How early did you have your first sip? Come on' it's just us... tell the truth.
Mine could have been earlier, I don't remember. Chances are, it was.
I do remember getting drunk at 15 on 'Screwdrivers' with my older boyfriend 'Ken. Marintette'. I was returned home after a work Christmas party - Wooo Hooo, Ho Ho Ho! The next day my step dad informed me: I threw up in the closet & passed out on the living room sofa. He looked after me, helped washed the vomit out of my hair, made me food to eat and gave me 'lots of liquids. My mom took photos and was too pissed to speak to me. lol I still remember the photo. Billy was a hang over expert. Much experience
That's it. WE are our kids 'Gate Keepers", what do they see us Doing? Drinking? Saying?
My step dad arrived in my life in my early teens, he was a good man who drank way TOO MUCH every day until he became ill, I had already witnessed my share of drinking before he came along, growing up my mom & all family (with the exception of an aunt) drank.
My grandma drank 'black velvet', she lived directly across from the once famous "Oakwood Hotel"... Even then watching the adults 'ENTER' 'all dressed for the evening of drinking & dancing' & I couldn't wait!! This was always followed by watching an evening of drunks falling down & out the 'EXIT' OR being thrown out! OR a fight in the back of the Oakwood was a very common event.
Alcohol.. in one was or another, I was CONSTANTLY exposed to it.
Since before my birth. It is WORSE now for children.
Turn on the T.V. or it's delivered to our mailbox in a lovely HIGH GLOSS magazine right from the LCBO, and is often in our newspapers - wait for the summer fliers! I wonder what NEW drinks await. How man NEW flavours will be introduced to the market? Cheers!
This idea came from the BOMBAY RECALL.. well not really- I was lying in bed '3.p.m. refresher' and thought 'I can't think of this! What do you want me to think about?!'
The image was in my mind instantly. Exactly as you see it.
No more thought needed 'I passed out cold. lol
After all that hard work - I was exhausted.
How many people were effected & did not even realize it? Car Accidents?
Physical accidents? How many pregnant moms said - 'I'm going to have just a couple.., what damage does a 'couple do? IT does effect the baby.
DON'T be selfish, DO NOT DRINK when pregnant.
The baby has NO CHOICE, do NOT force it to drink.
Use a little cannabis IF you must... Best of all- use Nothing at all.
Each little life deserves the best possible start.
With Love
Mine could have been earlier, I don't remember. Chances are, it was.
I do remember getting drunk at 15 on 'Screwdrivers' with my older boyfriend 'Ken. Marintette'. I was returned home after a work Christmas party - Wooo Hooo, Ho Ho Ho! The next day my step dad informed me: I threw up in the closet & passed out on the living room sofa. He looked after me, helped washed the vomit out of my hair, made me food to eat and gave me 'lots of liquids. My mom took photos and was too pissed to speak to me. lol I still remember the photo. Billy was a hang over expert. Much experience
That's it. WE are our kids 'Gate Keepers", what do they see us Doing? Drinking? Saying?
My step dad arrived in my life in my early teens, he was a good man who drank way TOO MUCH every day until he became ill, I had already witnessed my share of drinking before he came along, growing up my mom & all family (with the exception of an aunt) drank.
My grandma drank 'black velvet', she lived directly across from the once famous "Oakwood Hotel"... Even then watching the adults 'ENTER' 'all dressed for the evening of drinking & dancing' & I couldn't wait!! This was always followed by watching an evening of drunks falling down & out the 'EXIT' OR being thrown out! OR a fight in the back of the Oakwood was a very common event.
Alcohol.. in one was or another, I was CONSTANTLY exposed to it.
Since before my birth. It is WORSE now for children.
Turn on the T.V. or it's delivered to our mailbox in a lovely HIGH GLOSS magazine right from the LCBO, and is often in our newspapers - wait for the summer fliers! I wonder what NEW drinks await. How man NEW flavours will be introduced to the market? Cheers!
This idea came from the BOMBAY RECALL.. well not really- I was lying in bed '3.p.m. refresher' and thought 'I can't think of this! What do you want me to think about?!'
The image was in my mind instantly. Exactly as you see it.
No more thought needed 'I passed out cold. lol
After all that hard work - I was exhausted.
How many people were effected & did not even realize it? Car Accidents?
Physical accidents? How many pregnant moms said - 'I'm going to have just a couple.., what damage does a 'couple do? IT does effect the baby.
DON'T be selfish, DO NOT DRINK when pregnant.
The baby has NO CHOICE, do NOT force it to drink.
Use a little cannabis IF you must... Best of all- use Nothing at all.
Each little life deserves the best possible start.
With Love