Happy Birthday & what a terrific day it is.
I expect miracles, so…
The other day I decided to nap’ but I had much on my mind so I was going to pray the rosary & pray for clarity - I didn’t ask for a sign but I got the sweetest little sign… I lay down only to see something I’ve never seen in my bedroom before - a chickadee! Sitting so still & calm I thought for sure - someone was pranking’ me with a chickadee… nope.
I closed my doors and caught him - he could fly no problems! He sat so sweet in my hand - at first he bit me. That tiny seed splitting beak has quite the potent pinch! Once he understood he was o.k., he let go and settled in for some loving..
I told him how sweet he was and patted his tiny head - he appeared quite content. I walked over to the door- opened it & held up my hand and of he flew, into the light- just like a Disney moment! It truly made my day, that little visitor when I was all a flutter myself. A tiny gift from above, come to calm — literally. How he got in I still don’t know & I’m grateful BOW did not know.
Today the snow is melting- that’s a gift for sure- lol
A new day to celebrate, create & give thanks for all the past years lesson & grateful for the continued adventure. In 58 years, I’ve lost several humans I loved, several much younger than I, the pain of loss has developed into the gift & understanding of appreciation for all.
Miracles are an expression of love. The real miracle - is the love that inspires them!
My birthday wish: Miracles for everyone ready to receive!
I expect miracles, so…
The other day I decided to nap’ but I had much on my mind so I was going to pray the rosary & pray for clarity - I didn’t ask for a sign but I got the sweetest little sign… I lay down only to see something I’ve never seen in my bedroom before - a chickadee! Sitting so still & calm I thought for sure - someone was pranking’ me with a chickadee… nope.
I closed my doors and caught him - he could fly no problems! He sat so sweet in my hand - at first he bit me. That tiny seed splitting beak has quite the potent pinch! Once he understood he was o.k., he let go and settled in for some loving..
I told him how sweet he was and patted his tiny head - he appeared quite content. I walked over to the door- opened it & held up my hand and of he flew, into the light- just like a Disney moment! It truly made my day, that little visitor when I was all a flutter myself. A tiny gift from above, come to calm — literally. How he got in I still don’t know & I’m grateful BOW did not know.
Today the snow is melting- that’s a gift for sure- lol
A new day to celebrate, create & give thanks for all the past years lesson & grateful for the continued adventure. In 58 years, I’ve lost several humans I loved, several much younger than I, the pain of loss has developed into the gift & understanding of appreciation for all.
Miracles are an expression of love. The real miracle - is the love that inspires them!
My birthday wish: Miracles for everyone ready to receive!