I know I could probably be popping pills right now that would have me so stoned' (not in that good way) zonked I would be very 'relaxed' for my journey, no one would mind seeing my dog on the plane with me. I wouldn't have to worry about strangers if she stayed home - no one would dare walk up to me for no reason and say - "Hey! You takes pills? Awwwww... Why? You don't look sick... What could those pills possibly do for you."
I refuse to take pills that will effect my BRAIN, LIFE and MOOD for attacks which I get, that only last seconds -yet are incredibly frightening. Poppy pulls me out- calms me down. Helps me breath- PILL FREE.. once over and I can catch my breath again, function - I don't need any pills in my system wearing me down. For what? Whom?
To make life easier for others? There are little ones far worse off than I am that would be doing more if WE learned to tolerate more. Getting out with their (well behaved) service /therapy animals.. It's been proven many people carry just as many IF not more allergens on their clothing than my Poppy will on her tiny body for our flight.
You know how I feel about Service dogs.. pets in general- is there anything more calming for many of us than a cat who sits on our lap & purrrrrrssssss. They help with PTSD and old aged - Pets keep many of us Going. Pets are fantastic for kids - especially kids with no friends. Just like I might not agree with fidget spinners in the classroom - I don't personally know any children off hand they assist - I WILL BE the first person who will tell you - let's try it BEFORE pills! Anything over pills for our kids. Fidget spinners spin! I saw a cute photo, it was a pencil with a wooden ruler on the top 'the original fidget spinner' lol Remember? Who did not spin it on top of the pencil.. or doodle. Encourage doodling!
Lets not get me started on medical cannabis. YES, I do wish and pray more parents & Dr.s start to investigate this before pills. Cannabis has never been responsible for a death- let me ask you- Do you think Storm was the only kid, nope- it's been 10 years + and I know many kids- many who dose MUCH HIGHER than I - have any died from cannabis? No.
I have never restricted my sons medical intake.
ALL of these choices are PROVEN to help children & adults YET society as a whole would rather not be inconvenienced, we'd rather each other Pop a pill into a mouth of body- (especially another body) and move on. FEATHERS that!
Come on - the USA is NOW the leading country in drug overdoes. With a new generation of addicts following fast at their heels. ;( opiate addiction is at an ALL TIME HIGH- and by giving kids pills at an early age - we are teaching them they NEED them to function- it's inevitable they are the next addicts.
The next walking dead. Not me, I'll be walking my dog.
I'm not a Dr. and I 'GET' this.
Still teachers, family members and Dr.s who spend very little time with our children * with the exception of course* are readily to offer advice and prescriptions. Parents overworked, over stressed, exhausted and worried don't think long term. Many can hardly think about the weeks groceries with so much going on.
IF OUR children had the CHOICE & they should (I am so thankful to God for giving Storm his defiant stance towards medication when he was little) it is THEIR little bodies which will be affected after all. Long term.
I know what most would choose.. I bet you can guess too!
With Love
A couple of days off.. ;)