Chicks! Everyone should have chickens ;). Every classroom for sure! Talk about a lesson - in life. From egg to hen, to watch and hold a baby chick(s) in only 21 days the miracle of life hatches and then these tiny peckers rule the roost. Walking, peeping and growing rapidly, establishing a pecking order and learning to explore their surroundings - it's all fascinating.
I'd like to paint them all but they won't stay still.
This chick was painted on 'canvas paper' which I'm not sure I enjoy, yet. Ahhhh, I long for a trip to DeSerres for much needed art supplies... this online shopping experience' I don't enjoy so much. I also don't agree with Amazon delivering every tiny thing (in a big box) right to the door, so I've been waiting until I need enough to order - it has forced me tho to be somewhat creative and use OLD supplies. The chicks make me happy, so do the chickens.
Besides egg laying hens you can purchase meat birds but they grow fast, top heavy and you must kill them after a certain amount of time - I'm not keen on this concept, we still purchase our chicken from the butcher... our wing consumption has dropped due to our new fondness for chickens, live ones.
We lost 2 birds, to the dogs... had I not read & been warned how common this is, and remind myself: farm life- stuff happens all the time, it would have been more difficult, it's still heart breaking each time.
Fresh eggs - can't be beat. From happy chickens- taste even better. The zen hen den has happy birds that produce so many eggs - I'm often telling Norms to "TAKE EGGS!" on his errands and give them to others (including strangers) & all guests go home with a dozen. We have big birds and tiny birds - I like the tiny eggs (use 2 when baking in place of one).
The pandemic was the reason I got chickens, I could not buy eggs & my friend Robert convinced me it was easy. I agree.. the goats - not so much. They are work and demanding when they want attention "yelling in my window".. they also learned how to open the lock on the coop to eat all the chicken food. It's been a wonderful adventure, so far - all of it.
If you can have chickens - I suggest you do... Goat notes much. lol
I have a new appreciation for REAL farmers.
Tomorrow: Storm brought me my 4 plants for the patio - No TOUCHY!
Do you have any good egg recipes?!! I barter for a postcard...
Please share: [email protected]
Today it's spaghetti carbonara for dinner!
I'd like to paint them all but they won't stay still.
This chick was painted on 'canvas paper' which I'm not sure I enjoy, yet. Ahhhh, I long for a trip to DeSerres for much needed art supplies... this online shopping experience' I don't enjoy so much. I also don't agree with Amazon delivering every tiny thing (in a big box) right to the door, so I've been waiting until I need enough to order - it has forced me tho to be somewhat creative and use OLD supplies. The chicks make me happy, so do the chickens.
Besides egg laying hens you can purchase meat birds but they grow fast, top heavy and you must kill them after a certain amount of time - I'm not keen on this concept, we still purchase our chicken from the butcher... our wing consumption has dropped due to our new fondness for chickens, live ones.
We lost 2 birds, to the dogs... had I not read & been warned how common this is, and remind myself: farm life- stuff happens all the time, it would have been more difficult, it's still heart breaking each time.
Fresh eggs - can't be beat. From happy chickens- taste even better. The zen hen den has happy birds that produce so many eggs - I'm often telling Norms to "TAKE EGGS!" on his errands and give them to others (including strangers) & all guests go home with a dozen. We have big birds and tiny birds - I like the tiny eggs (use 2 when baking in place of one).
The pandemic was the reason I got chickens, I could not buy eggs & my friend Robert convinced me it was easy. I agree.. the goats - not so much. They are work and demanding when they want attention "yelling in my window".. they also learned how to open the lock on the coop to eat all the chicken food. It's been a wonderful adventure, so far - all of it.
If you can have chickens - I suggest you do... Goat notes much. lol
I have a new appreciation for REAL farmers.
Tomorrow: Storm brought me my 4 plants for the patio - No TOUCHY!
Do you have any good egg recipes?!! I barter for a postcard...
Please share: [email protected]
Today it's spaghetti carbonara for dinner!